Professore ordinario
IINF-04/A - Automatica
Ufficio: Stanza 131
Telefono: 7648
Orario di ricevimento: Lunedi' 14:00 - 15:00 Luogo: Dipartimento Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Note: Prego di prendere un appuntamento scrivendo un'email a
Digital control
Codice: INQ0091309 / Ordinamento: 2022 / Anno Accademico: 2024
Digital control
Codice: INQ0091309 / Ordinamento: 2021 / Anno Accademico: 2024
Digital control
Codice: INQ0091309 / Ordinamento: 2021 / Anno Accademico: 2023
Digital control
Codice: INQ0091309 / Ordinamento: 2022 / Anno Accademico: 2023
Fondamenti di controlli automatici (a)
Codice: INL1001840 / Ordinamento: 2020 / Anno Accademico: 2023
Digital control
Codice: INQ0091309 / Ordinamento: 2021 / Anno Accademico: 2022
Digital control
Codice: INQ0091309 / Ordinamento: 2022 / Anno Accademico: 2022
Fondamenti di controlli automatici (a)
Codice: INL1001840 / Ordinamento: 2020 / Anno Accademico: 2022
Digital control
Codice: INQ0091309 / Ordinamento: 2021 / Anno Accademico: 2021
Digital control
Codice: INQ0091309 / Ordinamento: 2020 / Anno Accademico: 2021
Fondamenti di controlli automatici (numerosita' canale 1)
Codice: INL1001840 / Ordinamento: 2020 / Anno Accademico: 2021
Controlli automatici (ult. numero di matricola pari)
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2020
Network systems and dynamics
Codice: INQ0092579 / Ordinamento: 2019 / Anno Accademico: 2020
Network systems and dynamics
Codice: INQ0092579 / Ordinamento: 2020 / Anno Accademico: 2020
Network systems and dynamics
Codice: INQ0092579 / Ordinamento: 2019 / Anno Accademico: 2020
Fondamenti di controlli automatici
Codice: INL1001840 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2019
Fondamenti di controlli automatici
Codice: INL1001840 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2018
Teoria dei sistemi (mod.a)
Codice: INP5070928 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2018
Teoria dei sistemi e controllo ottimo e adattativo (c.i.)
Codice: INP5070926 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2018
Fondamenti di controlli automatici
Codice: INL1001840 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2017
Fondamenti di controlli automatici
Codice: INL1001840 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2016
Fondamenti di controlli automatici
Codice: INL1001840 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2015
Fondamenti di controlli automatici
Codice: INL1001840 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2014
Fondamenti di controlli automatici
Codice: INL1001840 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2013
Segnali e sistemi (ult. numero di matricola da 5 a 9)
Codice: IN08111231 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2013
Segnali e sistemi (ult. numero di matricola da 5 a 9)
Codice: IN08111231 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2013
Sandro Zampieri received the Laurea degree in Electrical Engineering and the Ph.D. degree in System Engineering from the University of Padova, Italy, in 1988 and 1993, respectively. Since 1992 he was Assistant Professor and since 1998 he was Associate Professor at the Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova. Since 2002 he is Full Professor in Automatic Control at the same department.
In 1991-92, 1993 and 1996 he was Visiting Scholar at Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, MIT, Cambridge. He has held visiting positions also at the Department of Mathematics of the University of Groningen and at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of California at Santa Barbara.
Prof. Zampieri has published more than 100 journal and conference papers. He has delivered several invited seminars and he was member of the Technical Program Committee for several international conferences. He was general chair of the 1st IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems 2009, program chair of the 3rd IFAC Workshop on Estimation and Control of Networked Systems 2012 and publication chair of the IFAC World Congress 2011. He served as an Associate Editor for the Siam Journal on Control and Optimization on 2002-2004 and as the chair of the IFAC technical committee "Networked systems" on 2005-2008. He served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions of Automatic Control on 2012-2014. He has been the recipient of the 2016 IEEE Transaction on Networked Systems Outstanding Paper Award. He is IEEE fellow.
Prof. Zampieri worked on European projects on networked control, RECSYS (2004-2008), Feednetback (2009-2012) and HYCON2 (2010-2014). His research interests include automatic control and dynamical systems theory, and in particular distributed control and estimation and networked control and control under communication constraints and applications to the control of power grids.
C. Tu, R.P. Rocha, M. Corbetta, S. Zampieri, M. Zorzi, S. Suweis. Warnings and caveats in brain controllability. NeuroImage, vol. 176pp. 83--91, 2018
W. Mei, S. Mohagheghi, S. Zampieri, F. Bullo. On the dynamics of deterministic epidemic propagation over networks. Annual Reviews in Control, pp. 116--128, 2017
S. Bolognani, R. Carli, E. Lovisari, S. Zampieri. A randomized linear algorithm for clock synchronization in multi-agent systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, (61), 2016
S. Bolognani, S. Zampieri. On the existence and linear approximation of the power flow solution in power distribution networks. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, vol. 31(1), pp. 163--172, 2016
N. Bof, G. Baggio, S. Zampieri. On the role of network centrality in the controllability of complex networks. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 2016
S. Bolognani, R. Carli, G. Cavraro, S. Zampieri. Distributed reactive power feedback control for voltage regulation and loss minimization. Automatic Control, IEEE Transactions on, vol. 60(4), pp. 966--981, 2015
F. Pasqualetti, S. Zampieri, F. Bullo. Controllability Metrics, Limitations and Algorithms for Complex Networks. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 1(1), pp. 40--52, 2014
R. Carli, S. Zampieri. Network clock synchronization based on the second order linear consensus algorithm. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 59,pp. 409--422, 2014
S. Bolognani, S. Zampieri. A distributed control strategy for reactive power compensation in smart microgrids. IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control, vol. 58(11), 2013
S. Bolognani, G. Cavraro, R. Carli, S. Zampieri. A distributed feedback control strategy for optimal reactive power flow with voltage constraints. Arxiv preprint, 2013
E. Lovisari, F. Garin, S. Zampieri. Resistance-Based Performance Analysis of the Consensus Algoritm over Geometric Graphs. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 51(5), pp. 3918-3945, 2013
G. Como, F. Fagnani, S. Zampieri. I sistemi multi-agente e gli algoritmi di consenso. La matematica nella Società e nella Cultura: rivista della Unione Matematica Italiana. Serie I, vol. 5(1), pp. 1--29, 2012
F. Garin, S. Zampieri. Mean square performance of consensus-based distributed estimation over regular geometric graphs. SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 50(1), pp. 306–333, 2012
E. Lovisari, S. Zampieri. Performance metrics in the average consensus problem: a tutorial. Annual Reviews in Control, 2012
S. Del Favero, S. Zampieri. A majorization inequality and its application to distributed Kalman filtering. Automatica, vol. 47pp. 2438-2443, 2011
A. Chiuso, F. Fagnani, L. Schenato, S. Zampieri. Gossip algorithms for simultaneous distributed estimation and classification in sensor networks. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 5(4), pp. 691 - 706, 2011
R. Carli, A. Chiuso, L. Schenato, S. Zampieri. Optimal Synchronization for Networks of Noisy Double Integrators. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 56(5), pp. 1146-1152, 2011
G. Como, F. Fagnani, S. Zampieri. Anytime reliable transmission of continuous information through digital noisy channels. Siam Journal on Control and Optimization, vol. 48(6), pp. 3903--3924, 2010
R. Carli, P. Frasca, F. Fagnani, S. Zampieri. Gossip consensus algorithms via quantized communication. Automatica, vol. 46pp. 70-80, 2010