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Infineon scholarships ICT for Internet and Multimedia Edition 2020

Dal 24.06.2020 al 02.11.2020


Infineon Technologies - Semiconductor and System Solutions

The University of Padova, together with Infineon Technologies Italia S.r.l., is announcing a competition to award two scholarships of 5,000.00 Euros each, for A.Y. 2020/21 to help deserving students pursue their Master’s degree in “ICT for Internet and Multimedia”.

Requirements to be admitted to the competition
The scholarships are awarded to students of any nationality who are pre-enrolled in the Master's degree course in “ICT for Internet and Multimedia” at the University of Padova for academic year 2020/21. Applicants also need to meet the following requirements:
a) hold an Italian or foreign Bachelor’s degree in the Information Engineering,field or a sector considered suitable by the Evaluation Committee. The degree must have been completed during academic years 2018/19 or 2019/20 by the 31 October 2020;
b) not have been previously convicted of or be currently involved in criminal proceedings. The scholarships are not compatible with the regional one for the academic years 2020/21 and 2021/22. If the winning students are also eligible for the regional scholarships in one or both of the indicated academic years, they will be asked to opt for only one of the two benefits.

How to submit the application and deadlines for submission
The application must be submitted no later than 2 nd November 2020 through the dedicated Moodle platform ( - Area Didattica e Servizi agli studenti – Ufficio Servizi agli studenti – Settore benefici economici – Premi di studio per studenti).





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