Francesco Silvestri
AIDA Lab (Algorithms for Intelligent Data Analytics)
Department of Information Engineering
University of Padova
About me
I’m an associate professor in Computer Engineering at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova. Previously, I was an assistant professor at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova (2016-2019), post-doc in the Algorithm group of the IT University of Copenhagen (2015-2016), and post-doc at the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova (2009-2014). I’ve also held positions as a part-time lecturer at the IT University of Copenhagen (2013-2014) and as visiting scholar at the Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin (2006-2007). I received a Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Padova in 2009.
See my cv for more details on my activities and here for more stuff about me.
Research ↑
My research targets algorithms and data structures, with an emphasis on:
- Big data: how can we efficiently extract information from huge amounts of data?
- High performance: how can we exploit modern hardware to crunch big data?
In particular, I have been extensively working on:
- Similarity Search
- Dimensionality reduction
- Graph mining
- Parallel algorithms
- I/O efficient algorithms
- Algorithms for modern architectures
- Mobility algorithms
For more details give a look at my publications and my cv.
Research collaborators ↑
- Current PhD students: Mariafiore Tognon (started 11/2024), Linghan Zeng (started 2023 @Uni. Auckland co-supervised with Ninh Pham), Fabrizio Boninsegna (started 10/2022)
- Research collaborators: Francesco Pio Monaco (started 10/2024)
- Past collaborators: Lorenzo Padoan (02/2023-07/2024), Stefano Alberton (started 02/2023-05/2023)
Program Committees ↑
I have served on the following program committees:
- Euro-Par 2025 (track chair), IPDPS 2024, PPoPP 2024, ESA Track A 2023, ACM PODS 2023, IPDPS GrAPL 2023, ACM KDD 2023, ISAAC 2022, Euro-Par 2022, SDM 2022, ACM KDD 2022, TheWebConf 2021, SDM 2021, TheWebConf 2020, ESA 2019, Cluster 2019, ICPP 2019, ICALP 2019, TheWebConf 2019, Cluster 2018, BeyondMR 2018, TheWebConf 2018, PODS 2017, SBAC-PAD 2017, BeyondMR 2017, Cluster 2017, IJCAI 2016, SBAC-PAD 2016, IPDPS 2016, ESA 2015, IPDPS 2015, SC Workshops 2015, SC Poster 2014, MASSIVE 2014, BigData 2013, SC Poster 2013, IPDPS 2013.
I’m also Associated Editor of the ACM Transactions of Parallel Computing
Teaching ↑
You can find my master/bachelor theses’ proposals here.
I have taught these courses:
- University of Padova @ Departement of Information Engineering
- Big Data Computing (in English): Spring 2025, Spring 2024, Spring 2023,Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020
- Architettura degli Elaboratori (in Italian): Spring 2025, Spring 2024, Spring 2023, Spring 2022, Spring 2021, Spring 2020, Spring 2019, Spring 2018, Spring 2017
- University of Padova @ Galilean School of Higher Education
- IT University of Copenhagen
- Advanced Algorithms Seminar (Spring 2016, Spring 2015)
- Algorithm Design Project (Fall 2015)
- Algorithm Design II (Fall 2013)
Contacts ↑
- Address: Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Via Gradenigo 6/B, I-35131 Padova, Italy
- Office: 408
- Phone: +39 049 8277920
- E-mail: silvestri ♦ dei • unipd • it (♦=at, •=dot)
- X/Twitter: SilvestriFr
- LinkedIn: FraSil