********** A. LANGUASCO and L. RIGHI *********** Computation of the Euler-Kronecker constant with the S function. [LONG DOUBLE PR ECISION - GURU64] Acquiring q from program argument: q = 1139803271 Start FFT plans preparation Mapping in memory (RW) values array (first step: logGamma values to be computed) Map of lnGamma file/array done Create FFT lnGamma plan... Calling fftwl_plan_guru64_dft_r2c() for lnGamma plan... FFT lnGamma plan created Mapping in memory (RW) values array (second step: akValues values to be computed ) Map of akValues file/array done Create FFT akValues plan... Calling fftwl_plan_guru64_dft() for akValues plan... FFT akValues plan created Mapping in memory (RW) values array (third step: precomputed Svalues) Map of Svalues file/array done Create FFT Svalues plan... Calling fftwl_plan_guru64_dft_r2c() for Svalues plan... FFT Svalues plan created . Done Generating log(gamma(a/q)) and g^k%q [decimated in frequency]. Done Start first FFT transform -- End first FFT transform. Start second FFT transform -- End second FFT transform. Computing the sum over odd characters. Done Acquiring precomputed values for S(a/q) [decimated in frequency]. Done Start third FFT transform -- End third FFT transform. Computing the sum over even characters. Done *** RESULTS: EK(1139803271) = 0.768538 EK(1139803271)^+ = 8.313111 EK(1139803271) - EK(1139803271)^+ = -7.544573 *** TIMES: FFT - total computation time: 23.000000 min. 30.000000 sec. 168.429000 msec. PLAN FFT - total computation time: 3.000000 min. 39.000000 sec. 828.890000 msec. Final comp EKq & EKq^+ - total computation time: 0.000000 min. 45.000000 sec. 75 .622000 msec. Input data from file - time: 0.000000 min. 0.000000 sec. 0.001000 msec. Total elapsed time: 27.000000 min. 55.000000 sec. 72.942000 msec. ********** END PROGRAM ***********