(LIST OF PUBLICATIONS of Giorgio Spiazzi)

Articoli pubblicati su riviste internazionali (Papers published on IEEE Transactions and Journals):

[3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [11], [15], [18], [22], [23], [24], [25], [30], [38], [43], [45], [47], [49], [50], [51] [52], [57], [61], [71]

Articoli pubblicati su riviste nazionali (Papers published on Italian Journal): [8]

Seminari (Tutorials): [27], [34], [40], [42]

  1. T. Cavioni, M. Cecchetti, M. Muschitiello, Giorgio Spiazzi, Ireneo Vottre and Enrico Zanoni, "Latch-up characterization in standard and twin-tub test structures by electrical measurements, 2-D simulations and IR microscopy," Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Microelectronic Test Structures, San Diego, California, March 5-7th 1990, pp.41-46.
  2. E. Zanoni, G. Spiazzi, P. Pavan, M. Cecchetti, M. Muschitiello, "The dependance of latch-up sensitivity on layout and technology features, as analyzed by electrical meauserements, HFIELDS and SPICE simulations, and infrared microscopy characterization," Proceedings of First European Symposium on Reliability of Electron Devices, Failure Physics and Analysis, Bari, October 2-5th 1990, pp.183-190.
  3. E. Zanoni, G. Spiazzi, G. Dalla Libera, B. Bonati, M. Muschitiello, C. Canali, "Detection and localization of gate oxide shorts in MOS transistors by optical-beam-induced current," IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Vol. 38, No. 2, February 1991, pp.417-419.
  4. E. Zanoni, P. Pavan, G. Spiazzi, B. Bonati and C. Canali, "Analysis of dc and ac anomalous latch-up effects in commercial cmos integrated circuits," Microelectronics and Reliability, Vol. 31, No. 2/3, 1991, pp.249-254.
  5. P. Pavan, G. Spiazzi, E. Zanoni, M. Muschitiello, M. Cecchetti, "Latch-up DC triggering and holding characteristics of n-well, twin-tub and epitaxial CMOS technologies," IEE Proceedings, Vol. 138, No. 5, October 1991, pp.604-612.
  6. C. Licitra, L. Malesani, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, A. Testa, "Single-ended soft-switching electronic ballast with unity power factor," IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, vol.IA-29, n.2, 1993, pp.382-388.
  7. L. Malesani, L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, "Performance optimization of Cuk converters by sliding-mode control," IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, Vol.10, n.3, May, 1995, pp.302-309.
  8. G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti "Sistemi di conversione non convenzionali a basso contenuto armonico," l'Energia Elettrica, n.7-8, 1992, pp.19-25.
  9. L. Malesani, L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, I. Toigo, F. Dal Lago, "Single switch three-phase AC/DC converter with high power factor and wide regulation capability," Proc. of Int. Telecommunications Energy Conf. (INTELEC), Washington, October 1992, pp.279-285.
  10. L. Malesani, L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, "High efficiency electronic lamp ballast with unity power factor," Proc. of IEEE Industry Application Society Conf. (IAS), Houston, October 1992, pp.681-688.
  11. L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, B. Fabiano, C. Licitra, "Fast-response high-quality rectifier with sliding mode control," IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.9, n.2, March 1994, pp.146-152.
  12. P. Mattavelli, L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, "General-purpose sliding-mode controller for DC/DC converter applications", Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Seattle, June 1993, pp.609-615.
  13. P. Mattavelli, L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, "Sliding mode control of SEPIC converters," Proc. of European Space Power Conf. (ESPC), Graz, August 1993, pp.173-178.
  14. L. Malesani, L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, "Three-phase power factor controller with minimum output voltage distortion," Proc. of Int. Telecommunications Energy Conf. (INTELEC), Paris, September 1993, pp.463-468.
  15. L. Malesani, L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, A. Zuccato, "An AC power supply with sliding-mode control", Proc. of Industry Application Society Conf. (IAS), Toronto, October 1993, pp.1115-1121. IEEE Industry Applications Magazine, vol.2, n.5, September/October 1996, pp.32-38.
  16. L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, F. Brasola, L. Fontanella, G. Patechi, "Quasi-resonant multi-output dc/dc converter with push-pull topology", Proc. of IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf. (APEC), February 1994, pp.971-977.
  17. G. Spiazzi, L. Rossetto, "High-quality rectifier based on coupled-inductor Sepic topology", Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), June 1994, pp.336-341.
  18. G. Spiazzi, F. C.Lee, "Implementation of single-phase boost power factor correction circuits in three-phase applications", Proc. of International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation (IECON), September 1994, 250-255. IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, Vol.44, n.3, June, 1997, pp.365-371. Published also in Switching Rectifiers for Power Factor Correction, by the Virginia Power Electronics Center (VPEC), Vol.5, 1994, pp.189-194.
  19. J. A. Pomilio, G. Spiazzi, "Soft-commutated Cuk and Sepic converters as power factor preregulators", Proc. of International Conference on Industrial Electronics, Control, and Instrumentation (IECON), September 1994, 256-261.
  20. L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, "Control techniques for power factor correction converters", Proc. of Power Electronics, Motion Control (PEMC), September 1994, 1310-1318.
  21. G. Spiazzi, P. Mattavelli, "Design criteria for power factor preregulators based on Sepic and Cuk converters in continuous conduction mode," Proc. of Industry Application Society Conf. (IAS), Denver, October 1994, pp.1084-1089.
  22. P. Mattavelli, L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, "General-purpose fuzzy controller for DC/DC converters," Proc. of Applied Power Electronics Conf. (APEC), Dallas, March 1995, p.723-730. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.12, n.1, January, 1997, pp.79-86.
  23. P. Mattavelli, L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, "Small-signal analysis of DC-DC converters with sliding mode control," Proc. of Applied Power Electronics Conf. (APEC), Dallas, March 1995, p.153-159. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.12, n.1, January, 1997, pp.96-102.
  24. G. Spiazzi, P. Mattavelli, L. Rossetto, "Power factor preregulators with improved dynamic response," Proc. of Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Atlanta, June 1995, p.150-156. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.12, n.2, March, 1997, pp.343-349.
  25. J. A. Pomilio, G. Spiazzi, "High-Precision Current Source Using Low-Loss, Single-Switch, Three-Phase AC-DC converter," IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.11, n.4, July, 1996, pp.561-566.
  26. G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, P. Mattavelli, "High-Quality Rectifiers with High-Frequency Insulation - An Overview," IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE) Conf. Proc., Atene, July 1995, pp.64-71.
  27. P. Tenti, G. Spiazzi, "Harmonic Limiting Standards and Power Factor Correction Techniques," Tutorial presented at the European Power Electronics Conference (EPE), Sevilla (Spain), September 1995.
  28. G. Spiazzi, P. Mattavelli, L. Rossetto, S. Buso, "High-quality rectifier based on Cuk converter in discontinuous capacitor voltage mode", European Power Electronics Conf. (EPE), Sevilla (Spain), September 1995, Vol.2, pp.385-390.
  29. G. Spiazzi, P. Mattavelli, L. Rossetto, "Methods to Improve Dynamic Response of Power Factor Preregulators: an Overview", European Power Electronics Conf. (EPE), Sevilla (Spain), September 1995, Vol.3, pp.754-759.
  30. G. Spiazzi, P. Mattavelli, L. Rossetto, L. Malesani, "Application of Sliding Mode Control to Switch-Mode Power Supplies," Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers (JCSC), Vol. 5, No. 3, September 1995, pp.337-354.
  31. P. Mattavelli, S.Buso, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, "Fuzzy Control of Power Factor Preregulators," IEEE Industry Applications Society Ann. Meet. (IAS), Orlando, Oct. 1995, pp.2678-2685.
  32. L. Rossetto, L. Malesani, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, J. A. Pomilio, C. Bocchiola, "High-quality rectifier for resistive loads," International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems for Industrial Growth Conf. (PEDES), New Dehli (India), January 1996, pp. 190-196.
  33. G. Spiazzi, L. Rossetto, P. Mattavelli, "Design Optimization of Soft-Switched Insulated DC/DC Converters With Active Voltage Clamp," IEEE Industry Applications Society Ann. Meet. (IAS), San Diego, Oct. 1996, pp.2348-2355.
  34. G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, "Introduction to IEC 1000-3-2 Harmonic Standard," Tutorial Course on Utility Interface Issues of Power Electronic Converters - Ch. 5, presented at the IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS), San Diego, October 1996.
  35. G. Spiazzi, A. Zuccato, P. Tenti, "Analysis of Conducted and Radiated Noise of the Soft-Switched flyback DC/DC Converter," Proc. of Int. Telecommunications Energy Conf. (INTELEC), Boston, October 1996, pp.297-304.
  36. L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, "Design Considerations on Current-Mode and Voltage-Mode Control Methods for Half-Bridge Converters," Proc. of Applied Power Electronics Conf. (APEC), Atlanta, February 1997, p.983-989.
  37. G. Spiazzi, "Analysis of Buck Converters Used as Power Factor Preregulators," Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), St. Louis, June 1997, pp.564-570.
  38. S. Buso, P. Mattavelli, L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, "Simple Digital Control Improving Dynamic Performance of Power Factor Preregulators," Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), St. Louis, June 1997, pp.103-109. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.13, n.5, September, 1998 pp.814-823.
  39. L. Rossetto, L. Malesani, G. Spiazzi, J. A. Pomilio, M. Monacchi, "High-Efficiency Power Supply for Resistive Loads with Sinusoidal Input Current," Proc. of Power Conversion Conference (PCC), Nagaoka, August 1997, pp.341-346.
  40. G. Spiazzi, P. Mattavelli, L. Rossetto, "Sliding Mode Control of DC-DC Converters," 4� Congresso Brasileiro de Elettronica de Potencia (COBEP) , Belo Horizonte, December 1997, pp. 59-68.
  41. G. Spiazzi, L. Rossetto, J. A. Pomilio, "Analysis of EMI Filter Induced Instabilities in Boost Power Factor Preregulators," Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Fukuoka, May 1998, pp.1048-1053.
  42. G. Spiazzi, L. Rossetto, A. Zuccato, "Aspetti di compatibilità elettromagnetica nella progettazione degli alimentatori a commutazione," Workshop on AC Motor Drives Technology, Vol. 2, Vicenza, May 1998.
  43. L. Rossetto, S. Buso, G. Spiazzi, "Conducted EMI Issues in a Boost PFC Design," Proc. of Int. Telecommunications Energy Conf. (INTELEC), San Francisco, October 1998, pp.188-195. IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, vol.36, n.2, March/April, 2000, pp.578-585 with the title: "Conducted EMI Issues in a 600W Boost PFC Design".
  44. L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, "Series Resonant Converter With Wide Load Range," IEEE Industry Application Society Ann. Meet., October 1998, pp. 1326-1331.
  45. L. Rossetto, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, "Boost PFC with 100Hz Switching Frequency providing Output Voltage Stabilization and Compliance with EMC Standards," IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications, vol.36, n.1, January/February, 2000, pp.188-193. IEEE Industry Application Society Ann. Meet., October 1998, pp. 1567-1573.
  46. G. Spiazzi, J. A. Pomilio, "Interação Conversor-filtro de linha em pré-reguladores de fator de potência: análise e projeto da malha de controle," Proc. of Congreso Latino-americano de Controle Automatico, 1998, pp.153-158.
  47. G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, "Power Factor Preregulator Based on Modified Tapped-Inductor Buck Converter," Int. Conf. on Power Electronics Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES), December 1998, pp. 873-879. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.15, n.2, March, 2000, pp.197-204 with the title: "Power Factor Preregulators Based on Combined Buck-Flyback Topologies".
  48. J. A. Pomilio, G. Spiazzi, "A Double-Line-Frequency Commutated Rectifier Complying with IEC 1000-3-2 Standards," Proc. of Applied Power Electronics Conf. (APEC), Dallas, March 1999, pp.349-355.
  49. G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, "A Line-Frequency Commutated Rectifier Complying with IEC 1000-3-2 Standards," IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, vol.47, n.3, June 2000, pp.501-510. Proc. of Applied Power Electronics Conf. (APEC), Dallas, March 1999, pp.356-362.
  50. G. Spiazzi, J. A. Pomilio, "Interaction between EMI Filter and Power Factor Preregulators with Average Current Control: Analysis and design considerations," IEEE Transaction on Industrial Electronics, vol.46, n.3, July, 1999 pp.577-584. Proc. of Applied Power Electronics Conf. (APEC), Dallas, March 1999, pp.382-388.
  51. Pomilio, G. Spiazzi, "A Low-Inductance Line-Frequency Commutated Rectifier Complying with IEC 1000-3-2 Standards," IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.17, n.6, November, 2002, pp.963-970. Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), St. Louis, June 1999, pp.313-318.
  52. G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, D. Tagliavia, "Simplified Control Technique for High-Power-Factor Flyback Cuk and Sepic Rectifiers operating in CCM," IEEE Transaction on Industry Applications vol.36, n.5, Settember/October 2000, pp.1413-1418. Proc. of Industry Applications Society Ann. Meet. (IAS), Phoenix, October 1999, pp.1633-1638.
  53. J. A. Pomilio, G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, "Comparison Between Line-Frequency Commutated Rectifiers Complying with IEC 1000-3-2 Standards," 5� Congresso Brasileiro de Elettronica de Potencia (COBEP), Foz do Iguacu, September, 1999, pp.123-128.
  54. E. Borsetto, S. Buso, G. Spiazzi, "Buck Power Supply for Racing Motorcycles Electronic Systems," 5� Congresso Brasileiro de Elettronica de Potencia (COBEP), Foz do Iguacu, September, 1999, pp.527-532.
  55. G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, D. Tagliavia, "A Low-Loss High-Power-Factor Flyback Rectifier Suitable for Smart Power Integration," Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Galway, June 2000 pp.805-810.
  56. G. Spiazzi, P. Mattavelli, "A New Family of Zero-Current-Switching-Variable Frequency dc-dc Converters," Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Galway, June 2000 pp.604-609.
  57. G. Spiazzi, "A High-Quality Rectifier Based on the Forward Topology with Secondary-Side Resonant Reset," IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.18, n.3, May, 2003, pp.725-732. .Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Galway, June 2000 pp.781-786.
  58. D. Florean, G. Spiazzi, "Common Mode Filter Project by means of Internal Impedance Measurements," Proc. of IEEE International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Washington D.C., August 2000, pp. 541-545.
  59. G. Spiazzi, D. Tagliavia, S. Spampinato, "DC-DC Flyback Converters in the Critical Conduction Mode: a Re-examination," IEEE Industry Applications Society Ann. Meet. (IAS), Rome, October 2000, pp. 2426-2431.
  60. J. A. Pominio, G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, "Comparison among High-Frequency and Line-Frequency Commutated Rectifiers Complying with IEC 61000-3-2 Standards," IEEE Industry Applications Society Ann. Meet. (IAS), Rome, October 2000, pp. 2218-2223.
  61. J. A. G. Marafao, J. A. Pominio, G. Spiazzi, "Improved Three-Phase High-Quality Rectifier with Line-Commutated Switches," Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Vancouver, June 2001 pp.695-700. IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.19, n.3, May, 2004, pp.640-648.
  62. G. Spiazzi, E. da Silva Martins, J. A. Pominio, "A Simple Line-Frequency Commutated Cell Improving Power Factor and Voltage Regulation of Rectifiers with Passive L-C Filter," Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Vancouver, June 2001 pp.724-729.
  63. S. Buso, G. Spiazzi, D. Tagliavia, "Verilog-A behavioral modeling of power converters," 6� Congresso Brasileiro de Elettronica de Potencia (COBEP), Florianopolis, November 2001, pp.743-748.
  64. E. S. Martins, J. A. Pominio, G. Spiazzi, "Single-Phase Rectifier with High Power Factor and Low-Frequency Switching," 6� Congresso Brasileiro de Elettronica de Potencia (COBEP), Florianopolis, November 2001, pp.151-156.

  66. J. A. G. Marafao, J. A. Pominio, G. Spiazzi, "A High-Quality Three-Phase Rectifier complying with IEC 61000-3-4 Standards," 6� Congresso Brasileiro de Elettronica de Potencia (COBEP), Florianopolis, November 2001, pp.162-167.
  1. R. Pierobon, S. Buso, M. Citron, G. Meneghesso, G. Spiazzi, E. Zanoni, "Characterization of Schottky SiC Diodes for Power Applications," Proc. of HETECH2001, 11th European Heterostructure Technology Workshop, Padova, Italy, October 2001, pp.57-58.  

  2. G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, "Comparison Between two Single-Switch Isolated Flyback and Forward High-Quality Rectifiers for Low Power Applications", Proc. of Applied Power Electronics Conf. (APEC), 2002, pp.249-255.  

  3. N. Aiello, F. Gennaro, G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, "Cost effective PFC with VIPower smart ICs for lamp ballast applications," Proc. of (PCIM), 2002, pp..  

  4. V. Pozzolo, P. Tenti, F. Fiori, G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, "Susceptibility of Integrated Circuits to RFI," CPES Annual Seminar, Blacksburg, April 2002, pp.I-10I-15.

  5. G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, "A New Soft-Switching Forward DC-DC Converter Operating in Discontinuous Conduction Mode" Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Cairns, June 2002.

  6. G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, M. Citron, R. Pierobon, "Performance Evaluation of a Schottky SiC Power Diode in a Boost PFC Application," IEEE Transaction on Power Electronics, vol.18, n.6, November, 2003, pp.1249-1253. Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Cairns, June 2002.

  7. G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, J. A. Pomilio, "Single-Phase Line Frequency Commutated Voltage Source Inverter Suitable for Fuel Cell Interfacing," Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Cairns, June 2002.

  8. J. A. Pomilio, G. M. Martins, S. Buso, G. Spiazzi, �Three-Phase Low-Frequency Commutation Inverter for Renewables,� Proc. of IEEE Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON), Sevilla, November 2002, pp.1119-1124.

  9. M. Citron, M. Corradin, S. Buso, G. Spiazzi, F. Fiori, �Susceptibility of Integrated Circuits to RFI: Analysis of PWM Current-Mode Controllers for SMPS,� Proc. of IEEE Industrial Electronics, Control and Instrumentation (IECON), Sevilla, November 2002, pp.3227-3231.

  10. P. Mattavelli, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, �Predictive Digital Control of Power Factor Preregulators using Disturbance Observer for Input Voltage Estimation,� Proc. of IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Acapulco, June 2003, pp.1703-1708.

  11. P. Mattavelli, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, �Digital Control of Single-Phase Power Factor Preregulators with Input Voltage Estimation,� CDROM of 7th Brasilian Power Electronics Conf. (COBEP), Fortaleza (Brazil), September 2003, pp.1053-1058.

  12. G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, �Analysis of Large-Signal and Small-Signal Instabilities in Piezoelectric Transformers Driving Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps,� CDRom of IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conf. (APEC), Anaheim, February 2004.

  13. G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, P. Mattavelli, �Analysis of the Active-Clamped Soft-Switched Forward Converter without Output Filter,� IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Aachen, June 2004, pp.3829-3835.

  14. G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, �Cold Cathod Fluorescent Lamp Power Supply Based on Piezoelectric Transformers,� IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Aachen, June 2004, pp.406-412.

  15. G. Spiazzi, S. Buso, �Analysis of Instabilities in Piezoelectric Transformers Driving Cold Cathode Fluorescent Lamps,� IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Aachen, June 2004, pp.2725-2730.

  16. P. Mattavelli, W. Stefanutti, G. Spiazzi, P. Tenti, �Digital Control of Single-Phase Power Factor Preregulators Suitable for Smart-Power Integration,� IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Aachen, June 2004, pp.3195-3201.

  17. N. Hanigovszki, G. Spiazzi, F. Blaabjerg, Poulsen, �An EMC evaluation of the use of unshielded motor cables in AC adjustable speed drive applications,� IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conf. (PESC), Aachen, June 2004, pp.75-81.