Assegnista di ricerca

IBIO-01/A - Bioingegneria

Ufficio: Università degli studi Padova

Telefono: 0498276754


Biomeccanica (b)
Codice: INP7078879 / Ordinamento: 2022 / Anno Accademico: 2024

Biomeccanica (numerosita' canale 2)
Codice: INP7078879 / Ordinamento: 2017 / Anno Accademico: 2023

Codice: IN03112113 / Ordinamento: 2013 / Anno Accademico: 2022

Biomeccanica (numerosita' canale 2)
Codice: INP7078879 / Ordinamento: 2017 / Anno Accademico: 2022

Codice: IN03112113 / Ordinamento: 2013 / Anno Accademico: 2021

Codice: IN03112113 / Ordinamento: 2013 / Anno Accademico: 2020

Alice Berardo, PhD
Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering University of Padova
Address: via Marzolo 9, 35131 Padova, Italy
Phone Number: +39 049 8276754
Email address:

PhD in Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento, June 2018.
Master Degree (110 cum laude) in Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Torino, October 2013.

Research interests
Computational biomechanics of soft tissues; Gastric mechanics related to bariatric surgery; Fluid-solid interaction and computational fluid dynamics of the lower urinary tract; Mechanical characterization of biological tissues; Cell mechanics; Analytical and numerical modelling of friction phenomena; Development of setups for friction and related experiments; Development of novel strategies for the enhancement of the mechanical properties of materials; Dynamics of systems and structures for sexual confusion techniques of insects through vibrations; Design and development of innovative systems for the application of vibrations as mating disruption.