
Shenglun Yi

Research fellow (Type B-Junior)

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A research fellow (Type B-Junior) in Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Padova, Italy. His current research interests include robust estimation, information fusion, signal processing, and identification theory.


Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova - Padova, Italy

Research fellow (Type B-Junior)

Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova- Padova, Italy

Postdoc (Supervisor: Prof. Mattia Zorzi)

Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova- Padova, Italy

Visiting scholar (Supervisor: Prof. Mattia Zorzi)


Beijing Institute of Technology - Beijing, China

2018.09 - 2022.07

Ph. D. - Control Science and Engineering (Supervisor: Prof. Xuemei Ren )

Beijing Technology and Business University - Beijing, China

2016.09 - 2018.07

M. Eng. - Control Engineering (Supervisor: Prof. Xuebo Jin)

Chongqing University - Chongqing, China

2012.09 - 2016.07

B. Eng. - Automation


Yi S, Su T, Tang Z Y. Robust adaptive Kalman filter for structural performance assessment. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2024, 34(9): 5966-5982. [preprint]
Zorzi M, Yi S. On the convergence of degenerate risk sensitive filters. Systems & Control Letters, 2024, 185: 105732. [preprint]
Yi S, Ren X. Robust Bayesian estimation method for unreachable systems. Control Theory & Applications, 2024, 41(2): 221-228. [preprint]
Yi S, Zorzi M. Robust fixed-lag smoothing under model perturbations. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 2023, 360(1): 458-483. [preprint]
Yi S, Zorzi M. Robust extended Kalman smoothing under model uncertainties. 27th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC). IEEE, 2023: 82-87. [preprint]
Yi S, Zorzi M. Robust kalman filtering under model uncertainty: The case of degenerate densities. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021, 67(7): 3458-3471. (Full paper) [preprint]
Longhini A, Perbellini M, Gottardi S, Yi, S, et al. Learning the tuned liquid damper dynamics by means of a robust EKF. American Control Conference (ACC). IEEE, 2021: 60-65. [preprint]
Yi S, Ren X. Robust Online Filter Based on a Second-Order Adaptive Model. Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference: Volume II. Springer Singapore, 2021: 691-698. [preprint]
4. Yi S, Zorzi M. Low-rank Kalman filtering under model uncertainty. 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC). IEEE, 2020: 2930-2935. [preprint]
Yi S, Ren X, Su T. An Improved Kalman Filter Based on Self-adaptive Adjustment Parameters. 8th Data Driven Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS). IEEE, 2019: 1060-1064. [preprint]
Yi S, Jin X, Su T, et al. A Fourth-Order Current Adaptive Model for Online Denoising by Kalman Filter. 2017 Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference: Volume II. Springer Singapore, 2018: 135-145. (Best paper reward) [preprint]
Su T, Yi S, Jin X, et al. An Improved Online Denoising Algorithm Based on the Adaptive Noise Covariance. Innovative Techniques and Applications of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2018:119-132. [preprint]
Yi S, Jin X, Su T, et al. Online denoising based on the second-order adaptive statistics model. Sensors, 2017, 17(7): 1668. [preprint]
Yi S, Su T, Jin X. Improved smartphone-based indoor localization via drift estimation for accelerometer. International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS). IEEE, 2017: 379-383. [preprint]
Yi S, Jin X, Su T. An improved online denoising algorithm based on Kalman filter and adaptive current statistics model. 9th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC). IEEE, 2017: 782-786. [preprint]
Xiang N, Wang F, Wang B, Yi S, et al. Gesture detected by inertial sensor. 29th Chinese Control And Decision Conference (CCDC), IEEE, 2017: 7740-7743. [preprint]


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