Personal Info

Personal Info
face.gif (27829 byte) You know, this is not my best performance...

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bulletI was born in Ferrara (Italy, of course...) in October 19th, 1965.
bulletAfter 6 years of free playing and 13 years of attending school, I finally ended my high school (in Italy, it's called a scientific liceo) and posed my feet inside the University, in Bologna.
bulletIn 1990 I graduated with the best marks in Electronic Engineering, and I began to work on my Ph.D.
bulletIn 1994 I got a Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering and Computer Science.
bulletSince 1994 and until 1998, I've been in charge of teaching Computer Science, Microelectronics and Switching Theory & Digital Systems at the University of Udine (Italy), with temporary contracts.
bulletIn 1998, I began working as a researcher and teaching assistant of Computer Science at the University of Padova, Italy; at the end of the year I married Caterina, who is still with me.
bulletIn 2004, January, I upgraded to Associate Professor.