Education & Academic Positions

  • 2023 - Ongoing
    Assistant Professor (RTD/a) @ UNIPD
    Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Italy.
  • 2023
    Senior B Post-Doc Researcher
    Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Italy.
    Title of the research project: Efficient Methods to Estimate Knowledge Graph Accuracy
  • 2021 - 2023
    Junior B Post-Doc Researcher
    Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Italy.
    Title of the research project: Unsupervised Neural Models for First-Stage Medical Information Retrieval (Scientific Advisor Prof. Gianmaria Silvello)
  • 2021
    Junior A Post-Doc Researcher
    Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Italy.
    Title of the research project: Unsupervised Neural Ranking Models for Medical Information Retrieval (Scientific Advisor Prof. Gianmaria Silvello)
  • 2021
    Visiting Researcher @ HES-SO
    eHealth division of the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Sierre (HES-SO), CH.
    MedGIFT research group under the scientific supervision of Prof. Henning Mueller and Dr. Manfredo Atzori
  • 2017 - 2020
    Ph.D. Student
    Doctorate School in Information Engineering of the Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Italy.
    Title of the Ph.D. thesis: Developing Unsupervised Knowledge-Enhanced Models to Reduce the Semantic Gap in Information Retrieval (Supervisor Prof. Maristella Agosti)
  • 2017
    Junior Researcher
    Department of Information Engineering, University of Padua, Italy.
    Title of the research project: Design and Implementation of a Cross-Site Personalization Service
  • 2017
    Visiting Researcher @ HES-SO
    eHealth division of the University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland, Sierre (HES-SO), CH.
    MedGIFT research group under the scientific supervision of Prof. Henning Mueller and Dr. Manfredo Atzori
  • 2014 - 2016
    Master Degree in Computer Science Engineering
    Computer Science Engineering, University of Padua.
    Title of the thesis: "An Adaptive Cross-Site User Modelling Platform for Information Exchange Techniques". Supervising Prof: Maristella Agosti, Cosupervising Prof: Vincent Wade and Ass. Prof: Séamus Lawless
  • 2016
    Visiting Research Student @ TCD
    School of Informatics of the Trinity College Dublin, IE.
    Intelligent systems research group under the scientific supervision of Prof. Vincent Wade and Ass. Prof. Séamus Lawless
  • 2015
    Erasmus Student
    School of Informatics of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, ES.
  • 2011 - 2014
    Bachelor Degree in Information Engineering
    Information Engineering, University of Padua.