
Sunday, September 18
17:00-20:00Check-in & Reception (“University Residential Center” - Via Frangipane, 4)
19:00-21:00Welcome Buffet (“Center Canteen” - Via Frangipane, 2)

Monday, September 19
07:30-08:45Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)
08:30-08:45Registration (“Fresco Room” - La Rocca, Via Frangipane, 6)
09:00-09:30Cognitive systems: A status
Pratap Pattnaik (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
09:30-10:00Using machine learning to support human learning
 Manish Gupta (Xerox Research Center India)
10:00-10:30Data analytics in the automotive industry – a report from aftersales
Thomas Husslein (Optware)
11:00-11:30Parallel graph analytics on the Galois System
 Keshav Pingali (University of Texas at Austin)
11:30-12:00Mitigating impact of memory access latencies in large graph analytics
 Manoj Kumar (IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center)
12:00-12:30Translating HPC performance tools to big data and analytics
 Allen D. Malony (University of Oregon)
13:00-14:30Lunch (“Center Canteen”)
15:00-15:30Big data in molecular dynamics simulations
 Andrea Cavalli (University of Bologna and IIT)
15:30-16:00Directions and early performance results on the Thick Control Flow architecture
 Martti Forsell (VTT Electronics)
16:30-18:00Discussion Session IA: What is Big Data?
 Coordinators: Manish Gupta, Thomas Husslein, Allen Malony
20:00-22:30Dinner, Orocolato, Via Roma 10, 47032 Bertinoro (+39 331 578 8333)

Tuesday, September 20
07:30-08:45Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)
09:00-09:30Bringing high performance to big data and cloud computing
 Bill McColl (Huawei Research)
09:30-10:00Using predictive modeling to evaluate analytics workloads
Nathan Tallent (PNNL)
 Wolfgang Nagel (T.U. Dresden)
11:00-12:30Discussion Session IB: What is Big Data?
 Coordinators: Manish Gupta, Thomas Husslein, Allen Malony
12:45-13:45Lunch (“Center Canteen”)
14:00-19:30Excursion to Bologna
19:30-22:00Social Dinner, Hotel Monte del Re, Via Monte del Re 4, 40060 Dozza (BO) (+39 0542 678400).

Wednesday, September 21
07:30-08:45Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)
09:00-09:30Sparse matrix-matrix multiplication for data analytics on GPUs
 Saday Sadayappan (Ohio State University)
09:30-10:00On the analysis of explicitly-parallel languages
Alain Darte (ENS Lyon)
10:00-10:30Getting stable lists of biomarkers from high-throughput data: integrating prior knowledge in the learning process
 Barbara Di Camillo (University of Padova)
11:00-11:30Communication costs in sparse linear algebra
Oded Schwartz (Hebrew U.)
 J. (Ram) Ramanujam (Louisiana State University)
12:00-12:30Lower bound techniques for communication in the memory hierarchy
 Gianfranco Bilardi (University of Padova)
13:00-14:30Lunch (“Center Canteen”)
15:00-15:30An adaptive algorithm for WK topologies
 Lorenzo Verdoscia (CNR - ICAR Napoli)
15:30-16:00Optimization of gas turbines through analyzing large amounts of sensor data
 Carsten Trinitis (T.U. Munich)
16:00-16:30Dynamic binary rewriting for optimization of parametric data processing
 Josef Weidendorfer (T.U. Munich)
17:00-18:30Discussion Session IIA: Computing requirements and approaches
 Coordinators: Manoj Kumar, Saday Sadayappan, Carsten Trinitis
18:30-19:00Visit to Bertinoro Inter-Faith Museum (La Rocca, Via Frangipane, 6)
20:00-22:00Dinner, Ca' de Be Osteria Enoteca, Piazza della Liberta' 10, 47032 Bertinoro (+39 342 351 1496)

Thursday, September 22
07:30-08:45Breakfast (“Center Canteen”)
09:00-09:30A practical randomized CP tensor decomposition
Casey Battaglino (Georgia Tech)
09:30-10:00A portable heterogeneous implementation of the D2Q37 Lattice Boltzmann Method
 Alessandro Gabbana (University of Ferrara)
10:00-10:30Alignment-free techniques for comparison of genomic and meta-genomic sequencing data
 Michele Schimd (University of Padova)
10:30-11:00Algorithms and heuristics for scalable betweenness centrality computation
 Flavio Vella (Sapienza U. of Rome and CNR-IAC)
11:30-13:00Discussion Session IIB: Computing requirements and approaches
 Coordinators: Manoj Kumar, Saday Sadayappan, Carsten Trinitis
13:00-14:30Lunch (“Center Canteen”)
19:30-21:30Dinner (“Center Canteen”)