Frequently Asked Question

- Matlab Campus license: expire warning message
Last Updated 6 years ago

When running matlab with UNIPD Campus license:

Your MATLAB license will expire in X days.
Please contact your system administrator or
MathWorks to renew this license.

1 Open MATLAB (If the license has already expired, the activation client will launch and you can skip the next step)
2 Navigate to Help Menu > Licensing > Activate Software
3 Choose to Activate using Internet
4 Once reactivated you, will need to restart MATLAB before the new license file is recognized
If the installation has already expired, you will be prompted to activate when attempting to launch MATLAB. As long as the activation finishes successfully, it will roll over to the new license file once the old one expires. You might continue to see the expiration warning in MATLAB until the old file expires.


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