Andrea Carron, “Efficient parametric localization and mapping for robotic networks”
18 novembre 2015, ore 10.30, sala riunioni DEI/D
Marco Todescato, “Robust, asynchronous and distributed algorithms for control and estimation in smart grids”
18 novembre 2015, ore 11.00, sala riunioni DEI/D
Roberto Bortoletto, “Musculoskeletal modeling of the human lower limb stiffness doe robotic applications”
18 novembre 2015, ore 10.00, sala riunioni DEI/G
Muhammad Saeed Khan, “Reconfigurable antennas and their applications”
19 novembre 2015, ore 15.00, sala riunioni 201 DEI/A
Fabio Spinello, “Orbital momentum communications in the radio domain”
19 novembre 2015, ore 15.30, sala riunioni 201 DEI/A
Luca Scandola, “Implementation and modeling of online efficiency optimization techniques for high-frequency dc-dc converters in automotive applications”
20 novembre 2015, ore 10.00, sala riunioni DEI/D
Tommaso Caldognetto, “Control of electronic power converters for low-voltage microgrids”
20 novembre 2015, ore 10.30, sala riunioni DEI/D
Stefano Lissandron, “Islanding and stability of low voltahe distribution grids with renewal energy sources”
20 novembre 2015, ore 11.00, sala riunioni DEI/D
Giulio Ministeri, “Internet of things and vehicles in the context of 5G”
20 novembre 2015, ore 11.00, sala videoconferenze DEI/A
Mewael Gidai Sertsu, “Development and metrology of EUV and soft X-ray multilayers”
23 novembre 2015, ore 16.00, sala riunioni 201 DEI/A
Alessia Tagliavini, “Mathematical modeling of cellular mechanisms in endocrine secretory cells”
24 novembre 2015, ore 11.45, sala riunioni 201 DEI/A
Claudia Cecchetto, “Electrical imaging of Local Field Potentials through a high-resolution Brain-Chip Interface”
24 novembre 2015, ore 12.15, sala riunioni 201 DEI/A
Fabio Padovan, “Analysis and design of high performance buliding blocks for phased array systems in BiCMOS technology”
25 novembre 2015, ore 10.00, sala videoconferenze DEI/A
Antonio Passamani, “Analysis and design of a transmitter for wireless communications in CMOS technology”
25 novembre 2015, ore 10.30, sala videoconferenze DEI/A
Roberto Visentin, “In Silico Testing of artificial pancreas and new type 1 diabetes treatments: model development and assessment”
25 novembre 2015, ore 10.30, sala riunioni 326 DEI/A
Alessandra Scarton, “Combining musculoskeletal modeling and FEM in diabetic foot prevention”
25 novembre 2015, ore 14:30, sala riunioni 201 DEI/A
Lorenzo De Stefani, "On space constrained computations"
2 dicembre 2015, ore 18.15, sala riunioni 406 DEI/G