Michele Rossi
I am full Professor with the Department of Information Engineering (DEI), University of Padova, Italy and member of the SIGNET research group @DEI. My research focuses on telecommunications systems, learning systems and human data sensing and analysis. For my current research on green mobile networks, see the SCAVENGE You Tube Channel and the GREENEDGE ITN project.
- 2025-2027: Horizon Europe MULTIX (Smart Networks and Services Joint Undertaking, Grant Agreement No. 101192521) - MULTIX: Advancing 6G-RAN through multi-technology, multi-sensor fusion, multi-band and multi-static perception.
- 2024-2026: Horizon Europe ROBUST-6G (HORIZON-JU-SNS-2023-STREAM-B-01-04) - ROBUST-6G: Smart, Automated and Reliable Security Service Platform for 6G.
- 2022-2025: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2020 - ITN GREENEDGE (coordinator) project on Green Edge computing technology for mobile communications Systems. GREENEDGE has been awarded the title of "stuccess story" by the European Commission. See the article.
- 2019-2022: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2019 - ITN MINTS project on mm-Wave communications and sensing beyond 5G.
- 2016-2020: H2020-MSCA-ITN-2015 - ITN SCAVENGE project on energy harvesting mobile networks.
- 2016-2018: PI of the IoT-SURF project (CPDA151221): "IoT-SURF: a unifying abstraction and reasoning framework for connected and unconnected objects", funded by the University of Padova.
- 2016-2018: Co-PI of the ECCENTRIC project on distributed signal processing and dissemination in energy harvesting sensor networks, funded by Intel ISRA.
- 2014-2015: PI of a SAMSUNG Global Research Outreach (GRO) project entitled: "Boosting Efficiency in Biometric Signal Processing for Smart Wearable Devices".
- 2010-2014: Marie Curie Senior Researcher within SWAP (EU FP7-IAPP project on energy harvesting WSNs).
- 2010-2013: EU IoT-A (FP7, architectures and protocols for the Internet of Things).
- 2010-2012: PI of the MOSAICS project (CDPA 094077): "MOnitoring Sensor and Actuator networks through Integrated Compressive Sensing and data gathering", funded by the University of Padova.
- 2008-2010: EU SENSEI project ("integrating the physical world with the digital world of the network of the future"), WISE-WAI project ("wireless sensor networks for smart cities", funded by Cariparo).
- 2005-2009: collaboration with the Ubiquitous Networking Research group @ DOCOMO Euro-Labs (in Munich, Germany) in the design of distributed storage and data dissemination schemes for wireless systems (Network Coding and Compressive Sensing).
- 2002-2007: EU EYES (protocols for energy efficient WSNs, 2002-2005), EU Ambient Networks (IP, phase I and II, heterogeneous and ubiquitous wireless networking, 2002-2007), EU e-SENSE (protocols and architectures for WSNs, 2004-2007).
- 2000-2004: collaborations with ERICSSON, ESA (European Space Agency) and CNIT ("Consorzio Nazionale Interuniversitario per le Telecomunicazioni").
- December 2024: The ITN GREENEDGE ITN project (coordinated by Prof. M. Rossi) has been awarded the title of "stuccess story" by the European Commission. See the article.
- Fall 2022: F. Meneghello, N. Dal Fabbro, D. Garlisi, I. Tinnirello, M. Rossi, Winners of Fall 2022 IEEE DataPort Dataset Upload Contest, with the dataset CSI dataset for wireless human sensing on 80 MHz Wi-Fi channels.
- 2020: Best Paper Award. Michele Berno, Flavio Esposito, Michele Rossi, Elastic Function Chain Control for Edge Networks under Reconfiguration Delay and QoS Requirements IEEE Mobile Cloud 2020, August 3-6, Oxford, UK, 2020.
- 2019: Best Paper Award. Michele Berno, Juan José Alcaraz Espín, Michele Rossi, On the Allocation of Computing Tasks under QoS Constraints in Hierarchical MEC Architectures IEEE International Conference on Fog and Mobile Edge Computing (FMEC 2019), June 10-13, Rome, Italy, 2019.
- 2018: Best Paper Award. Angel Fernandez Gambin, Michele Rossi, Energy Cooperation for Sustainable Base Station Deployments: Principles and Algorithms, IEEE GLOBECOM, Singapore, 4-8 December, 2017. IEEE Communications Society’s Transmission, Access, and Optical Systems (TAOS) Technical Committee's Award for Best Paper in the "Green Communications Systems and Networks" (GCSN) Symposium. Check out the twit :-)
- 2014: SAMSUNG Global Research Outreach (GRO) Winner with a research proposal entitled "Boosting Efficiency in Biometric Signal Processing for Smart Wearable Devices".
- 2014: EU FP7 SWAP selected as a success story. The SWAP project on energy harvesting sensor networks has been selected by the European Commission as a success story! [Full Article] (published on March 1, 2014).
- 2013: Awarded as one of the young talents in the Venice region. Michele Rossi has been selected as one of the 1000 young talents in the Venice region among all disciplines, including academic research, entrepreneurs and athletics. He has received the Premio Città Impresa" 2013 the 8th of May 2013 @ the Teatro Comunale di Vicenza.
- 2012: Italiax10 - selected as one of the 10 top young Italian researchers to present his project idea on Smart Grids held on the 20-th of September 2012 at the Teatro Verdi of Trieste, Italy.
- 2008: Best Tutorial Paper Award. Elena Fasolo, Michele Rossi, Jörg Widmer and Michele Zorzi, In-Network Aggregation Techniques for Wireless Sensor Networks: A Survey IEEE Wireless Communication Magazine, Apr. 2007, pp: 70-87.
- 2007: Best Paper Award. Leonardo Badia, Nicola Bui, Marco Miozzo, Michele Rossi, Michele Zorzi, Mobility Aided Routing in Multi-hop Heterogeneous Networks with Group Mobility IEEE GLOBECOM, Washington, DC, US. Nov. 26-30, 2007.
- 2006: Best Paper Award. Leonardo Badia, Nicola Bui, Marco Miozzo, Michele Rossi, Michele Zorzi, On the Exploitation of User Aggregation Strategies in Heterogeneous Wireless Networks IEEE CAMAD, Trento, Italy, June 8-9, 2006.
- 2005: Best Paper Award. Michele Rossi, Leonardo Badia, Paolo Giacon, Michele Zorzi, On the Effectiveness of Logical Device Aggregation in Multi-radio Multi-hop Networks IEEE MobiWac, Maui, Hawaii, US. June 13-16, 2005.
Current courses
If I could give any advice to anyone musically, it’s that you have to just pick some one thing and stick with it, and don’t let anything get you off track. And you have to give back, if someone wants to know how to play a C chord, show them, don’t keep it all for yourself - Joe Diorio
- Wireless Networks (Dept. of Inf. Engineering): MS level, 6 ECTS.
This is an advanced course covering the techniques that are used to send data and perform error and congetion control over wireless networks. The focus is on the mathematical analysis of network protocols, providing the student with the ability of performing a performance analysis of complex systems involving wireless nodes, and accounting for the full transmission chain, involving: physical layer processing, channel access (over the link) and congestion control (across the whole network). Main topics. Wireless channels - statistical models: path loss, shadowing, multi-path fading. Link layer technology: review of retransmission techniques for link error recovery, hybrid ARQ designs. Transport protocols - mathematical models and performance analysis: TCP Reno/SACK, TCP CUBIC, TCP over wireless links. IEEE802.11 a/g/ac/ax (Wi-Fi 6): channel access (MAC) protocol rules, design and mathematical analysis. Mathematical analysis of the IEEE 802.11 contention mechanism. Extensions for Quality of Service support and high throughput. Wireless ad hoc networks: channel access and routing protocols.
- Machine Learning for Human Data (Dept. of Mathematics): MS level, 6 ECTS.
This is an advanced course presenting AI tools for the analysis of human data such as speech, motion-related patterns, medical images, biometric patterns, etc. HDA focus will mainly be on the AI/ML methods, looking into their definition (architecture design), training and inference (use at runtime). Main topics: unsupervised learning, vector quantization, clustering, Expectation Maximization (EM), Hidden Markov Models (HMM), Neural Networks (NN): feed forward (FFNN), convolutional (CNN) and recurrent (RNN) designs, autoencoders, residual neural networks, transformer models, learning via backpropagation. Signal types: ECG, speech, inertial signals, video. Applications are: ECG signal transmission/compression, user-identification, automatic speech recognition, user authentication and activity recognition via inertial (movement) data.
- Network Coding (Dept. of Inf. Engineering): MS level, 6 ECTS.
Main topics: coding on bipartite graphs, decoding via message passing algorithms, random coding: fountain codes, random codes for Unequal Error Protection, distributed fountain codes. Performance evaluation: simulation- and density evolution-based.
- 2017-current: Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
- 2019-2024: Associate Editor, Open Journal of the IEEE Commun. Society (OJ-COMS).
- 2011-2016: Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.
- Served on the TPC of 100+ conferences/workshops, including: IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE ICC, IEEE SECON, IEEE INFOCOM, etc.
- Outstanding Reviewer Award from Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks in 2014.
- Awarded a distinguished member of the INFOCOM 2024 Technical Program Committee.
- Awarded a distinguished member of the INFOCOM 2017 Technical Program Committee.
- Awarded a distinguished member of the INFOCOM 2019 Technical Program Committee.
- Reviewer for several Journals of the IEEE, ACM, Springer and Elsevier.
- Senior Member of the IEEE.