Sandro Savino

Geographic Information Systems
Bs Ms PhD
This is the webpage of SANDRO SAVINO hosted on the server of the Department of Information Engineering (DEI) of the University of Padova.

The pages of this website contain just some brief informations about myself and my work here at the University: if you feel more curious, feel free to contact me.


I was born in 1981 nearby Milano.
I studied at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova, where I got my Bachelor's Degree in 2004, and my Master Degree in 2007, with a thesis on the topic of cartographic generalization.
After the graduation I won a scholarship and I kept on working till the end of 2007 in the "Geographic Information Systems" Lab.
Since the beginning of 2008 to December 2010 I have been a student at the Ph.D School on Information Engineering of the Department of Information Engineering, working on the issues of cartographic generalization.
In 2011 I got my Ph.D with the thesis: A solution to the problem of the generalization of the Italian geographical databases from large to medium scale: approach definition, process design and operators implementation.
At present I am doing a Postdoc at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova, still investigating the field of cartographic generalization.

What I do

My research focuses around the topic and the issues of cartographic generalization.
Cartographic generalization, in brief, is the process that allows to draw a map starting from a higher-scale (and thus higher-detail) map: this process is not about "resizing" or "scrolling the mouse wheel" as we are used to do in Google Maps, but is a very complicated process that deals with complex operations on data, both on the side of semantics (two maps at a different scale have also a different legend) and representation (the representation of a house in a map 1:50.000 differs from the representation of the same house in a map 1:5.000, it's not only smaller).
In the age of computers and databases, generalization doesn't rely anymore on drawn maps, but on their natural digital counterparts: Geo Databases. In this vision, my research deals with different database models and not with different legends, nomore with different representation but with the geometric transformation of the vector representation of the features.
If you are interested in reading more about my research and, in general, on the project I am working on, you can follow this link:



Yep, it happens that I have a personal website but unfortunately it constantly fails in being up-to-date. Anyway if you want to visit it you can go to

and browse here and there: the website (in Italian, sorry) is supposed to store the blogs of my journeys, as well as some of the many (my friends say too many) pictures that I like to take when I am around.
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