Short bio
I am Full Professor at the Department of Information Engineering (DEI) of the University of Padova, where I am one of the coordinators of the SIGNET research lab.
My research interests are mainly in wireless protocols and (conventional and unconventional) networks. I got the Laurea degree in Computer Engineering (summa cum laude) in 1998, from the University of Padova, Italy and the Ph.D. in Electronic and Telecommunications Engineering in 2002, with a thesis titled
"Analysis and Modeling of Wireless Data Networks" . From December 2000 to September 2001, I was a visiting scholar at the
Department of Computer Science of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) in the research group of Prof. M. Gerla.
My main research activity is in the field of protocol design, optimization, and performance evaluation of wired and wireless networks. I have authored 190+ papers and have been serving in the editorial board of several top journals, such as IEEE Internet of Things Journal, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking.
I have taken part to the definition of the Italian National Plan for Research for the 2021-2027 period (PNR 2021-2027) , given several talks and presentations on the field of Internet of things for Smart Cities and Industrial applications, and directed or participated to a number of national and international research projects.
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