/* Copyright (C) 2023 Alessandro Languasco */ {npq_alpha(boundprime, alpha = 2) = local(millisec, minutes, seconds, npqalpha, ok, iterations, name, namefile, seqfile, logp, logq, a, pn, qn, log_gratio, u, v, index, u1,v1, u2,v2, x, uleft, vleft, string, mat, ustart, vstart, coeff, golden_ratio, loglogalpha, time, starttime, elaptime, logoneoveralpha, logratio, uend, vend ); starttime = getwalltime(); print("---------"); if (alpha <= 1, error("alpha must be greater than 1")); print("Looking for n_{p,q} (alpha); alpha = ", alpha ); print("with the continued fractions algorithm; decreasing order" ); print("---------"); name="npq_data"; namefile = Strprintf("%s-%s-(%1.3f).csv", name, boundprime, alpha); seqfile = fileopen(namefile, "w"); string = "p;q;alpha;u_start;v_start;u_end;v_end;iterations;npqalpha <= "; filewrite(seqfile, string); golden_ratio = (1+sqrt(5))/2; log_gratio = log(golden_ratio); loglogalpha = log(log(alpha)); logoneoveralpha = - log(alpha); forprime(p=2, boundprime, logp = log(p); forprime(q=p+1,boundprime, \\ starting point iterations = 0; logq = log(q); \\ generate all the convergents; a = contfrac(logp/logq); mat = contfracpnqn(a, #a); \\ mat = matrix of all the convergents pn = mat[1,]; \\ numerators of the convergents qn = mat[2,]; \\ denominators of the convergents \\L = #qn; \\ number of convergents \\print("number of the convergents = ", L); \\ coeff is M in the paper coeff = ceil( (log(logq) - loglogalpha )/ log_gratio ); \\ pari/gp stores q_0 in position 1; so there's a shift of one position in storing \\ the convergents; s_M is the M-th denominator of the convergent p_M/q_M \\ and it is stored in position M+1 in the qn array ustart = qn[coeff + 1] + qn[coeff + 2]; vstart = 0; \\ n_start is p^ustart * q^0 u = ustart; v = vstart; npqalpha = 0; \\ initialization iterations += 1; \\ updating the iterations counter ok = 0 ; \\ when ok = 1 we got npq(alpha) while ( ok == 0, \\ perform until I have a success \\ GOING IN THE DECREASING ORDER IN THE n_i SEQUENCE x = u * logp - v * logq ; if ( x < 0 , \\ SEARCHING FOR AN UPPER APPROXIMANT \\ looking for a numerator <= v index = setsearch(pn, v); \\ if v is not in the list of numerators, setsearch (with two parameters) returns 0 if (index == 0, \\ v was not in the list of numerators; setsearch (with three parameters) \\ returns the position in which v should be inserted in such a list \\ so this value minus 1 is the index of the largest numerator < v index = setsearch(pn, v , 1 ) - 1 ); \\ upper approximants; p_n/q_n ; n odd; stored with an even index by pari/gp if ( index <= 1, print("index - error; upper approximant"); next(1)); \\error; exiting if ( index % 2 == 0 , \\ index is even; it stores an odd convergent; good u1 = qn[index]; v1 = pn[index], \\ else \\ index is odd; it stores an even convergent \\ so the largest odd convergent is in position (index - 1) u1 = qn[index - 1]; v1 = pn[index - 1]; ); \\exponents for the left neighbor uleft = u + u1; vleft = v - v1; \\ ratio = leftelement/element logratio = u1 * logp - v1 * logq; \\ left neighbour \\ leftelement = p^uleft * q^vleft; , \\ ELSE (so x>0) \\ SEARCHING FOR AN LOWER APPROXIMANT \\ looking for a denominator <= u index = setsearch(qn, u); \\ if u is not in the list of denominators, setsearch (with two parameters) returns 0 if (index == 0, \\ u was not in the list of denominators; setsearch (with three parameters) \\ returns the position in which u should be inserted in such a list \\ so this value minus 1 is the index of the largest denominator < u index = setsearch(qn, u , 1 ) - 1 ); \\ lower approximants; p_n/q_n ; n even; stored with an odd index by pari/gp if ( index <= 0, print("index - error; lower approximant"); next(1)); \\error; exiting if ( index % 2 == 1 , \\ index is odd; it stores an even convergent; good u2 = qn[index]; v2 = pn[index], \\ index is even; it stores an odd convergent; \\ so the largest even convergent is in position (index - 1) u2 = qn[index - 1]; v2 = pn[index - 1]; ); \\exponents for the left neighbor uleft = u - u2; vleft = v + v2; \\ ratio = leftelement/element logratio = v2 * logq - u2 * logp; \\ left neighbour \\ leftelement = p^uleft * q^vleft; ); if (uleft < 0 || vleft < 0, print("break - uv"); next(1)); \\ updating the iterations counter iterations +=1 ; \\print("iterations = " ,iterations); if ( logratio <= logoneoveralpha , \\ in this case npqalpha is approximated by p^u * q^v \\ npqalpha = p^u * q^v; uend = u; vend = v; ok = 1, \\else \\ we can generate another left element \\ setting data for the next iteration \\ ok = 0; u = uleft; v = vleft; ); ); print("---------"); print("p = ", p, "; q = ", q,"; n = p^u*q^v; u,v >= 0"); print("Starting with [p,q]-exponents: ustart = ", ustart, ", vstart = ", vstart); \\print("number of convergents = ", L); print("performed iterations = ", iterations); filewrite1(seqfile, p); filewrite1(seqfile,";"); filewrite1(seqfile, q); filewrite1(seqfile,";"); filewrite1(seqfile, alpha); filewrite1(seqfile,";"); filewrite1(seqfile, ustart); filewrite1(seqfile,";"); filewrite1(seqfile, vstart); filewrite1(seqfile,";"); filewrite1(seqfile, uend); filewrite1(seqfile,";"); filewrite1(seqfile, vend); filewrite1(seqfile,";"); filewrite1(seqfile, iterations); filewrite1(seqfile,";"); npqalpha = p^uend * q^vend; print ("n_{", p,",", q,"}(", alpha, ") = ", npqalpha); print ("with [p,q]-exponents: u = " , uend,"; v = ", vend); filewrite(seqfile, npqalpha); fileflush(seqfile) ); ); print("---------"); fileclose(seqfile); time = getwalltime() - starttime; elaptime = time; seconds = floor(elaptime /1000)%60; minutes = floor(elaptime /60000); millisec = elaptime - minutes*60000 - seconds*1000; print("npqalpha computation time (output time included): ", minutes, " min, ", seconds, " sec, ", millisec, " millisec"); print("****** END PROGRAM ********"); } /****************** gp2c-run -pmy_ -g -W npq_alpha_contfrac.gp Reading GPRC: /Users/languasc/.gprc GPRC Done. GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.15.4 (released) arm64 running darwin (aarch64/GMP-6.2.1 kernel) 64-bit version compiled: Jul 10 2023, Apple clang version 14.0.3 (clang-1403. threading engine: pthread (readline v8.1 enabled, extended help enabled) Copyright (C) 2000-2022 The PARI Group PARI/GP is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. Type ? for help, \q to quit. Type ?18 for how to get moral (and possibly technical) support. parisizemax = 2048000000, primelimit = 500000, nbthreads = 8 ******************/