Peer-reviewed journal papers
- E. Bettini, A. Galtarossa, L. Palmieri, M. Santagiustina, L. Schenato, L. Ursini, ‘Polarized Backward Raman Amplification in Unidirectionally Spun Fibers,’ IEEE Phot. Technol. Lett., 20, pp. 27-29, 2008.
- A. Galtarossa, D. Grosso, L. Palmieri, L. Schenato, ‘Reflectometric characterization of hinges in optical fiber links,’ IEEE Photonics Technol. Letters, 20, pp. 854-856, 2008.
- A. Galtarossa, D. Grosso, L. Palmieri, L. Schenato, ‘Distributed Polarization-Mode-Dispersion Measurement in Fiber Links by Polarization-Sensitive Reflectometric Techniques,’ IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 20, pp. 1944-1946, 2008.
- A. Galtarossa, M. Guglielmucci, L. Palmieri, L. Schenato, C. G. Someda, ‘Modeling and design of low PMD spun fiber,’ Fiber and Integrated Optics, 27, pp. 216-222, 2008.
- A. Galtarossa, L. Palmieri, L. Schenato, ‘About the differential group delay of spun fibers,’ IEEE J. Lightwave Technol., 26, pp. 3660-3668, 2008.
- A. Galtarossa, L. Palmieri, M. Santagiustina, L. Schenato, L. Ursini, ‘Polarized Brillouin amplification in randomly birefringent and unidirectionally spun fibers,’ IEEE Phot. Technol. Lett., 20, pp. 1420-1422, 2008.
- L. Schenato, M. Santagiustina, C. G. Someda, ‘Fundamental and Random Birefringence Limitations to Delay in Slow Light Fiber Parametric Amplification,’ IEEE Journal of Lightwave Technology, 26, pp. 3721-3726, 2008.
Conference papers and proceedings
- A. Galtarossa, L. Palmieri, M. Santagiustina, L. Schenato, L. Ursini, ‘Nonlinear polarization-sensitive properties of unidirectionally spun fibers,’ 2008 Bilateral Korea-Italy Workshop on Photonics for Communication and Sensing, pp. 59-60, 2008.
- L. Schenato, M. Santagiustina, C. G. Someda,Schenato, ‘Narrow Band Optical Parametric Amplification for Slow Light in Randomly Birefringent Fibers,’ Tech. Digest Optical Fiber Conference ’08 , pp. 1-3, 2008.
- M. Santagiustina, L. Schenato, C. G. Someda, ‘Fundamental limit of the achievable time delay in Slow-light NB-OPA,’ Proc. IEEE/LEOS Winter Topical Meeting Series, pp. 71-72, 2008.
- M. Santagiustina, L. Schenato, C. G. Someda, ‘Slow Light in Spun Fiber Optical Parametric Amplification,’ Proc. of 2008 Slow and Fast Light (SL) Topical Meeting, 2008.
- L. Palmieri, M. Santagiustina, L. Schenato, L. Ursini, ‘Stimulated Brillouin Scattering in Randomly Birefringent, Unidirectionally Spun Fibers,’ Tech. Digest Optical Fiber Conference ’08, pp. 1-3, 2008.
- A. Galtarossa, D. Grosso, L. Palmieri, L. Schenato, ‘Reflectometric Characterization of Hinges in Fiber Optic Links,’ Proc. Conference on Optical Fiber communication/National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference OFC/NFOEC 2008, pp. 1-3, 2008.
- A. Galtarossa, D. Grosso, L. Palmieri, L. Schenato, ‘Reflectometric Technique for an Almost Complete Characterization of Birefringence in Single-Mode Optical Fibers,’ Proc. 34th European Conference on Optical Communication (ECOC), 2008.
- R. Cigliutti, A. Galtarossa, M. Giltrelli, D. Grosso, A. W. R. Leitch, L. Palmieri, S. Santoni, *L. Schenato, D. Waswa, ‘Optical Polarization Mode Dispersion Compensator for 40 Gbit/s NRZ and RZ systems,’ Proc. Southern Africa Telecommunication Networks and Applications Conference (SATNAC), 2008.
- A. Galtarossa, L. Palmieri, M. Santagiustina, L. Schenato, L. Ursini, ‘Polarized nonlinear amplifiers in randomly birefringent and spun fibers,’
2008 SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, July 21-28 2008, Rome (IT).
- A. Galtarossa, L. Palmieri, L. Schenato, ‘Modeling of randomly birefringent spun fibers,’
2008 SIAM Conference on Nonlinear Waves and Coherent Structures, July 21-28 2008, Rome (IT).
Journal papers
- M. Santagiustina, L. Schenato, C. G. Someda, ‘Luce lenta e luce veloce: dai primi esperimenti alle applicazioni nell’ingegneria dell’informazione,’ Atti Seminario Accademia Galileiana, 2008
Conference papers and proceedings
- A. Galtarossa, D. Grosso, M. Guglielmucci, L. Palmieri, L. Schenato, C. G. Someda, L. Ursini, ‘Caratterizzazione quasi-completa della birifrangenza in fibre ottiche singolo modo attraverso tecnica riflettometrica,’ Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo, Italy, 2008.
- A. Galtarossa, L. Palmieri, M. Santagiustina, L. Schenato, L. Ursini, ‘Amplificazione Brillouin in fibre ottiche a birifrangenza aleatoria e dotate di spin unidirezionale,’ Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo, Italy, 2008.
- L. Schenato, G. Vadala’, ‘Generazione di luce lenta in cristalli fotonici e amplificatori parametrici in fibra ottica,’ Riunione Nazionale di Elettromagnetismo, Italy, 2008.