Program (Draft)
Sunday, September 20
18:00-21:00 | Check-in & Reception (``Seminario'' - Via Frangipane, 4)
19:30-21:00 | Welcome Buffet (``Center Canteen'' - Via Frangipane, 2) |
Monday, September 21
07:30-08:30 | Breakfast (``Center Canteen'')
08:30-09:00 | Registration (``Frangipane Room'' - La Rocca, Via Frangipane, 6)
09:00-09:15 | Welcome
09:15-09:50 | Programming Landscape and its Impact of System Design |
Pratap Pattnaik (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
09:50-10:25 | HPC in Phase Change |
Thomas Sterling (Louisiana State University)
10:25-10:55 | Coffee
10:55-11:30 | Abstraction in Manycore Programming: Active Libraries and Indexed Metadata |
Paul Kelly (Imperial College London)
11:30-12:30 | Discussion Session I: Dynamic Approaches to Performance Optimization: Optimization at the Platform Level. Part A: Target Questions |
13:00-14:00 | Lunch (``Center Canteen'')
15:00-15:35 | Context-aware Composition of Parallel Components |
Christoph Kessler (Linköping University)
15:35-16:10 | Moving Threads instead of Data - Benefits and Challenges |
Ville Leppänen (University of Turku)
16:10-16:40 | Coffee
16:40-17:15 | The Importance and Effectiveness of Speculative Optimizations |
José E. Moreira (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center)
17:15-17:50 | SW/HW Approach for Optimizing the Performance of Synchronous Shared Memory Architectures to Low-TLP Situations |
Martti Forsell (VTT Electronics)
17:50-18:25 | STAPL: A Parallel Programming Infrastructure |
Lawrence Rauchwerger (University of Texas, A&M)
20:00-21:30 | Dinner, Ristorante Belvedere, Via Mazzini 7, 47032 Bertinoro (0543 445127). |
Tuesday, September 22
07:30-08:30 | Breakfast (``Center Canteen'')
09:00-09:35 | It's a Computer Jim; but not as we know it! |
Ian Phillips (ARM Ltd)
09:35-10:10 | Green Flash: Co-designing Hardware/Applications/Auto-tuners for Extreme Scale Computing Systems |
Erich Strohmaier (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
10:10-10:40 | Coffee
10:40-12:30 | Discussion Session I: Dynamic Approaches to Performance Optimization: Optimization at the Platform Level. Part B: Answers and Directions for Further Research |
13:00-22:30 | Excursion to Ravenna |
Packed Lunch | |
Social Dinner at Ristorante Cappello, Via IV Novembre, 41 - Ravenna (RA) (0544 219813) |
Wednesday, September 23
07:30-08:30 | Breakfast (``Center Canteen'')
09:00-09:35 | A Bridging Model for Multi-Core Computing |
Leslie Valiant (Harvard University)
09:35-10:10 | Amorphous Data-Parallelism |
Keshav Pingali (University of Texas, Austin)
10:10-10:45 | Obliviousness |
Bradley C. Kuszmaul (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
10:45-11:15 | Coffee
11:15-11:50 | Performance of Fractal-Tree Databases |
Michael Bender (Stony Brook University and Tokutek, Inc.)
11:50-12:25 | Network Obliviousness |
Gianfranco Bilardi (University of Padova)
13:00-14:00 | Lunch (``Center Canteen'')
15:00-16:00 | Discussion Session II: Dynamic Approaches to Performance Optimization: Optimization at the Application Level. Part A: Target Questions |
16:00-16:30 | Coffee
16:30-17:05 | Automatic Performance Tuning: Today and Future Challenges |
Jacqueline Chame (University of Southern California)
17:05-17:40 | Enhanced Performance Analysis of Parallel Applications with an Integrated Tool-chain |
Bernd Mohr (Jülich Supercomputing Center)
17:40-18:15 | Scalable performance analysis on large systems: What to do with all the data? |
Wolfgang Nagel (Technical University of Dresden)
20:00-21:30 | Dinner, Casina Pontormo, Via dei Cappuccini, 460, Bertinoro (0543 445699) |
Thursday, September 24
07:30-08:30 | Breakfast (``Center Canteen'')
09:00-09:35 | Dynamic Adaptability for a Many-computing Element Dataflow Processor |
Lorenzo Verdoscia (Institute for High Perf. Comp. and Networking (ICAR) - CNR)
09:35-10:10 | HCE: The Optimized Design Flow from ANSI C Programs to Optimized FPGA Architectures |
Paolo Palazzari (ENEA and Ylichron Srl)
10:10-10:45 | The QPACE Project |
Fabio Schifano (University of Ferrara & INFN - Ferrara)
10:45-11:15 | Coffee
11:15-11:50 | On the Implementation of Circuits for the Discrete Fourier Transform |
Carlo Fantozzi (University of Padova)
11:50-12:25 | Self-adaptive Networks: a Coordination Concept for Open Environments |
Frank Penczek (University of Hertfordshire)
13:00-14:00 | Lunch (``Center Canteen'')
14:30-16:30 | Discussion Session II: Dynamic vs. Static Approaches to Performance Optimization: Optimization at the Application Level. Part B: Answers and Directions for Further Research |
20:00-21:30 | Dinner, Osteria PerBacco, Via Mazzini 62, Bertinoro (0543 444371) |