Maria Silvia Pini, Francesca Rossi, K. Brent Venable


Computational Social Choice

Social choice theory is the study of mechanisms for collective decision making, such as election systems or protocols for fair division.
This classical theory can provide useful tools for automated multi-agent systems. However, in this setting other issues have to be considered  as well,

mainly regarding knowledge representation and computational complexity. Computational social choice addresses such problems at the interface

of social choice theory with computer science and artificial intelligence. This course will introduce some of the fundamental concepts in computational 

social choice theory and related disciplines, and expose students to current research at the interface of social choice theory with computation.



1.      Introduction

2.      Voting procedures

3.       Impossibility theorems

4.       Strategic manipulation

5.      Circumventing manipulation

6.       Uncertainty in preference aggregation

7.      Compact preference representation


Orario delle Lezioni  (Dipartimento di Matematica, Via Trieste 63, 35121 Padova)

·        20 Giugno 2012: 11-13 e 14:16, aula 1BC50

·        21 Giugno 2012: 11-13 e 14-16, aula 2AB40

·        26 Giugno 2012: 11-13 aula 2AB45, 14-16 aula1BC50

·        27 Giugno 2012: 11-13 e 14-16, aula 2AB45

·        28 Giugno 2012: 11-13 e 14-16, aula 1BC45


Materiale delle Lezioni  

·        Part 1: Lezioni K. Brent Venable

·        Part 2: Lezioni Maria Silvia Pini

·        Part 3: Lezioni Francesca Rossi