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Premio di studio Zegna

Dal 14.02.2022 al 21.03.2022

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Scadenza 21 marzo 2022


AppQInfo is looking for 1 ESR position (full-time 36 months)



AppQInfo (Applications and Hardware for Photonic Quantum  Information Processing) is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN).The aim of AppQInfo is to provide a world class training in photonic Quantum Information Processing (pQIP), and prepare an excellent cohort of Early Stage Researchers (ESRs) to become the future R&D staff of Europe’s emerging markets in this area.

One PhD vacancy is available for highly motivated ESR position (full-time 36 months) as part of the H2020, EU-funded, MSC ITN “AppQInfo”. EURAXESS Job Offer id:676245.

The research topics of the position are the following:

-ESR4: Exploitation of entanglement in quantum networks

Objectives: Experimental exploitation of entanglement in quantum networks (protocol beyond QKD, quantum computation, fundamental test of physics).

Expected Results: Advancing the capabilities of entangled-based quantum communication.


ERS will be primarily hosted by the University of Padova-Department of Information Engineering (Italy) with stays in

other partner institutions (secondments).

Job offer and Application form can be found here: - (google account is required to access)


(Deadline 9/09/2021, 11 p.m. CET)

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No.956071.


Premi Infineon 2021

Dal 04.05.2021 al 01.11.2021

Scadenza: 02/11/2021


Bando Premi di Studio Sergio Gambi 2021

Dal 29.04.2021 al 02.11.2021

Scadenza: 02/11/21


Premio Soroptimist International Club di Bassano del Grappa e Vicenza - scadenza 30 giugno 2021

Dal 16.04.2021 al 30.06.2021


A chi è rivolto: studentesse meritevoli regolarmente iscritte per l’a.a. 2020/21 al primo anno dei corsi di Laurea Magistrale afferenti alla Scuola di Ingegneria e di Scienze dell’Università degli Studi di Padova.

Tipologia: un premio di studio del valore di 2.500,00 Euro

Scadenza: 30 giugno 2021

Domanda di partecipazione in moodle

Link di download del bando:


Esami di stato per l'abilitazione all'esercizio della professione di Ingegnere dell’Informazione


Risultati esami Seconda sessione 2020


Premio Valori d’Impresa di Assindustria Venetocentro

Dal 25.03.2021 al 10.09.2021

Scadenza 10 settembre 2021 ore 12:00


SSIE Summer PhD School

Dal 10.03.2021 al 10.05.2021

Registrations are open. Find how more


IRCDL 2021 the 17th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries

Dal 18.02.2021 al 18.03.2021

IRCDL 2021 the 17th Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries
Information and Research Science connecting to Digital and Library Science


Since 2005 the Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries is a yearly date for researchers on Digital Libraries and related topics, organized by the Italian Research Community. Over the years IRCDL has become an important national forum focused on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues. IRCDL encompasses the many meanings of the term “digital libraries”, including new forms of information institutions; operational information systems with all manner of digital content; new means of selecting, collecting, organizing, and distributing digital content; and theoretical models of information media, including document genres and electronic publishing. Digital libraries may be viewed as a new form of information institution or as an extension of the services libraries currently provide. Representatives from academia, government, industry, research communities, research infrastructures, and others are invited to participate in this annual conference. The conference draws from a broad and multidisciplinary array of research areas including computer science, information science, librarianship, archival science and practice, museum studies and practice, technology, social sciences, cultural heritage and humanities, and scientific communities. This year its focus is on bridging the wide field of Research and Information Science with the related field of Digital Libraries. Indeed, IRCDL historically approached on “Digital libraries” embracing the field at large also comprehending three key areas of interest that can be synthesized as scholarly communication (e.g. research data, research software, digital experiments, digital libraries), e-science/computationally-intense research (e.g. scientific workflows, Virtual Research Environments, reproducibility) and library, archive and information science (e.g. governance, policies, open access, open science).

Conference Link:


Gianmaria Silvello, (University of Padua, Italy)
Stefano Ferilli, (University of Bari A. Moro, Italy)
Paolo Manghi, (ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy)
Antonella Poggi, (Sapienza University of Rome, Italy)
Giuseppe Serra, (University of Udine, Italy)


18-19 February 2021


The participation to the conference is free of charge. Registration is required anyway.
The registration form for you to fill in is at


Potatura alberi Ven 19-Sab 20 Pruning trees Fri 19-Sab 20

Dal 16.02.2021 al 20.02.2021

[English version below]

Buongiorno a tutti,

si informa che sono previste operazioni di potatura agli alberi presenti nel campus di via Gradenigo 6.

Gli interventi sono così programmati:

Venerdì 19, l’area coinvolta sarà tra il DEI-G lato sud e il DEI-D lato ingresso portineria. L’area sarà interdetta al personale e al parcheggio auto e bici.

Saranno posizionati cartelli con indicazioni di togliere o di non posteggiare le bici ed auto per evitare che siano colpite dai rami tagliati.


L’ingresso al dipartimento sarà esclusivamente mediante l’accesso dal lato Sud.

L’ingresso ed uscita dal lato portineria non sarà usufruibile e sarà segnalato il divieto con il nastro bianco-rosso.

Terminate le potature l’ingresso dalla portineria sarà ripristinato.

Sabato 20, la potatura interesserà gli alberi lungo i viali di ingresso (vicino al Dipartimento di Geoscienze e quello vicino al Dip. di Ing. Industriale).

Per la giornata di Sabato 20, chi dovesse entrare nel campus è pregato di parcheggiare l’auto nel parcheggio fronte strada.

Per accedere al l’edificio 00275 (DEI-A) si deve usare il viale accanto al muro di confine lato Est.


Lorenzo Franceschin


Good morning everyone,

we inform that are planned pruning trees in the campus.

The interventions are scheduled as follows:

On Friday, 19, the area involved will be between the DEI-G on the south side and the DEI-D on the front entrance side.

The area will be closed, car and bike parking will be forbidden.

Cartels will be placed with indications to remove or not park bikes and cars to prevent them from being hit by cut branches.

ATTENTION: Entrance to the department will be exclusively through access from the South side.

The entrance and exit from the concierge side will not be usable, and the ban will be signaled with the white-red tape.

On Saturday, 20, the pruning trees will be along the entrance avenues (near the Department of Geosciences and the Department near Industrial Engineering Department).

For the day of Saturday 20, those entering the campus are asked to park their car in the parking front of the street.

To access building 00275 (DEI-A), the avenue must be used next to the border wall on the east side.



