Professore ordinario
IINF-04/A - Automatica
Ufficio: Stanza 314
Telefono: 7795
Orario di ricevimento: Martedi' 14:00 - 16:00 Luogo: Ufficio 314, stabile DEI/A del Dip. Ingegneria dell'Informazione
Note: L'orario di ricevimento puo' essere soggetto a cambiamenti durante i periodi di lezione, cosi' da non sovrapporsi agli orari di lezione degli studenti interessati. In ogni caso e' consigliato contattare il docente per email per prendere appuntamento.
Controlli automatici
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2021 / Anno Accademico: 2024
Systems theory
Codice: INQ0091288 / Ordinamento: 2021 / Anno Accademico: 2024
Systems theory
Codice: INQ0091288 / Ordinamento: 2022 / Anno Accademico: 2024
Controlli automatici
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2021 / Anno Accademico: 2023
Systems theory
Codice: INQ0091288 / Ordinamento: 2021 / Anno Accademico: 2023
Systems theory
Codice: INQ0091288 / Ordinamento: 2022 / Anno Accademico: 2023
Controlli automatici
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2020 / Anno Accademico: 2022
Systems theory
Codice: INQ0091288 / Ordinamento: 2022 / Anno Accademico: 2022
Systems theory
Codice: INQ0091288 / Ordinamento: 2021 / Anno Accademico: 2022
Controlli automatici
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2021
Systems theory
Codice: INQ0091288 / Ordinamento: 2021 / Anno Accademico: 2021
Systems theory
Codice: INQ0091288 / Ordinamento: 2020 / Anno Accademico: 2021
Fondamenti di automatica
Codice: IN10103342 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2020
Systems theory
Codice: INQ0091288 / Ordinamento: 2020 / Anno Accademico: 2020
Systems theory
Codice: INQ0091288 / Ordinamento: 2020 / Anno Accademico: 2020
Controlli automatici (numerosita' canale 1)
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2019
Fondamenti di automatica (numerosita' canale 1)
Codice: IN10103342 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2019
Prova finale
Codice: INM0014874 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2019
Teoria dei sistemi
Codice: IN07109225 / Ordinamento: 2008 / Anno Accademico: 2019
Teoria dei sistemi
Codice: IN07109225 / Ordinamento: 2019 / Anno Accademico: 2019
Controlli automatici (ult. numero di matricola da 0 a 4)
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2018
Teoria dei sistemi
Codice: IN07109225 / Ordinamento: 2008 / Anno Accademico: 2018
Teoria dei sistemi
Codice: IN07109225 / Ordinamento: 2008 / Anno Accademico: 2018
Controlli automatici (ult. numero di matricola da 0 a 4)
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2017
Teoria dei sistemi
Codice: IN07109225 / Ordinamento: 2008 / Anno Accademico: 2017
Teoria dei sistemi
Codice: IN07109225 / Ordinamento: 2008 / Anno Accademico: 2017
Controlli automatici
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2014 / Anno Accademico: 2016
Controlli automatici
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2014 / Anno Accademico: 2016
Controlli automatici (ult. numero di matricola da 0 a 4)
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2011 / Anno Accademico: 2016
Controlli automatici
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2014 / Anno Accademico: 2015
Controlli automatici
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2014 / Anno Accademico: 2014
Controlli automatici
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2008 / Anno Accademico: 2013
Controlli automatici
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2013 / Anno Accademico: 2013
Controlli automatici
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2008 / Anno Accademico: 2012
Controlli automatici
Codice: IN08101661 / Ordinamento: 2008 / Anno Accademico: 2012
Fondamenti e applicazioni di controlli automatici
Codice: INM0016631 / Ordinamento: 2008 / Anno Accademico: 2011
Short Bio: Elena Valcher (Ph.D. Degree, 1995) is Professor of Control Theory at the University of Padova since 2005. Her current research interests include social networks, Boolean control networks, multi-agent systems and consensus problems, positive systems.
She is the author of approximately 95 journal papers, 18 book chapters, 115 conference papers and 3 textbooks.
She has been an active volunteer since 2000. Serving in various roles for IEEE Control Systems Society, IEEE, IFAC and EUCA.
Editorial Boards: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control (2000-2003), Systems and Control Letters (2004-2010), Automatica (2006-2013), SIAM J. on Control and Optimization (2012-2014), IEEE Access (2014-2019). She is currently in the Editorial Boards of Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (2004-today) and the European Journal of Control (2013-today).
She is the Founding Editor in Chief of the IEEE Control Systems Letters (2017-).
She is one of the co-Editors in Chief of Frontiers and Trends in Systems and Control (2023-).
Roles in the IEEE Control Systems Society: Appointed BoG Member (2003); Elected BoG Member (2004-2006; 2010-2012); Vice President Member Activities (2006-2007); Vice President Conference Activities (2008-2010); President-Elect (2014); President (2015). Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE CSS (2011-2014). Member of the IEEE CDC Best Student Paper Award Committee (2013 and 2016), member of the Roberto Tempo Best Paper Award Committee (2021 and 2022), member of the evaluation panel of the first CSS Video Clip Context (2014), member of the CSS Fellow Evaluation Committee. She served for several years in the CSS Nominating Committee.
Member of the following IEEE committees: IEEE Control Systems Award committee (2013-2015), IEEE Fellow Committee (2016), IEEE TAB Ad Hoc Committee on Women and Under-Represented Groups (2016), IEEE TAB Committee On Diversity And Inclusion (2017-2020), Member at Large of the IEEE PSPB and of IEEE Product and Services Committee (2019-2021), IEEE Periodicals Committee (2021-2022; 2024-2025), IEEE Publishing Conduct Committee (2023-2024), IEEE Mulligan Medal (2019-2021), IEEE Medal of Honor (2020-2022).
Recognitions: 2011 IEEE CSS Distinguished Member Award. IEEE Fellow since 2012. IFAC Fellow (Class 2020-2023).
IFAC: She was a member of the IFAC Technical Board (2017-2020), responsible for the minor IFAC awards (TC awards, Young Author Awards and in general providing guidance to conference/symposia related awards) in (2020-2023). Currently she is Chair del 2026 IFAC Major Awards Search Committee.
She was in the Awards Committees for two IFAC Journals: Automatica (2014-2017) and NAHS (2014-2017; 2017-2020). She was a member of the evaluation committee of the Best Interactive (Poster) Paper for the IFAC 2014 World Conference. She is currently in the Quazza Medal Committee (2020-2023) and NAHS Paper Prize Committee (2020-2023).
EUCA: she was the Italian representative in the EUCA Board (2017-2023), she was the EUCA Vice President (2022-2023). She is currently the EUCA President.
Main Conference related roles: Registration Chair of the 2004 IEEE CDC, Publicity Chair of the 2007 IEEE MSC, Registration Chair of the 2011 IFAC World Conference, Program Chair of the 2012 IEEE CDC, Tutorial Sessions Chair of the ECC 2019, co-General Chair or the 2022 IEEE CDC, Workshop Chair ECC 2023, Program Chair ICSTCC 2023 and ICSTCC 2024. She served in the IPC of several international conferences and workshops.
G. Parlangeli, M.E. Valcher "Accelerating consensus in high-order leader-follower networks", IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol.2, issue 3, pp. 381-386, 2018.
F.A. Schreiber, M.E. Valcher "Formal assessment of some properties of Context-Aware Systems", Int. J. of Next-Generation Computing, vol. 10, no. 3, file. 522, 2019.
E. Fornasini, M.E. Valcher. "Observability and reconstructibility of Probabilistic Boolean Networks", IEEE Control Systems Letters, vol. 4, no.2, pp. 319-324, 2020.
G. De Pasquale, M.E. Valcher, "Consensus for Clusters of Agents with Cooperative and Antagonistic Relationships ", Automatica, vol. 135, 2022.
A. Rantzer, M.E. Valcher, "Scalable Control of Positive Systems with Applications", Annual Review of Control, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, vol. 4, pp. 319-341, 2021.
G. De Pasquale, M.E. Valcher, "On the herdability of linear time-invariant systems with special algebraic or topological structure", (Brief Paper) Automatica, vol. 149, file 110804, 2023.
E. Fornasini, M.E. Valcher “Reconstructability of Boolean control networks via state feedback”, IEEE Trans. Aut. Control, vol. 68 (9), pp. 5544-5551, 2023.
De Pasquale, M.E. Valcher “A Bandwagon Bias Based Model for Opinion Dynamics: Intertwining between Homophily and Influence Mechanisms” European Journal of Control, vol. 68, file 100675.
(*) Giorgia Disarò, M.E. Valcher “"Balancing homophily and prejudices in opinion dynamics: An extended Friedkin-Johnsen model", Automatica, 2024.
(*) G. De Pasquale, K. Smith, F. Bullo, M.E. Valcher “Dual Seminorms, Ergodic Coefficients and Semicontraction Theory”, IEEE Trans. Aut. Control, 2024.