Permanent radiation effects in advanced CMOS technologies: study of the microdose effects induced by heavy-ion strikes on decananometer Silicon On Insulator (SOI) transistors; effects of radiation total dose on circuits employed in space applications and high energy physics experiments; Single Event Gate Rupture (SEGR) experiments on CMOS devices.
Study of the interface betweed microelectronics and biological materials: analysis of the effects og biological components on electrical and optical parameters, using both numerical modeling and different transduction strategies, e.g., electrochemistry and plasmonics.
Devices for biological analysis and investigation: design, study, developments and characterization of new integrated microsystems able to actively and passively interact with biologic substances, in order to improve biological analysis techniques for the detection of specific target molecules.
Ultra low power radios for Internet of Things: design and prototyping of fully integrated transceivers based on UWB Impulse Radio technology for short-range, low data-rate applications with extremely demanding power and energy constraints.
Characterization of solar cells with different structures and layer composition, both polymeric and dye-sensitized solar cells; External and Internal Quantum efficiency measurements; Advanced characterization techniques such as: electroluminescence; thermal characterization; Impendance Spectroscopy (IS); Deep level transient spectroscopy (DLTS); Open Circuit Voltage Decay (OCVD); applied bias voltage decay (ABVD).
Impendance model of organic/hybrid solar cells. 1D/2D simulations.
Study of the physical mechanisms that limit the internal quantum efficiency of GaN-based LEDs and laser diodes emitting in the visible, NUV and DUV spectral region, based on combined EL, differential carrier lifetime, deep level transient spectroscopy measurements.
Analysis of the reliability-limiting mechanisms in GaN-based LEDs and lasers: characterization of defects, analysis of the failure modes, definition of models for the degradation processes, failure analysis; study of the effects of EOS and ESD at device and system level.
Characterization of OTFT and BioSensors by means of standard DC, AC and transient measurements, such as EIS (Electrochemical Impendance Spectroscopy) and DLTS (Deep level transient spectroscopy).
Modeling of OTFT and BioSensors by means of simulations, physical models, circuital models, impendance models.
Reliability study of OTFT by means of accelerated electrical stress, light and UV exposure, thermal storage.