Project management:
- 2023-2024: Coordinator of the European project QUDICE, funded by Horizon-EU.
- 2021-2023: Coordinator of the European project QUANGO, funded by EU-H2020.
- 2020-2023: Coordinator of the project QUASAR (QUAntum SAfe Randomness),
funded by CARIPARO.
- 2020-2022: Responsible for University of Padova of the project
H2020 Exp. Payload (Optical payload for ranging and communications),
coordinated by Thales CH and funded by ESA.
2020-2024: Responsible for INFN - Padova section of the project SECRET, funded by EU-QUANTERA.
2019-2021: Responsible for University of Padova, together with Prof. Paolo Villoresi, of the project
QUASIX (single photon integrated source for QUAntum SIlicon Communications in Space) coordinated by CNR-IFN.
2018-2021: Responsible of Work Packages WP4000 and WP5000 in the project
Q-SecGroundSpace (Intermodal Secure Quantum Communication on Ground and Space), funded by ASI (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana)
and coordinated by Prof. P. Villoresi (University of Padova).
Participation to scientific projects:
- 2023-2026: participation in the QSNPS project, funded by Horizon-EU
- 2022-2025: participation in the HyperSpace project, funded by Horizon-EU
- 2021-2023: participation in the QuantaQuest project, funded by the call PADR-FDDT-EMERGING-03-2019 from European Defence Agency
- 2019-2020: participation to the project ``PROSEQO - PROtocols for Space sEcure Quantum cOmmunication'', coordinated by
Prof. P. Villoresi (University of Padova) and funded by ESA
- 2019-2022: participation to the project OpenQKD,
funded by EU-H2020 (call H2020-SU-ICT-2018-2020).
- 2016-2020: supervisor of a Ph.D. student within the project QCall, an European Innovative Training Network.
- 2015-2020: participation to the project MOONLIGHT-2 funded by INFN.
Research activities:
QuantumFuture website