/* Copyright (C) 2024 Alessandro Languasco */ /********** ****** COMPUTATION OF Euler's constants in AP (L.-Moree) **********/ \\ Global variables global(CHI_VECTOR_NON_PRINC, DFACTORS_POW_MATR, PPOWERS_MATR, NUM_PRIME_FACTORS_D, VALCHI_CONJ_A_MATRIX, VALCHI_P_MATRIX); global(DFACTORS, TWOPII, S5VECTOR, S2VECTOR, GAMMA1VECTOR, LOG_DFACTORS, LOG_P, LOG_P_OVER_P); global(SQUARE_FREE_UP_TO_J, LOG_DER_AT_1, SJCHI_VECTOR, NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_P, ONE_OVER_P_MINUS_ONE); global(ONE_OVER_P_D_MINUS_ONE, ORD_CHI_J_MATRIX, CHI_J_MATRIX, ISPRIMEDIVISOR_OF_D, NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_D, PRIMES_UP_TO_D); \\ Routine to compute the value of L'/L(s,chi) when chi is a Dirichlet character (also imprimitive) {L_derlog(L, chi, G, d, s) = local(conductor, Gstar, chistar, corr_chi_imprim, val_chistar_d1, ud1, L_value, L_prime_value, L_derlog_value, d1); L_value = lfun(L, s); \\ value of L at s for the attached primitive character L_prime_value = lfun(L, s, 1); \\ value of L'at s for the attached primitive character L_derlog_value = L_prime_value / L_value; \\ value of logarithmic derivatie at s for the attached primitive character conductor = zncharconductor(G, chi); if (conductor < d, \\ chi is imprimitive \\ computing the correction sum for the logarithmic derivative [Gstar,chistar] = znchartoprimitive(G, chi); \\ chistar is the primitive character such that chi is induced by chistar corr_chi_imprim = 0.; for(i=1, NUM_PRIME_FACTORS_D, d1 = DFACTORS[i]; if(conductor % d1 <> 0, \\ d1 not divides both d and conductor of chi and conductor <> 1 ud1 = chareval(Gstar, chistar, d1); val_chistar_d1 = exp(TWOPII * ud1); \\ value of chistar(d1) corr_chi_imprim += val_chistar_d1 * LOG_DFACTORS[i] / (DFACTORS_POW_MATR[i,s] - val_chistar_d1) \\ we can use precomputed powers of d1^s since s is k*j, 2 <= k < = K, 1 <= j <= J ); ); L_derlog_value += corr_chi_imprim ; ); return(L_derlog_value); } \\ Routine to compute the sum p <= P of chi(p) log(p) / (p^s - chi(p))); to get the truncated log derivative L(s, chi) \\ Computes directly the difference of the finite sums for chi^j and chi^{kj} {chi_sum_fin_delta(P, k, chi_kj, chi_j, G, d, s) = local(fin_sum_chi, up_j, val_chi_j_p, val_chi_kj_p, den, p); fin_sum_chi = 0.; \\ computation of the truncated sum over chi(p) log(p) / (p^s - chi(p) \\ we can use precomputed powers of p^s since s is k*j, 2 <= k < = K, 1 <= j <= J \\ working on (p,d) == 1 for (i = 1, NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_D, \\if ( d % p <> 0, \\ p does not divide d if ( ISPRIMEDIVISOR_OF_D[i] == 0, p = PRIMES_UP_TO_D[i]; up_j = chareval(G, chi_j , p ); val_chi_j_p = exp(TWOPII * up_j); den = denominator (up_j); val_chi_kj_p = (val_chi_j_p)^(k%den); fin_sum_chi += (val_chi_kj_p /(PPOWERS_MATR[i,s] - val_chi_kj_p) - val_chi_j_p /(PPOWERS_MATR[i,s] - val_chi_j_p)) * LOG_P[i]; \\ we can use precomputed powers of p^s since s is k*j, 2 <= k < = K, 1 <= j <= J ); ); \\ working on (p,d) == 1 for (i = NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_D + 1, NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_P, p = PPOWERS_MATR[i,1]; up_j = chareval(G, chi_j , p ); val_chi_j_p = exp(TWOPII * up_j); den = denominator (up_j); val_chi_kj_p = (val_chi_j_p)^(k%den); fin_sum_chi += (val_chi_kj_p /(PPOWERS_MATR[i,s] - val_chi_kj_p) - val_chi_j_p /(PPOWERS_MATR[i,s] - val_chi_j_p)) * LOG_P[i]; \\ we can use precomputed powers of p^s since s is k*j, 2 <= k < = K, 1 <= j <= J ); return(fin_sum_chi); } {AP_gamma_all(D, prec=19) = local(results, logtwo, phid, resfile_total, toterrs, dhalf, i, output); resfile_total = fileopen("gamma_AP-results_TOTAL.csv", "a"); \\filewrite(resfile,"d; a; gamma_da; accuracy"); default(realprecision, prec+10); \\ set working precision; D = floor(D); if (D<3, error("D must be >=3")); results = matrix(D,D-1); toterrs = matrix(D,D-1); logtwo = log(2); results[1,1] = Euler; results[2,1] = Euler + logtwo; filewrite1(resfile_total,1); filewrite1(resfile_total,";"); filewrite1(resfile_total,1); filewrite1(resfile_total,";"); filewrite1(resfile_total,results[1,1]); filewrite(resfile_total,";"); filewrite1(resfile_total,2); filewrite1(resfile_total,";"); filewrite1(resfile_total,1); filewrite1(resfile_total,";"); filewrite1(resfile_total,results[2,1]); filewrite(resfile_total,";"); fileflush(resfile_total); for (d=3, D, phid = eulerphi(d); dhalf = d\2; if (d%2 == 0 && (dhalf % 2) == 1, print("----------------------------"); print("----------------------------"); print("For d = ", d, " we can re-use previous computations"); print("----------------------------"); print("----------------------------"); results[d,1] = results[dhalf,1]; toterrs[d,1] = toterrs[dhalf,1]; results[d, 2+ dhalf] = results[dhalf, 2] + logtwo; toterrs[d, 2+ dhalf] = toterrs[dhalf, 2] ; for (a = 3, dhalf, if (gcd(a,dhalf) == 1, if (a % 2 ==1, results[d,a] = results[dhalf, a]; toterrs[d,a] = toterrs[dhalf, a], \\ else results[d,a+dhalf] = results[dhalf, a]; toterrs[d,a+dhalf] = toterrs[dhalf, a] ) ) ) , \\else dhalf is even or d is odd i = 0; output = matrix(phid, 2); output = AP_gamma(d,prec); for (a = 1, d, if (gcd(a,d) ==1, i+=1; results[d,a] = output[i,1]; toterrs[d,a] = output[i,2]; ); ); ); \\saving on file for (a = 1, d, if (gcd(a,d) ==1, filewrite1(resfile_total,d); filewrite1(resfile_total,";"); filewrite1(resfile_total,a); filewrite1(resfile_total,";"); filewrite1(resfile_total,results[d,a]); filewrite1(resfile_total,";"); default(format,e); default(realprecision,5); filewrite(resfile_total,toterrs[d,a]); default(format,f); default(realprecision, prec+10); fileflush(resfile_total); ); ); ); fileclose(resfile_total); } {AP_gamma(d, prec=19) = local(dminusone, A, K, P, err1, G, moebius_vector, Smallprimes_sum, chi, chi_to_kj, dcoprimes, toterr, phid, L1, L2, elaptimecomp, seconds, minutes, millisec, ua, Sjchi, ord_chi_j, Sjkchi, err2, val_chi_p, up, factorp, i, accuracy, J, KtimesJ, ktimesj, phidminusone, aux, test_value, sum_chars, numdcoprimes, p, chi_to_j, L, j, sum_constants, L1_derlog_value, L2_derlog_value, num_square_free, fin_sum_chi_delta, val_div_d, firstterm, Lderlog_at_1, results); if (d > 1000, error("d must be <= 1000")); if (d <= 2, error("d must be >= 3")); if (floor(prec)<> prec, prec = floor(prec); print("prec forced to be an integer"); ); if (prec < 2, error("prec must be an integer >= 2")); default(realprecision, prec+10); \\ set working precision; dminusone = d-1; phid = eulerphi(d); print("****** COMPUTATION OF Euler's constants in AP *******"); print("****** WITH A PRECISION OF AT LEAST ", prec + 10," DECIMALS *******"); \\ settings of the main parameters for a precision of about 100 decimals gettime(); A = 1000; P = A*d; \\ is P in the file if (P > 9600, P = 9600); accuracy = 10^(-prec-10); \\K = 26; K = 2; err1 = 2.0 * log(P) / ((K - 1)*(P^(K-1))*(P-1)); until (err1 < accuracy/2, K += 1; err1 = 2.0 * log(P) / ((K - 1)*(P^(K-1))*(P-1)); ); \\J = 26; J = 2; err2 = 2.0/(P^(J-1)*(P^(J+1)-1)*(J+1)); until (err2 < accuracy/2, J += 1; err2 = 2.0/(P^(J-1)*(P^(J+1)-1)); ); print("-------------------------- "); print ("Accuracy parameters: "); if (prec == 19 , print("default precision is with prec = 19")); print("prec = ", prec, "; A = ", A, "; P = ", P, "; K = ", K, "; J = ", J); print("Accuracy is 10^(-",prec+10,")"); print("err1 = ", err1); print("err2 = ", err2); toterr = err1+err2; print("toterr = ", toterr); print("-------------------------- "); \\ setting the group G = znstar(d, 1); TWOPII = 2*Pi*I; \\ PRECOMPUTATIONS KtimesJ = floor(K*J); moebius_vector = vector(J); moebius_vector[1] = 1; for (j = 2, J, moebius_vector[j] = moebius(j) * 1.0; ); \\ needed since gp2c does not support forsquarefree num_square_free = hammingweight(moebius_vector); SQUARE_FREE_UP_TO_J = vector(num_square_free); SQUARE_FREE_UP_TO_J[1] = 1; i=2; for (j = 2, J, if (moebius_vector[j] <> 0, SQUARE_FREE_UP_TO_J[i] = j; i+=1 ); ); NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_P = primepi(P); PPOWERS_MATR = matrix(NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_P, KtimesJ); LOG_P = vector(NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_P); LOG_P_OVER_P = vector(NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_P); ONE_OVER_P_MINUS_ONE = vector(NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_P); i=1; forprime ( p=2, P, factorp = p; PPOWERS_MATR[i,1]= factorp; LOG_P[i] = log(factorp); LOG_P_OVER_P[i] = LOG_P[i]/factorp; ONE_OVER_P_MINUS_ONE[i] = 1.0/(factorp - 1.0); for(k=2, KtimesJ, PPOWERS_MATR[i,k] = PPOWERS_MATR[i,k-1]*factorp ); i += 1 ); \\ generating the list of integers <= d-1 coprime with d dcoprimes = vector(phid); i=1; dcoprimes[1]=1; for(m=2, dminusone, if (gcd(m,d) == 1, i+=1; dcoprimes[i]=m ) ); numdcoprimes = #dcoprimes; \\ generating the non-principal Dirichlet characters mod d \\ and the orders of his powers phidminusone = phid - 1; CHI_VECTOR_NON_PRINC = vector(phidminusone); CHI_J_MATRIX = matrix(phidminusone, J); ORD_CHI_J_MATRIX = matrix(phidminusone, J); i=1; foreach(dcoprimes, m, \\ m = 1 corresponds to the principal character mod d if( m > 1, CHI_VECTOR_NON_PRINC[i]=znconreychar(G,m); CHI_J_MATRIX[i,1] = CHI_VECTOR_NON_PRINC[i]; ORD_CHI_J_MATRIX[i,1] = charorder(G,CHI_J_MATRIX[i,1]); foreach(SQUARE_FREE_UP_TO_J,j, \\ needed since gp2c does not support forsquarefree CHI_J_MATRIX[i,j] = charpow(G, CHI_J_MATRIX[i,1], j); ORD_CHI_J_MATRIX[i,j] = ORD_CHI_J_MATRIX[i,1] / gcd(j, ORD_CHI_J_MATRIX[i,1]); ); i+=1; ); ); \\ DFACTORS contains the list of prime factors of d \\ it is needed to handle the L functions associated to imprimitive characters DFACTORS=factor(d)[,1]; NUM_PRIME_FACTORS_D = #DFACTORS; DFACTORS_POW_MATR = matrix(NUM_PRIME_FACTORS_D, KtimesJ); LOG_DFACTORS = vector(NUM_PRIME_FACTORS_D); ONE_OVER_P_D_MINUS_ONE = vector(NUM_PRIME_FACTORS_D); for(i=1, NUM_PRIME_FACTORS_D, p = DFACTORS[i]; factorp = p*1.0; ONE_OVER_P_D_MINUS_ONE[i] = 1.0/(factorp - 1.0); DFACTORS_POW_MATR[i,1]= factorp; LOG_DFACTORS[i] = log(factorp); for(k=2, KtimesJ, DFACTORS_POW_MATR[i,k] = DFACTORS_POW_MATR[i,k-1]*factorp ) ); \\ ISPRIMEDIVISOR_OF_D contains 1 or 0 depending if p<=d divides d or not NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_D = primepi(d); ISPRIMEDIVISOR_OF_D = vector(NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_D); PRIMES_UP_TO_D = vector(NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_D); i = 1 ; forprime (p = 2, d, PRIMES_UP_TO_D[i] = p; if ( d % p == 0, ISPRIMEDIVISOR_OF_D[i] = 1 ); i+=1 ); \\ S5VECTOR stores the value of the sum over each non trivial character S5VECTOR = vector(numdcoprimes); \\ initialised with zeros SJCHI_VECTOR = vector(phidminusone); for(m=1, phidminusone, \\ we run over the non principal characters chi = CHI_VECTOR_NON_PRINC[m]; Sjchi = 0; foreach(SQUARE_FREE_UP_TO_J,j, \\ needed since gp2c does not support forsquarefree chi_to_j = CHI_J_MATRIX[m,j]; L2 = lfuncreate([G, chi_to_j]); ord_chi_j = ORD_CHI_J_MATRIX[m,j]; Sjkchi = 0; for(k = 2, K, if ( k % ord_chi_j <> 1, \\ for k % ord_chi_j == 1 we have chi^(kj) = chi^j and the summand is zero ktimesj = k*j; chi_to_kj = charpow(G, chi_to_j, k); L1 = lfuncreate([G, chi_to_kj]); L1_derlog_value = L_derlog(L1, chi_to_kj, G, d, ktimesj); L2_derlog_value = L_derlog(L2, chi_to_j, G, d, ktimesj); fin_sum_chi_delta = chi_sum_fin_delta(P, k, chi_to_kj, chi_to_j, G, d, ktimesj); Sjkchi += L1_derlog_value - L2_derlog_value + fin_sum_chi_delta; ); ); Sjchi += moebius_vector[j]* Sjkchi; ); SJCHI_VECTOR[m] = Sjchi; ); VALCHI_CONJ_A_MATRIX = matrix(numdcoprimes,phidminusone); i=0; foreach(dcoprimes, a, i += 1 ; sum_chars = 0; for(m=1, phidminusone, \\ we run over the non principal characters chi = CHI_VECTOR_NON_PRINC[m]; ua = chareval(G, chi , a ); VALCHI_CONJ_A_MATRIX[i,m] = exp(-TWOPII * ua); \\ conjugate character sum_chars += VALCHI_CONJ_A_MATRIX[i,m]* SJCHI_VECTOR[m]; ); S5VECTOR[i] = -sum_chars; ); S2VECTOR = vector(numdcoprimes); VALCHI_P_MATRIX = matrix(NUMPRIMES_UP_TO_P,phidminusone); for(m=1, phidminusone, \\ we run over the nonprincipal characters chi = CHI_VECTOR_NON_PRINC[m]; j = 0; \\ working on (p,d) == 1 forprime (p = 2, d, j+=1; if ( d % p == 0 , VALCHI_P_MATRIX[j,m] = 0. , \\else up = chareval(G, chi , p ); VALCHI_P_MATRIX[j,m] = exp(TWOPII * up) ); ); forprime (p = d+1, P, j+=1; up = chareval(G, chi , p ); VALCHI_P_MATRIX[j,m] = exp(TWOPII * up); ); ); i=0; foreach(dcoprimes, a, i += 1 ; Smallprimes_sum = 0; for(m=1, phidminusone, \\ we run over the nonprincipal characters aux = 0; j = 0; forprime(p = 2, P, j+=1; val_chi_p = VALCHI_P_MATRIX[j,m]; aux += val_chi_p * LOG_P_OVER_P[j] * ( val_chi_p/(p-val_chi_p) - ONE_OVER_P_MINUS_ONE[j] ) ; ); Smallprimes_sum += VALCHI_CONJ_A_MATRIX[i,m] * aux; ); S2VECTOR[i] = Smallprimes_sum; ); GAMMA1VECTOR = vector(numdcoprimes); val_div_d = 0; for(i=1, NUM_PRIME_FACTORS_D, val_div_d += LOG_DFACTORS[i]*ONE_OVER_P_D_MINUS_ONE[i]; ); LOG_DER_AT_1 = vector(phidminusone); for(m=1, phidminusone, chi = CHI_VECTOR_NON_PRINC[m]; L = lfuncreate([G, chi]); LOG_DER_AT_1[m] = L_derlog(L, chi, G, d, 1); ); i=0; foreach(dcoprimes, a, i += 1 ; firstterm = 0; for(m=1, phidminusone, \\ we run over the nonprincipal characters Lderlog_at_1 = LOG_DER_AT_1[m]; firstterm += VALCHI_CONJ_A_MATRIX[i,m]* Lderlog_at_1; ); GAMMA1VECTOR[i] = Euler + val_div_d + firstterm; ); print(" RESULTS "); elaptimecomp=gettime(); sum_constants = 0; print("-------------------------- "); i=0; results = matrix(numdcoprimes,2); foreach(dcoprimes, a, i += 1 ; aux = real(GAMMA1VECTOR[i] + S2VECTOR[i] + S5VECTOR[i])/phid; results[i,1] = aux; results[i,2] = toterr; print("gamma(",d,";",a,") = ", aux); sum_constants += aux; ); print("-------------------------- "); test_value = Euler + val_div_d; print("Consistency test = ", sum_constants - test_value ); print("-------------------------- "); print("****** COMPUTATION TIME ********"); seconds=floor(elaptimecomp/1000)%60; minutes=floor(elaptimecomp/60000); millisec=elaptimecomp - minutes*60000 - seconds*1000; print("Computation time: ", minutes, " min, ", seconds, " sec, ", millisec, " millisec"); print("****** END PROGRAM ********"); return(results); } /************ Last login: Sun May 5 13:02:57 on ttys007 languasc@zygalski ~ % cd /Users/languasc/Documents/LANGUASCO/matematica/lavori/\[80\]EK_for_AP/programs languasc@zygalski programs % gp2c-run -pmy_ -g -W gamma_arprog_final.gp Warning:gamma_arprog_final.gp:164: variable undeclared e Warning:gamma_arprog_final.gp:167: variable undeclared f Reading GPRC: /Users/languasc/.gprc GPRC Done. GP/PARI CALCULATOR Version 2.15.5 (released) i386 running darwin (x86-64/GMP-6.3.0 kernel) 64-bit version compiled: Feb 24 2024, Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500. threading engine: pthread (readline v8.0 enabled, extended help enabled) Copyright (C) 2000-2022 The PARI Group PARI/GP is free software, covered by the GNU General Public License, and comes WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY WHATSOEVER. Type ? for help, \q to quit. Type ?18 for how to get moral (and possibly technical) support. parisizemax = 2048000000, primelimit = 500000, nbthreads = 12 ? AP_gamma_all(10,50) ****** COMPUTATION OF Euler's constants in AP ******* ****** WITH A PRECISION OF AT LEAST 60 DECIMALS ******* -------------------------- Accuracy parameters: prec = 50; A = 1000; P = 3000; K = 18; J = 9 Accuracy is 10^(-60) err1 = 2.43208529966564416997966094010728207007655846855676182216720 E-63 err2 = 5.16234958342639436398006301623350651924394121773093271293970 E-63 toterr = 7.59443488309203853395972395634078858932049968628769453510689 E-63 -------------------------- RESULTS -------------------------- gamma(3;1) = 1.09904952586667653048446536830561011726877035116603294279006 gamma(3;2) = 0.0274722833689111758196693402380551660971342636852653818830593 -------------------------- Consistency test = -3.454467422037777850 E-77 -------------------------- ****** COMPUTATION TIME ******** Computation time: 0 min, 1 sec, 20 millisec ****** END PROGRAM ******** ****** COMPUTATION OF Euler's constants in AP ******* ****** WITH A PRECISION OF AT LEAST 60 DECIMALS ******* -------------------------- Accuracy parameters: prec = 50; A = 1000; P = 4000; K = 17; J = 9 Accuracy is 10^(-60) err1 = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000603622441923637424518716161439957706799684599998793940586093 err2 = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000291038304567337036132812500000000000277555756156289135105908 toterr = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000603913480228204761554848973939957706799962155754950229721199 -------------------------- RESULTS -------------------------- gamma(4;1) = 0.986722568313428628851628485266200068085358865038395262040658 gamma(4;3) = 0.283640277148049541172115726274378931032300605261783590885789 -------------------------- Consistency test = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -------------------------- ****** COMPUTATION TIME ******** Computation time: 0 min, 1 sec, 22 millisec ****** END PROGRAM ******** ****** COMPUTATION OF Euler's constants in AP ******* ****** WITH A PRECISION OF AT LEAST 60 DECIMALS ******* -------------------------- Accuracy parameters: prec = 50; A = 1000; P = 5000; K = 17; J = 9 Accuracy is 10^(-60) err1 = 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000139573607969757585515414239744172562330462885534523748423492 err2 = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000524288000000000000000000000000000000053687091200000000000000 toterr = 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000139626036769757585515414239744172562330468254243643748423492 -------------------------- RESULTS -------------------------- gamma(5;1) = 0.608523951539242472079793258724297784485288468537460426713149 gamma(5;2) = -0.352151568727300949661662936463231782979398446526485211013255 gamma(5;3) = -0.0277297956309668265257700614505971705577472592709054495812843 gamma(5;4) = 0.750932555829083258364341662578480509975416911766983263165319 -------------------------- Consistency test = -0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000008636168555094444625 -------------------------- ****** COMPUTATION TIME ******** Computation time: 0 min, 3 sec, 735 millisec ****** END PROGRAM ******** ---------------------------- ---------------------------- For d = 6 we can re-use previous computations ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ****** COMPUTATION OF Euler's constants in AP ******* ****** WITH A PRECISION OF AT LEAST 60 DECIMALS ******* -------------------------- Accuracy parameters: prec = 50; A = 1000; P = 7000; K = 16; J = 8 Accuracy is 10^(-60) err1 = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000355267311321500157764873863491435651956486076557726607870119 err2 = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000601812709779332688901710474186200635595013025160464830267913 toterr = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000957080021100832846666584337677636287551499101718191438138032 -------------------------- RESULTS -------------------------- gamma(7;1) = 0.524815040692497356262522341149533289906194861404909678348647 gamma(7;2) = -0.205605438156889246453478698566563348079177033238215998096621 gamma(7;3) = -0.207379226204487017674963327989581998053903224541037016890610 gamma(7;4) = 0.394136290298642495869491773880949339848115670869076082320908 gamma(7;5) = 0.00220396249714958098054633164538511148407692480072827852585877 gamma(7;6) = 0.393363393950505242473285793869876657543032924908106106007483 -------------------------- Consistency test = -0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000025908505665283333876 -------------------------- ****** COMPUTATION TIME ******** Computation time: 0 min, 8 sec, 726 millisec ****** END PROGRAM ******** ****** COMPUTATION OF Euler's constants in AP ******* ****** WITH A PRECISION OF AT LEAST 60 DECIMALS ******* -------------------------- Accuracy parameters: prec = 50; A = 1000; P = 8000; K = 16; J = 8 Accuracy is 10^(-60) err1 = 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000425772382599000392766964880487485037243624016100796507190878 err2 = 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000710542735760100185871124267578125005293955920339377119177016 toterr = 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000113631511835910057863808914806561004253757993644017362636789 -------------------------- RESULTS -------------------------- gamma(8;1) = 0.854935464772769233543358720452450064927724612173143130188155 gamma(8;3) = -0.0798291608610312540562783915706500134207138863064139763276721 gamma(8;5) = 0.131787103540659395308269764813750003157634252865252131852503 gamma(8;7) = 0.363469438009080795228394117845028944453014491568197567213461 -------------------------- Consistency test = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -------------------------- ****** COMPUTATION TIME ******** Computation time: 0 min, 3 sec, 180 millisec ****** END PROGRAM ******** ****** COMPUTATION OF Euler's constants in AP ******* ****** WITH A PRECISION OF AT LEAST 60 DECIMALS ******* -------------------------- Accuracy parameters: prec = 50; A = 1000; P = 9000; K = 16; J = 8 Accuracy is 10^(-60) err1 = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000655218019242319177505869043711966067036573789502399157961946 err2 = 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000107931905547085803064583170332768337932861875862937140974660 toterr = 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000173453707471317720815170074703964944636519254813177056770854 -------------------------- RESULTS -------------------------- gamma(9;1) = 0.458393411675144887073401432170122456606603184021781783568418 gamma(9;2) = -0.439091624987433551772260723033844635656382105053552664408795 gamma(9;4) = 0.376643569772260748501338788635142398143701665457401484371480 gamma(9;5) = 0.0310377589755237254080223102800284801451355305044033869513626 gamma(9;7) = 0.264012544419270894909725147500345262518465501686849674850158 gamma(9;8) = 0.435526149380821002183907752991871321608380838234414659340492 -------------------------- Consistency test = 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 -------------------------- ****** COMPUTATION TIME ******** Computation time: 0 min, 8 sec, 171 millisec ****** END PROGRAM ******** ---------------------------- ---------------------------- For d = 10 we can re-use previous computations ---------------------------- ---------------------------- ? *****************/