Leonardo Pellegrina

- May 2024: Our paper "Scalable Rule Lists Learning with Sampling" has been accepted to KDD 2024!
- May 2024: Our paper "Efficient Discovery of Significant Patterns with Few-Shot Resampling" has been accepted to VLDB 2024!
- October 2023: Our paper "SILVAN: Estimating Betweenness Centralities with Progressive Sampling and Non-uniform Rademacher Bounds" has been accepted to ACM TKDD!
- August 2023: I will join ScalPerf 2023 in Bertinoro to talk about our recent "Statistical learning techniques to efficiently identify central nodes from large graphs".
- July 2023: A short version of our SILVAN paper has been accepted to the MLG workshop at ECML PKDD 2023! See you in Turin!
- May 2023: My paper "Efficient Centrality Maximization with Rademacher Averages" has been accepted to KDD 2023!
- May 2023: I was selected as one of the Best PC members of ACM The Web Conference 2023.
- March 2023: I started as Assistant Professor at University of Padova!
- December 2022: I won a two-year research grant ("Senior type B" grant) from the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova.
- September 2022: I was invited to present "Identifying Patterns of Tumor Evolution" at the ARQUS European Alliance Research Focus Forum on Cancer Research, held in Padova.
- June 2022: Our paper "Discovering Significant Evolutionary Trajectories in Cancer Phylogenies", with Fabio Vandin, has been accepted to ECCB 2022! I will also present it at ISMB 2022.
- April 2022: I was honorably mentioned as one of the Best PC members of ACM The Web Conference 2022!
- April 2022: An extended version of SPRISS, in collaboration with Matteo Comin, has been accepted to Bioinformatics!
- April 2022: An extended version of MCRapper has been accepted to ACM TKDD!
- September 2021: I will present our work SPRISS at RECOMB-Genetics!
- August 2021: I feel extremely happy to have received an honorable mention for the 2021 SIGKDD Dissertation Award!
- June 2021: A preprint of our work "SILVAN: Estimating Betweenness Centralities with Progressive Sampling and Non-uniform Rademacher Bounds" is available online.
- May 2021: We presented the second edition of our tutorial "Hypothesis Testing and Statistically-sound Pattern Mining" at SDM 2021.
- March 2021: I successfully defended my Ph.D. thesis "Rigorous and Efficient Algorithms for Significant and Approximate Pattern Mining"!
- Feb. 2021: Our paper "SPRISS: Approximating Frequent k-mers by Sampling Reads, and Applications", with Diego Santoro and Fabio Vandin, has been accepted to RECOMB 2021!
- Dec. 2020: I won a two-year research grant ("Junior type B" grant) from the Department of Information Engineering! I am really excited for this opportunity and for the work to come.
- Oct. 2020: A preprint of my work "Sharper convergence bounds of Monte Carlo Rademacher Averages through Self-Bounding functions" is available online.
- May 2020: Our paper "MCRapper: Monte-Carlo Rademacher Averages for Poset Families and Approximate Pattern Mining", with Cyrus Cousins, Fabio Vandin, and Matteo Riondato, has been accepted to KDD 2020!
- May 2020: The extended version of our paper "Efficient Mining of the Most Significant Patterns with Permutation Testing" will appear in Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery!
- Dec. 2019: The extended version of our paper "Fast Approximation of Frequent k-mers and Applications to Metagenomics" has been published in the Journal of Computational Biology!
- Sept. 2019: I will talk about SPuManTE at CaStleD, the Workshop on Computation and Statistics in Data science held in Bertinoro. A huge thanks to the organizers for inviting me!
- Sept. 2019: I will present TopKWY in occasion of the kick-off meeting of the AHeaD project at Luiss University!
- Apr. 2019: Our paper "SPuManTE: Significant Pattern Mining with Unconditional Testing" and our tutorial on Multiple Hypothesis Testing and Statistically-sound Pattern Mining (with Matteo Riondato and Fabio Vandin) have been accepted to KDD 2019!
- Feb. 2019: I received the RECOMB 2019 Travel Fellowship, funded by the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB)! Can't wait to attend this year RECOMB in Washington and to present our work.
- Dec. 2018: From January to July 2019 I will be a Visiting Research Fellow of the Department of Computer Science of Brown University, under the supervision of Prof. Eli Upfal.
- Dec. 2018: our paper "Fast Approximation of Frequent k-mers and Applications to Metagenomics", in collaboration with Cinzia Pizzi and Fabio Vandin, has been accepted to RECOMB 2019!
- Sept. 2018: I am thrilled to join FouLarD'18, the Workshop on Foundations of Learning from Data held in Bertinoro, a great opportunity to meet and learn from amazing researchers and experts in the field.
- May 2018: our paper "Efficient Mining of the Most Significant Patterns with Permutation Testing", in collaboration with Fabio Vandin, has been accepted to KDD 2018!

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