Term Papers
These documents were produced in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. I put them here hoping that their content might prove useful to someone.
- Hierarchy-conscious Data Structures for String Analysis.
“Bioinformatics and Computational Biology” course,
Department of Information Engineering, June 2002.
[PPT presentation]
- Ricerca di itemset frequenti
(Searching for Frequent Itemsets).
“Data Mining” course,
Department of Information Engineering, July 2002.
- Algoritmi on-line e risoluzione di problemi complessi
(On-Line Algorithms and the Solution of Complex Problems).
“Scuola Nazionale dei Dottorati di Ricerca in Informatica ed Ingegneria Informatica”,
Volterra (PI), November 2002.
[PPT presentation]
- IBM SP Switch: Theory and Practice.
PRIMP course,
Department of Information Engineering, December 2002.
[PPT presentation]
- Località, network processor e routing table lookup problem
(Locality, Network Processors and the Routing Table Lookup Problem).
“Design of High Speed Network Systems” course,
Department of Information Engineering, June 2003.
- Fast Matrix Multiplication
“Introduction to Natural Language Processing” course,
Department of Information Engineering, December 2003.
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