/**************** A. LANGUASCO & A. ZACCAGNINI *********************** ************* COMPUTATION OF THE MEISSEL-MERTENS CONSTANTS MOD q; 3 <= q<= 100 ******* ************* WITH A PRECISION OF AT LEAST 100 DECIMAL DIGITS ***************** ************* COMPARISON BETWEEN B(q,a) directly computed and ***************** ************* B(q,a) computed using M(q,a) and C(q,a) ***************** *******************************************************************************/ {controlB(limit) = local(MBdir, MB, E, i, bound); default(realprecision,120); \\default(realprecision,40); \\ input of the constants MB=read("~/MBmatrix.gp"); MBdir=read("~/Bmatrixdirect.gp"); bound=0; for(i=2,limit, bound=bound+eulerphi(i)); print("************"); for(i=1, bound, E = MB[i,3]-MBdir[i,3]; print("Via C and M:"); print("q = ", MB[i,1], " a = ", MB[i,2], " B(q,a) = ", MB[i,3], " digits ", MB[i,4]); print("Direct:"); print("q = ", MB[i,1], " a = ", MB[i,2], " B(q,a) = ", MBdir[i,3], " digits ", MBdir[i,4]); print("q = ", MB[i,1], " a = ", MB[i,2], " Diff = ", E); print("************"); ); }