Leonardo Pellegrina

I am an Assistant Professor (RTDa) at the Department of Information Engineering (DEI) of the University of Padova, and part of the AIDA Lab. In my research I develop practical, and theoretically sound, algorithms for Data Mining and Computational Biology. Previously, I was a PostDoc and Ph.D. student at the University of Padova, under the supervision of Prof. Fabio Vandin. I also was a Visiting Research Fellow at the Department of Computer Science of Brown University, under the supervision of Prof. Eli Upfal.

Links and contacts
Curriculum Vitae, Publications, Google Scholar, Twitter, GitHub, mail: leonardo.pellegrina *at* unipd.it

- May 2024: Our paper "Scalable Rule Lists Learning with Sampling" has been accepted to KDD 2024!
- May 2024: Our paper "Efficient Discovery of Significant Patterns with Few-Shot Resampling" has been accepted to VLDB 2024!
- October 2023: Our paper "SILVAN: Estimating Betweenness Centralities with Progressive Sampling and Non-uniform Rademacher Bounds" has been accepted to ACM TKDD!
- August 2023: I will join ScalPerf 2023 in Bertinoro to talk about our recent "Statistical learning techniques to efficiently identify central nodes from large graphs".
- July 2023: A short version of our SILVAN paper has been accepted to the MLG workshop at ECML PKDD 2023! See you in Turin!
- May 2023: My paper "Efficient Centrality Maximization with Rademacher Averages" has been accepted to KDD 2023!
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