Beijing Institute of Technology - Beijing, China
2018.09 - 2022.07
Ph. D. - Control Science and Engineering (Supervisor: Prof. Xuemei Ren )
Beijing Technology and Business University - Beijing,
2016.09 - 2018.07
M. Eng. - Control Engineering (Supervisor: Prof. Xuebo Jin)
Chongqing University - Chongqing, China
2012.09 - 2016.07
B. Eng. - Automation
Yi S, Zorzi M, Jin X, Su T. A Switched Approach for Smartphone-Based Pedestrian Navigation.
Sensors, 2024, 24(16): 5247.
Yi S, Su T, Tang Z Y. Robust adaptive Kalman filter for structural performance assessment.
Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 2024, 34(9): 5966-5982.
Zorzi M, Yi S. On the convergence of degenerate risk sensitive filters. Systems & Control Letters, 2024,
185: 105732.
Yi S, Ren X. Robust Bayesian estimation method for unreachable systems. Control Theory & Applications, 2024,
41(2): 221-228.
Yi S, Zorzi M. Robust fixed-lag smoothing under model perturbations. Journal of the Franklin Institute,
2023, 360(1): 458-483.
Yi S, Zorzi M. Robust extended Kalman smoothing under model uncertainties. 27th International Conference on
System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC). IEEE, 2023: 82-87.
Yi S, Zorzi M. Robust kalman filtering under model uncertainty: The case of degenerate densities. IEEE
Transactions on Automatic Control, 2021, 67(7): 3458-3471. (Full paper)
Longhini A, Perbellini M, Gottardi S, Yi, S, et al. Learning the tuned liquid damper dynamics by means of a
robust EKF. American Control Conference (ACC). IEEE, 2021: 60-65.
Yi S, Ren X. Robust Online Filter Based on a Second-Order Adaptive Model. Chinese Intelligent Systems
Conference: Volume II. Springer Singapore, 2021: 691-698.
4. Yi S, Zorzi M. Low-rank Kalman filtering under model uncertainty. 59th IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control (CDC). IEEE, 2020: 2930-2935.
Yi S, Ren X, Su T. An Improved Kalman Filter Based on Self-adaptive Adjustment Parameters. 8th Data Driven
Control and Learning Systems Conference (DDCLS). IEEE, 2019: 1060-1064.
Yi S, Jin X, Su T, et al. A Fourth-Order Current Adaptive Model for Online Denoising by Kalman Filter. 2017
Chinese Intelligent Systems Conference: Volume II. Springer Singapore, 2018: 135-145. (Best paper reward)
Su T, Yi S, Jin X, et al. An Improved Online Denoising Algorithm Based on the Adaptive Noise Covariance.
Innovative Techniques and Applications of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2018:119-132.
Yi S, Jin X, Su T, et al. Online denoising based on the second-order adaptive statistics model. Sensors,
2017, 17(7): 1668.
Yi S, Su T, Jin X. Improved smartphone-based indoor localization via drift estimation for accelerometer.
International Conference on Unmanned Systems (ICUS). IEEE, 2017: 379-383.
Yi S, Jin X, Su T. An improved online denoising algorithm based on Kalman filter and adaptive current
statistics model. 9th International Conference on Modelling, Identification and Control (ICMIC). IEEE, 2017:
Xiang N, Wang F, Wang B, Yi S, et al. Gesture detected by inertial sensor. 29th Chinese Control And Decision
Conference (CCDC), IEEE, 2017: 7740-7743.