********** A. LANGUASCO *********** Computation of the Kummer ratio [LONG DOUBLE PRECISION - GURU64] with generalised Bernoulli numbers. [DIF+MMAP version] Acquiring q from program argument: q = 7309446499 Mapping in memory (RW) values array for FFT Building the sequence g^k%q [decimated in frequency]: Done. *** RESULT: Kummer_ratio(7309446499) = 0.597675 Plan and wisdom preparation time: 21.000000 min. 23.000000 sec. 72.713000 msec. FFT - computation time (I/O excluded): 293.000000 min. 37.000000 sec. 141.263000 msec. Final comp Kq - time: 2.000000 min. 9.000000 sec. 315.061000 msec. Total elapsed time: 317.000000 min. 9.000000 sec. 529.037000 msec. ********** END PROGRAM ***********