Legendary captions

Short on space? Make stylish and compact figure legends by underlining text in their captions.


February 22, 2024

When writing conference articles we have to work with very strict page limits: not a single line is allowed beyond the prescribed 12 pages (or 10 or whatever…).

I think that adding figures is a good way of showing your results, but oftentimes plots containing lots of colored lines require a large legend to be interpretable. Large legends take up a lot of space.

Instead of fiddling with the positioning of the legend, a possibility is to remove the legend altogether from the plot. But then how are readers supposed to get information out of your plot? Simple: use the same colors to underline relevant parts of the caption.

This can be rather easily implemented in \(\LaTeX\) by using the ulem and contour packages, extending a trick I learned here.

To make the thick colored underline work nicely with descenders we can use the contour package to draw a white “aura” around each underlined word.

In the preamble of your document add the following:

% Load `ulem` with the `normalem` option so to not 
% mess with the `\emph` command

% These two lines control the thickness of the underline, 
% and its distance from the baseline of the words.

% This line controls the "width" of the white
% contour around each word.

% Finally this is the command for UnderLine Colors.
% It takes two arguments: the first is the text to underline
% the second is the color to use.

The missing piece is now a color palette in \(\LaTeX\) matching the one used in the plot. To this end we can use the ability of the xcolor package to define colors using hex code:

\definecolor{color name}{HTML}{color hex}

If you generate your figures with Python, then you can create a palette.tex file with the following snippet (assuming you are using the tab10 palette)

from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import to_hex

colors = plt.colormaps["tab10"].colors
with open("palette.tex", "w") as fp:
    for i in range(len(colors)):
        col = to_hex(colors[i]).replace("#", "")
        print("\\definecolor{color%d}{HTML}{%s}" % (i, col), file=fp)

The outcome is a palette.tex file that you can include in your \(\LaTeX\) preamble which looks like the following


Finally, you can use the \ulc command as follows

    % Note that we have to explicitly set the optional short
    % caption to something that does not use the underlines, otheriwse
    % the code does not compile.
    \caption[]{Performance of
        \ulc{our algorithm}{color0}
        with respect to
        \ulc{baseline A}{color1},
        \ulc{baseline B}{color2},
        and \ulc{baseline C}{color3}.
        Data are completely made up.