Alessandro Languasco









Alessandro Languasco

Papers: List Papers; (with Abstracts); Curriculum (in Italian): long version ; short version; in English: long version. Google Scholar profile. ResearchGate page. Orcid ID. Scopus Author ID. Web of Science Researcher ID, Mathematical Reviews page, Zentralblatt page, IRIS-CINECA bibliometric parameters (italian ASN) [2023]. English C1 badge.

Programs: A. Languasco

When I was a high-school student I learned how to write computer programs. During the last four decades I used several programming languages for work, fun, and research. In fact during these years, I wrote programs in EDL (IBM series/1 event driven language), Fortran IV, Fortran 77, MS-DOS Basic, Cobol, Digital PDP-11 Assembler, Pascal, Modula-2, LISP, C. More recently I learned how to use some scripting languages as python and the ones of Pari/GP and MAXIMA. In several occasions I had the chance to exploit my programming skills for some mathematical purpose; sometimes I got some publishable results. In this page I collect some links to webpages containing softwares and numerical results.
Due to the phenomenon mentioned in P0 below, I have to state the obvious fact that if you wish to use some of the softwares below for your own research, you should acknowledge the author and cite the relevant paper in which the program was used first. In other words, you can use them but you have to cite the paper of mine that contains such programs. I was already forced to remove some of the source codes from these pages!!!

[P0] Sometimes I helped colleagues by providing the numerical result they needed or some of the following programs, see, e.g., these papers [C1] , [C2] , [C3] , [C4] .

Sometimes they directly used my programs without citing my papers (I don't know why !!!): [U1] , [U2] , [U3] .
  1. Mertens' constants for a product over primes in arithmetic progressions
  2. Mertens' and Meissel-Mertens' constants for sums over primes in arithmetic progressions
  3. Exponential sums over powers of two
  4. Computation of the Euler-Kronecker constants for prime cyclotomic fields (and the generalised Euler constants in arithmetic progressions)
  5. Computation of the Kummer ratio of the class number for prime cyclotomic fields
  6. Numerical verification of Littlewood's bounds for |L(1,χ)|
  7. Computation of Ramanujan-Deninger Gamma function and some number theoretic applications
  8. Small values of | L'/L (1, χ) |
  9. Uniform effective estimates for L (1, χ)
  10. Landau and Ramanujan approximations for divisor sums and coefficients of cusp forms
  11. A unified strategy to compute some special functions of number-theoretic interest
  12. Numerical estimates on the Landau-Siegel zero and other related quantities
  13. Sequences of integers generated by two fixed primes
  14. Computation of the Kummer ratio of the class number for prime cyclotomic fields - reprise
  15. Computation of Euler constants from primes in arithmetic progressions
  16. Computation of the difference between Euler-Kronecker constants for prime cyclotomic fields and their maximal real subfields

  17. Ultimo aggiornamento: 28.09.2024: 10:41:29

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