Peer-reviewed journal papers
- None
Conference papers and proceedings
- None
Journal papers
Conference papers and proceedings
- L. Schenato, D. Benedetti, L. Palmieri, A. Galtarossa, ‘Experimental analysis of fiber optic sensor for detection of precursory acoustic signals in rockfall events,’ Fotonica 2011.
- A. Galtarossa, F. Ferri, A. Galgaro, G. Marcato, A. Pasuto, L. Palmieri, R. Punturo, R. Sassi, L. Schenato, G. Teza, V Di Noto, ‘Ultrasonic emissions related to rocks cracking precursors: first results from rock samples tests,’ Abstract 8th edition of the Italian Forum of Earth Sciences, 2011, Poster Session J5