About the Course
The course is held at the Department
of Information Engineering, University
of Padova, Italy.
Instructor: Carlo
Tutor: Sebastian
General information about course unit contents, prerequisites,
examination methods, assessment criteria, textbooks (and optional
supplementary readings) are available in the course
Grading of Projects
Be aware that quality will be rewarded more than quantity. For instance, an application that provides only basic functionalities but is "rock solid" will get higher grades than an application that offers a lot of optional functions but does not respect the UI guidelines for the chosen platform, does not properly handle error conditions, stops recording data when it is moved to the background, and so forth. The quality of the source code will be also considered in the grading process. For instance, source code that is properly commented and highly modular will be favored over code that lacks comments, uses cut-and-paste instead of inheritance, and so forth.