My main research interests concern both Visual Analytics (VA) and Progressive Visual Analytics (PVA) methods for Information Retrieval purposes.
My research work has been focused on Progressive Visual Analytics methods for the incremental evaluation of search engines.
A new line of research I am pursuing regards the application of VA methods for the automatic content generation from streaming data. In particular, according to the Human-in-the-loop model, I am investigating the benefits of the feedback provided by the users, in order to improve the results of the analytical algorithms running in the background.
During my master degree thesis work, I developed AVIATOR A visual analytics tool for the incremental evaluation of search engines.
In the field of Information Retrieval (IR), it is of fundamental importance the activity of evaluating the performance of an Information Retrieval System (IRS), by means of specific metrics. For this reason, we developed AVIATOR, a visual analytics tool capable of incrementally indexing a document collection in order to help IR experts to automatically obtain the values for the evaluation metrics, so that they can be compared dynamically as the indexing process proceeds.