


Andrea Zanella
Phone: 049827 - 7770
Office: 223 (DEI/A)
email: zanella - at-

ID Card

Telecommunications Engineering
72 h, 9 cfu
Level: master



Welcome to the course on Telecommunications Networks!

Browsing this website you shall find useful information regarding the structure of the course, its content, syllabus, and grading rules. However, all the educational material (slides, homeworks, past exams, and so on) will be accessible only through the page dedicated to the course on the E-learning website . To access the material provided by the teacher, you need to enroll the course of Telecommunication Networks for the current academic year.
  1. There are many courses with the same name, but the only one active is under the path Ingegneria delle Telecomunicazioni / Magistrale / Primo Anno / Primo Semestre. You can also make a search for "Telecommunication Networks" and select the one with the label "Docente: Zanella Andrea." and the correct academic year, of course!
  2. Once you have enrolled the course, you'll be automatically subscribed to some forums that have been created by the teacher for different purposes. This means you'll get a copy of each and every email posted on those forums. You can choose to unsubscribe some of them at any time.

Liaison with other courses

This course can be considered as introductory to the following courses, offered at the first and second years of the Master degree program in Telecommunications Engineering:


The subject aims at providing basic knowledge of modern telecommunication architectures, as well as fundamental mathematical tools for the modelling, design and analysis of telecommunications networks and services. The course will also give you some practical experience with network protocols and devices, thanks to a series of lab experiences that will introduce you to the art of router and socket programming. Ancillary to all this knowledge, the course will help you develop some basic management skills that shall belong to the baggage of each engineer.

Some of the topics that will be considered by the course are the following: