Alessandro Languasco's Home Page
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ResearchGate page.
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Mathematical Reviews page,
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IRIS-CINECA bibliometric parameters (italian ASN) [2023].
English C1 badge.
I am a member of the
Department of Information Engineering - DEI
of the
University of Padova.
Recent papers and activities:
N. Kandhil, A. Languasco, P. Moree -
Pair Correlation of zeros of Dirichlet L-Functions: A path towards the Montgomery and Elliott-Halberstam Conjectures
- submitted, 2024.
S. Al Haj-Baddar, A. Languasco, M. Migliardi -
Fast and accurate implementation of the Dirichlet multinomial log-likelihood function
- preprint 2024, submitted.
S. Al Haj-Baddar, A. Languasco, M. Migliardi -
Modeling and forecasting overdispersed IoT data using an efficient
and accurate computation of the Dirichlet Multinomial distribution
- accepted for the 2025 Workshop on Computing, Networking and Communications (CNC),
Honolulu, Hawaii, February 17-20, 2025.
N. Khandil, A. Languasco, P. Moree, S. Saad Eddin, A. Sedunova -
Relative class numbers and Euler--Kronecker constants of maximal
real cyclotomic subfields
- preprint, 2024, submitted.
Computational part.
A. Languasco, P. Moree -
Euler constants from primes in arithmetic progression
- to appear in Mathematics of Computation, 2025.
Computational part,
Code Ocean capsule.
N. Kandhil, A. Languasco, P. Moree -
The Brauer-Siegel ratio for prime cyclotomic fields
- submitted, 2024.
N. Kandhil, A. Languasco, P. Moree, S. Saad Eddin, A. Sedunova -
The Kummer ratio of the relative class number for prime cyclotomic fields
- J. Math. Anal. Appl. 538(1):Paper No. 128368, 2024.
Computational part.
A. Languasco -
A partially Decentralised Protocol for a Distributed Encrypted Storage system
- In Jose Bravo and Gabriel Urzaiz, editors, Proceedings of the 15th
International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing & Ambient Intelligence (UCAmI 2023),
pages 195--204, Cham, 2023. Springer Nature Switzerland
S. Al Haj-Baddar, A. Languasco, M. Migliardi -
Efficient analysis of overdispersed data using an accurate
computation of the Dirichlet multinomial distribution
- Accepted for publication on IEEE
Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 2024.
CodeOcean capsule.
A. Languasco, F. Luca, P. Moree and A. Togbé -
Sequences of integers generated by two fixed primes
- submitted, 2023.
Computational part.
Editorial boards member:
Indian Journal of Mathematics
Journal of Approximation Software.
Teaching 2024-2025:
(in Italian) In questo anno accademico sono titolare del corso:
Analisi Matematica 1 - Ingegneria Informatica - canale E
Sottoscrivete la pagina MOODLE del corso
e leggete quanto presente nel FORUM.
Per ulteriori informazioni:
Pagina del corso.
More recent textbooks are listed here; others can be found in the section
A. Languasco, A. Zaccagnini -
Manuale di Crittografia
Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2015 (Italian).
È stata pubblicata la prima ristampa.
Un elenco delle modifiche inserite e alcuni rimandi
a risultati recenti si trovano:
A. Languasco, A. Zaccagnini -
Manuale di Crittografia - Complementi
Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2015 (Italian) - Available on publisher's site.
A. Languasco -
Analisi Matematica 1
Ulrico Hoepli Editore, 2017 (Italiano).
È disponibile un'errata/corrige:
Credits (Ringraziamenti)
- These pages were composed using
a preprocessor for html written by Marco Lamberto.
The picture in the top left corner was shot in Padua,
on august 25th, 2012.
If you click on it you can see me during my talk at the
"Italian-Polish Number Theory Days", Poznan, 2006.
The picture in the bottom left corner was taken by
Francesco Pappalardi
in Cetraro, in July, 2002.
If you click on it you can see a cartoon drawn by an
anonymous student of mine in 1999.
Ultimo aggiornamento: 17.12.2024: 08:12:52