Introduction to the R programming language

Matteo Ceccarello

The R programming language

R is a language and environment for statistical computing and graphics. provides an online IDE

Interacting with the console

RMarkdown and quarto

  • RMarkdown is a plain text format (and accompanying tools) that allows you to intersperse text, code, and outputs

  • Quarto is an open-source scientific and technical publishing system that allows to render notebooks in a variety of formats

The RMarkdown pipeline

Data types

R has five basic data types:

  • character

  • numeric (a.k.a. real numbers, double)

  • integer

  • complex

    3.2 + 5.2i
  • logical (a.k.a. booleans)

    TRUE   # same as T
    F      # Same as FALSE


In R, everything can be given a name

x  # this is a valid name
descriptive_name   # descriptive names are preferable
                   # - note the underscore separating the words
                   # - spaces are not allowed
also.valid  # This is also a valid name, using an older and maybe
            # confusing naming scheme. If you come from Java/C++/Python/Javascript....
            # the . in the middle of the name is *not* the member access operator

These names (and others) are not allowed

FALSE, TRUE, Inf, NA, NaN, NULL, for, if, else, break, function

Some names are best avoided, because they are library functions that you would overwrite

mean, range

Binding things to names

Using the “arrow” syntax you can assign names to things

x <- 5  # The `arrow` is the assignment operator
some_string <- "Hello I am a sequence of characters"

Later on, you can retrieve the values by simply referencing the name

[1] 5
[1] "Hello I am a sequence of characters"

Using R as a calculator


# addition, subtraction, multiplication, division
  +         -            *               /

# quotient, remainder
  %/%       %%

# power


<  >   <=  >=  ==  !=


# NOT   
# short-circuited AND    short-circuited OR   <- for control flow
  &&                     ||
# AND                    OR                   <- for logical operations
  &                      |

Boolean values and comparisons

# Boolean and
# Boolean or
[1] TRUE
# Negation
5 == 3
5 != 3
[1] TRUE
5 > 3
[1] TRUE
5 <= 3
!(5 < 3) & (TRUE & (2*2 == 4))
[1] TRUE

Using R as a calculator

What does the following comparison return (sqrt gives the square root)?

sqrt(2)^2 == 2

\[ (\sqrt{2})^2 = 2 \]


numeric data is insidious, and comparisons should be handled with care.

sqrt(2)^2 - 2
[1] 4.440892e-16
dplyr::near(sqrt(2)^2, 2)
[1] TRUE

Missing values

The NA keyword represents a missing value.

NA > 3
[1] NA
NA + 10
[1] NA
NA == NA
[1] NA

Missing values

To check if a value is NA you use the function

a <- NA
[1] TRUE
b <- "this variable has a value"

Other special values

What is the result of this operation?

0 / 0
[1] NaN

The NaN value (Not a Number): the result cannot be represented by a computer.

What about this operation?

[1] NaN

We get NaN even if this would be the definition of the complex number i.

If you want the complex number, then you should declare it explicitly

sqrt( as.complex(-1) )
[1] 0+1i

NA vs NaN

Beware: in R the values NA and NaN refer to distinct concepts. This is in contrast with Python, where NaN is often used also to indicate missing values.

In particular, and confusingly
[1] TRUE



Other special values

What about this operation?

1 / 0
[1] Inf

The Inf value is used to represent infinity, and propagates in calculations

Inf + 10
[1] Inf
min(Inf, 10)
[1] 10
Inf - Inf
[1] NaN


Atomic vectors are homogeneous indexed collections of values of the same basic data type

vec_numbers <- vector("numeric", 4)
[1] 0 0 0 0
vec_letters <- vector("character", 6)
[1] "" "" "" "" "" ""

You can also define sequence of numbers

 [1]  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10


You can ask for the type of a vector using typeof

[1] "double"
[1] "character"
[1] "integer"


You can ask for the length of a vector using length

[1] 4
[1] 6
[1] 10

What about scalars?

What does this return?

[1] "double"

What about this?

[1] 1

There are no scalar values, but vectors of length 1!


The c function combines its argments

c(1, 5, 3, 6, 3)
[1] 1 5 3 6 3
nums_a <- c(1,3,5,7)
nums_b <- c(2,4,6,8)
c(nums_a, nums_b)
[1] 1 3 5 7 2 4 6 8

Using c multiple times does not nest vectors


c(1, "hello", 0.45)
[1] "1"     "hello" "0.45" 
typeof(c(1, "hello", 0.45))
[1] "character"

This is called implicit coercion and converts all the elements to the type that can represent all of them


42L + 3.3
[1] 45.3
3 + "I'm a stringy string"
Error in 3 + "I'm a stringy string": non-numeric argument to binary operator
"ahahaha" & T
Error in "ahahaha" & T: operations are possible only for numeric, logical or complex types


c(1, 2, 3) + 1
[1] 2 3 4

R coerces the length of vectors, if needed.

Remember that 1 is a vector of length one. By coercion, in the operation above, it is replaced with c(1, 1, 1) by recycling its value.

c(1, 2, 3) + c(1, 3)
[1] 2 5 4

Operations on logical vectors

There are distinct operators for element-wise operators on logical vectors:

c(T, T, F) & c(T, F, T)

which is different from

c(T, T, F) && c(T, F, T)
[1] TRUE

If you want to check if all the values are true in a vector, you can use the all function:

all(c(T, T, T))
[1] TRUE

or the any function to check if at least one value is true

any(c(F, T, F))
[1] TRUE

Operations on logical vectors

How can you check if all the values are FALSE?

To check if all the values are false, you can negate the vector

lgls <- c(F, F, F)
[1] TRUE

Naming vectors

Elements of vectors can be named, which will be useful for indexing into the vector

named_vec <- c(
  Alice         = "swimming",
  Bob           = "playing piano",
  Christine     = "cooking",
  Daniel        = "singing",
  "Most people" = "eating"

Notice that you need to enclose a name in quotes only if it contains spaces.

Subsetting vectors

You can index into vectors using integers indexes.

Beware: indexing starts from 1!

myvec <- c("these", "are", "some", "values")
[1] "some"

So what about this?


And this?

[1] NA

Subsetting vectors

Subsetting vectors

myvec <- c("these", "are", "some", "values")

[1] "these"  "are"    "values"

What does the code below gives?

[1] "values" "these" 

And the following?

[1] "these" "these" "some"  "some"  "these"

Subsetting vectors

myvec <- c("these", "are", "some", "values")

What about

[1] "these"  "some"   "values"

Negative indices remove values from a vector!

You can of course use vectors of negative indexes

myvec[c(-1, -2)]
[1] "some"   "values"

Subsetting vectors

myvec <- 1:10

You can use boolean vectors to retain only the entries corresponding to TRUE

myvec[myvec %% 2 == 0]
[1]  2  4  6  8 10

Subsetting and naming

Is the following naming valid?

logical_naming <- c(
  T = "a value",
  F = "another value",
  T = "a third value?"
               T                F                T 
       "a value"  "another value" "a third value?" 

It’s valid naming, but not useful for subsetting

Subsetting and naming

Is the following naming valid?

logical_naming <- c(
  1 = "a value",
  2 = "another value",
  5 = "a third value?"

This is not valid, since it makes subsetting ambiguous.

Heterogeneous collections

A list allows to store elements of different type in the same collection, without coercion.

my_list <- list(
  3.14, "c", 3L, TRUE
[1] "list"

What??? The type should be a double

If you want to get atomic values, you have to index [[ to index.

[1] "double"
[1] "character"

Named, nested lists

my_named_list <- list(
  pi = 3.14,
  name = "Listy List",
  geo = list(
    city = "Bozen",
    country = "Italy"

To access, either use a chain of [[

[1] "Bozen"

or use the $ operator

[1] "Bozen"

Looking at the structure of nested lists

With the str function you can look at the structure of nested lists.

List of 3
 $ pi  : num 3.14
 $ name: chr "Listy List"
 $ geo :List of 2
  ..$ city   : chr "Bozen"
  ..$ country: chr "Italy"

Control flow: if

if (condition) {
  # Do something if condition holds
} else if (second condition) {
  # Otherwise, do something else if the second condition holds
} else {
  # If non of the previous holds, do this

For example, do different things depending on the type of a vector

my_vec <- c(1.0, 3.14, 5.42)

if (is.numeric(my_vec)) {
} else {
  # Signal an error and stop execution
  stop("We are expecting a numeric vector!")
[1] 3.186667

Control flow: for loops

for (iteration specification) {
  # Do something for each iteration

We will use the following data as examples.

loop_data <- list(
  a = rnorm(10),
  b = runif(10),
  c = rexp(10),
  d = rcauchy(10)
List of 4
 $ a: num [1:10] -1.207 0.277 1.084 -2.346 0.429 ...
 $ b: num [1:10] 0.317 0.303 0.159 0.04 0.219 ...
 $ c: num [1:10] 0.877 0.0146 1.8351 0.5193 1.9963 ...
 $ d: num [1:10] -159.354 -1.608 21.193 0.963 -0.907 ...

Control flow: for loops

We want to compute the mean of each of a, b, c and d in loop_data. A straighforward approach would be

data_means <- list(
  a = mean(loop_data$a),
  b = mean(loop_data$b),
  c = mean(loop_data$c),
  d = mean(loop_data$d)
List of 4
 $ a: num -0.383
 $ b: num 0.417
 $ c: num 0.855
 $ d: num -20.9

What are the issues with this approach?

  • Much repetition
  • We must modify the code if we ever extend the list

Control flow: for loops

We can do better with a for loop

data_means <- list()
for (i in 1:length(loop_data)) {
  data_means <- c(

List of 4
 $ : num -0.383
 $ : num 0.417
 $ : num 0.855
 $ : num -20.9

Did we lose something?

Control flow: for loops

data_means <- list()
for (name in names(loop_data)) {
  data_means[name] = mean(loop_data[[name]])

List of 4
 $ a: num -0.383
 $ b: num 0.417
 $ c: num 0.855
 $ d: num -20.9


Whenever you find yourself copy-pasting the code, create a function instead!

  1. The name of the function serves to describe its purpose
  2. Maintenance is easier: you only need to update code in one place
  3. You don’t make silly copy-paste errors

Functions: anatomy

Function call

        argument2 = <value2>)

Function definition

my_func <- function(arg1, arg2, named_arg3 = 42) {
  # Do things with arguments
  # The last statement is the return value
  # you can also use the explicit `return(value)` to do early returns

Functions: an example

Consider the following data

my_list <- list(
  a = rnorm(5),
  b = rcauchy(5),
  c = runif(5),
  d = rexp(5)
List of 4
 $ a: num [1:5] 0.00986 0.67827 1.02956 -1.72953 -2.20435
 $ b: num [1:5] -1.319 1.453 -37.231 0.164 -4.862
 $ c: num [1:5] 0.1215 0.8928 0.0146 0.7831 0.09
 $ d: num [1:5] 0.0384 1.2302 2.2003 0.9757 0.337

we want to rescale all the values so that they lie in the range 0 to 1.

Functions: an example

Let’s first see how to do it on my_list$a:

maxval <- max(my_list$a)
minval <- min(my_list$a)

(my_list$a - minval) / (maxval - minval)
[1] 0.6846843 0.8913725 1.0000000 0.1468252 0.0000000

Functions: an example

Now, instead of copying and pasting the code for all the entries in my_list, we define a function rescale01

rescale01 <- function(values) {
  maxval <- max(values)
  minval <- min(values)
  (values - minval) / (maxval - minval)

and then we can invoke it, maybe in a loop

output <- list()
for (nm in names(my_list)) {
  output[[nm]] <- rescale01(my_list[[nm]])
List of 4
 $ a: num [1:5] 0.685 0.891 1 0.147 0
 $ b: num [1:5] 0.928 1 0 0.967 0.837
 $ c: num [1:5] 0.1217 1 0 0.8751 0.0858
 $ d: num [1:5] 0 0.551 1 0.434 0.138

Functions: variable number of arguments

You can write functions that accept a variable number of arguments using the ... syntax:

with_varargs <- function(...) {
  # The following line stores the additional arguments in a list,
  # for convenient access. Additional arguments can even be named
  args <- list(...)

  "hello",     # This is a positional argument
  b = 42,      # This is an additional argument that will go in the args list
  a = "world"  # And additional arguments can also be named
List of 3
 $  : chr "hello"
 $ b: num 42
 $ a: chr "world"


  • Functions are the basic unit of code reuse

  • Libraries (also called packages) group together functions with related functionality


Installing libraries

Just use the command


The tidyverse

R packages for data science

The tidyverse is an opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science. All packages share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures.

Install the complete tidyverse with:


Using libraries

Prepend the package name


Bring all the package’s functions into scope


Using libraries

The second option is more convenient, but some names may mask names already in scope

Attaching package: `dplyr`

The following objects are masked 
from `package:stats`:

    filter, lag

The following objects are masked
from `package:base`:

    intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

In this case the shadowed names are still accessible using their fully qualified name


The Tidyverse libraries

The tidyverse is an opinionated collection of R packages designed for data science. All packages share an underlying design philosophy, grammar, and data structures.

These packages can be installed simply by using


And then used with


The main library we will deal with.

Declarative graphics with a well-defined grammar.

The main reason we use Rrather than python.

The tabular data representation we will mostly use.

A modern iteration on the data frame concept.

Data manipulation library.

Covers most of our preprocessing needs.

Reads a variety of file formats in a convenient way.

Handles corner cases and encodings for you.