Computation of optimal continuous glucose monitoring duration

Interactive tool implementing the University of Padova approach

BETA Version

Based on the work by N. Camerlingo et al., Scientific Reports, 2020
Operation to be performed:
Design a new clinical trial Evaluate a completed clinical trial

Design a new clinical trial: optimal CGM duration computation

Identify the optimal number of days granting to achieve a desired precision in the selected time-in-range.

Select the time-in-range index to be considered in the clinical trial and the sampling period of the CGM sensor to be used. Indicate, if known, the percent time expected to be spent in the indicated range, if known. Enter the type of uncertainty: absolute uncertainty is the standard deviation, and it indicates the confidence interval around the final time-in-range estimated (suggested for TIR, TITR, TAR); relative uncertainty is normalized for the time expected to be spent in the indicated range (suggested for TBR). Press 'calculate' button. The tool also returns the uncertainty around the other time-in-ranges.

Time-in-range to be considered:
CGM sensor sampling period:             minutes
Time expected to be spent in the glycemic range (if known): %
Type of uncertainty:            
Desired uncertainty: %
Suggested monitoring duration: days

Resulting uncertainty around the time-in-ranges:
Time in range %
Time in tight range %
Time below range %
Time above range %

Evaluate a completed clinical trial: time-in-ranges uncertainty computation

Compute the precision of the time-in-ranges estimated in past a past clinical of a certain duration.

Indicate the estimated time-in-ranges computed in a completed clinical trial. Enter the duration of the trial and the sampling period of the CGM sensor. Press 'calculate' button. The tool also returns the relative uncertainty and the standard deviation around the estimated values of the indicated time-in-ranges.

Time-in-ranges to be considered:




Trial duration: days
CGM sensor sampling period:             minutes
Time-in-ranges Relative uncertainty Standard deviation
Time in range % %
Time in tight range % %
Time below range % %
Time above range % %

Time-in-ranges are key metrics to evaluate glucose control in clinical trials involving continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) sensors. In this form you can select:
  • Time in range, i.e., % of readings and time time spent in 70-180 mg/dL (3.9-10.0 mmol/L);
  • Time in tight range, i.e., % of readings and time spent in 70-140 mg/dl (3.9-7.77 mmol/L);
  • Time above range, i.e., % of readings and time spent above 180 mg/dL (>10.0 mmol/L);
  • Time below range, i.e., % of readings and time spent below 70 mg/dL (< 3.9 mmol/L);
A mathematical formula derived in [1] links the precision of time-in-ranges estimates to the number of CGM days, and was validated using data of huge heterogeneous studies [2].
The present tool can be used by the diabetes community in two different scenarios. Firstly (see clinical case #1), it can help clinical trial teams to determine a suitable duration of the study, i.e., the number of days allowing to achieve a desired precision in the final time-in-ranges. Secondly (see clinical case #2), it can help data analysts to determine the precision around the time-in-ranges estimated in published studies, based on how long the CGM values were collected over.

Clinical case #1:
An investigator is designing a clinical trial involving subjects with type 1 diabetes wearing 5-min CGM sensors. The primary outcome is the TBR. Based on a previous pilot study, the investigator expects an average TBR of 4.00% in the population. She/he is interested in setting a suitable trial duration and desires a maximum confidence interval around the final TBR of 1.00%. In this form:
  1. In the initial panel "Operation to be performed", check "Design a new clinical trial".
  2. In the first section of the form, select "time below range" in the "Time-in-range to be considered" menu.
  3. Select the option "5" from the "CGM sensor sampling period" menu.
  4. Enter "4.00" as "Time expected to be spent in the glycemic range" (if this is unknown, do not type anything: it will be set to the values of [2]).
  5. Select the type of uncertainty. In case of absolute uncertainty, type "1.00" in the "Time-in-range to be considered" space. In case of relative uncertainty, divide this value by the percent time expected to be spent below range (1.00/0.04 = 25).
  6. Press Calculate.
The form suggests a monitoring duration of 44 days. Moreover, the form returns the (absolute or relative) uncertainty around the time-in-ranges. In case of TBR it will be 4.00% ± 0.98%.

Clinical case #2:
An individual was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and the investigato perscribed her/him a 14-day CGM monitoring with a 5-minute CGM sensor, to evaluate the overall glycemic control. At the end of the 2-week period, the TIR observed was 70%. The investigator also needs to know how precise the estimated value is. In this form:
  1. In the initial panel "Operation to be performed", check "Evaluate a completed clinical trial".
  2. In the second section of the form, check "Time in range".
  3. Type "70" as the estimated time in range.
  4. Insert the trial duration (14) in the apposite space.
  5. Select the option "5" from the "CGM sensor sampling rate" menu.
  6. Press Calculate.
The form returns a relative uncertainty of 7.32% and a standard deviation (i.e., absolute uncertainty) of 5.12%, meaning that an estimated time in range of 70% has a confidence interval of 70% ± 5.12%.

  1. N. Camerlingo, M. Vettoretti, A. Facchinetti, J.K. Mader, P. Choudhary, S. Del Favero, "An analytical approach to determine the optimal duration of continuous glucose monitoring data required to reliably estimate time in hypoglycemia", Scientific Reports, 2021 (doi:

  2. N. Camerlingo, M. Vettoretti, A. Facchinetti, J.K. Mader, P. Choudhary, S. Del Favero, "Design of clinical trials to assess diabetes treatments: minimal duration of CGM data to estimate time-in-ranges with a desired precision", submitted to Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism, 2021

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