My main research interests deal with Terminology and how to correctly transfer information in the medical field between different categories of people involved.
The main research contributions within this field concern:
Development of the FAIR terminology paradigm for the optimal organization of terminological data compliant with the FAIR principles of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Association. This paradigm is based on the latest ISO TC/37 SC/3 standards on terminology management in order to ensure Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, and Reusability of terminology.
Development of a multilingual terminological resource, named TriMED, designed for three possible users involved in medical communication: physicians, patients and technical-scientific translators;
Realisation of a new model of terminological record providing a wide range of linguistic information especially for scientific translation and patient-centered communication;
Focus on ISO standards about Terminological Markup Framework (TMF), Data Categories Repository (DCR) and TermBase eXchange (TBX);
Definition of a linguistic and terminological methodology for query rewriting in the field of Medical Systematic Reviews;
Formal definition of "technical term" including the assessment of different levels of technicality and specificity of medical terms through computational approaches;
Development of computational methods in order to perform François Rastier's Semic Analysis.