********** A. LANGUASCO and L. RIGHI *********** Computation of the Euler-Kronecker constant with the S function. [LONG DOUBLE PRECISION - GURU64] Acquiring q from program argument: q = 251160191 Start FFT plans preparation Allocating array for logGamma values to be computed) Allocation of lnGamma arrays done Create FFT lnGamma plan for outplace works... FFT lnGamma plan created Done Generating log(gamma(a/q)) and g^k%q [decimated in frequency]Filling lngamma input array ... Done Start lngamma FFT transform -- End first FFT transform. lngamma fatto! Allocation of akValues array done Create FFT akValues plan... Calling fftwl_plan_guru64_dft() for akValues plan... FFT akValues plan created Filling ak input array ... Done Start ak FFT transform -- End second FFT transform. Computing the sum over odd characters. Done prepare_S(): Allocation of S values array done Allocation of S trasf array done Create FFT S plan... Calling fftwl_plan_guru64_dft_r2c() for Svalues plan... FFT Svalues plan created Acquiring precomputed values for S(a/q) [decimated in frequency] ... Read 125580095 doubles Done Start S FFT transform -- End third FFT transform. Computing the sum over even characters. Done *** RESULTS: EK(251160191) = 1.912681 EK(251160191)^+ = 11.785573 EK(251160191) - EK(251160191)^+ = -9.872893 *** TIMES: FFT - total computation time: 2.000000 min. 38.000000 sec. 382.090000 msec. PLAN FFT - total computation time: 0.000000 min. 8.000000 sec. 724.712000 msec. Final comp EKq & EKq^+ - total computation time: 0.000000 min. 4.000000 sec. 170.690000 msec. Input data from file - time: 0.000000 min. 1.000000 sec. 507.200000 msec. Total elapsed time: 2.000000 min. 52.000000 sec. 784.692000 msec. ********** END PROGRAM ***********