Cybersecurity for safe underwater acoustic communications (SAFE-UComm)
Funded by NATO
Role: Participant (Jan. 2021 - Dec. 2023)
Project (led by Prof. P. Casari) on security solutions for underwater
acoustic communications.
Cubesat for Quantum and 5G communication (QUANGO)
Funded by EU Research and Innovation Act.
Role: Participant (Jan. 2021 - Dec. 2023)
Project (led by Prof. G. Vallone) on the design of a cube-sat for se-
cure communications based on quantum physics and its integration
with 5G networks.
Optical spatial division multiplexing in 5G front-hauling
Funded by University of Padova
Role: Collaborator (Jan. 2021 - Dec. 2023)
Project (led by Prof. M. Santagiustina) on the design of front-
hauling solutions based on multi-mode fibers.
Position Authenticated Tachograph for OSNAMA Launch (PATROL)
Funded by European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency
Role: Collaborator (Jan. 2018 - Dec. 2019)
Project (led by Prof. N. Laurenti) on solutions for position authen-
tication in tachograph systems.
Enhanced Space Navigation (ENSPACE)
Funded by European Global Navigation Satellite Systems Agency
Role: Collaborator (Nov. 2017 - Oct. 2019)
Project (led by Prof. N. Laurenti) on authentication techniques for
advanced global navigation system receivers.
More Operative and Robust Extension to GNSS Open Service Signal Integrity Protection (MORE GOSSIP)
Funded by European Space Research and Technology Centre
Role: Collaborator (Dec, 2016 - May 2019)
Project (led by Prof. N. Laurenti) on techniques to make the global navigation system mor protected against spoofing attack.
Enhancing communication security by cross-layer physical and data-link (PDX) techniques (ESCAPADE)
Funded by Fund for the investments on basic research (FIRB)
Role: Local coordinator
Project founded by the Italian Ministry of Education and Scientific Research (MIUR), under the scheme FIRB- Futuro in Ricerca. The project lasts three years (March 8, 2012-March 7, 2015), is led by Dr. Marco Baldi (Polytechnic University of Marche) and focuses on physical layer security for wireless systems.
Integrated Terrestrial And CAble - Receiver Design (ITACA-RD)
Funded by Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI)
Role: Collaborator
Collaborating with cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL) (Jun. 2011-Jun. 2012) on the Integrated Terrestrial And CAble Receiver Design (ITACA-RD) project on the development of an integrated DVB-T2 and DVB-C2 receiver.
Design and implementation of a novel control and communication architecture for cooperative operation of distributed harmonic and reactive compensators
Funded by University of Padova
Role: Collaborator
Collaborating on the research project on the control and communication architecture for future smart micro-grids (2009-2010).
DVB-T2 Advanced Software Platform (DASP)
Funded by Swiss Commission for Technology and Innovation (CTI)
Role: Collaborator
Collaborating with cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne (EPFL) (Feb. 2009-Feb. 2010) on the DVBT2 advanced software platform (DASP) project for synchronization of the new generation digital video broadcasting systems.
Network of Excellence in Wireless Communications (NEWCOM++)
Funded by FP7 Europe
Role: Collaborator
NEWCOM++ (Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications) European project (2006-2009) within FP7, prosecution of the NEWCOM project.
Huawei (Italy)
Role: CO-Principal Investigator (Apr. 2021 - Dec. 2021)
Projects on channel estimation and scheduling for cellular systems
with smart relays and intelligent reflective surfaces.
Fondazione Bruno Kessler (Italy)
Role: Supervisor (Oct. 2020 - Oct. 2023)
Sponsoring a PhD scholarship on Machine learning for future genera-
tion cellular networks. The scholarship has been awarded to Alberto
Rech, under my supervision.
Adant (Italy)
Role: Project Leader (Jan. 2020 - Jun. 2020)
Development of beam management algorithms for 5G-NR mmWave
transmission for automotive applications.
Huawei (China)
Role: Project Leader (Jan. 2017 - June 2018)
Huawei Innovation Research Program (HIRP) Open project on CSI
feedback design for cellular systems.
Huawei (Italy)
Role: Project Leader (Jan. 2017 - Dec. 2017)
Two projects on beamforming and scheduling for mm-wave systems.
Institute for Information Industry (III) (Taiwan)
Role: Project Leader
Project (2013) on demand-response techniques for smart micro grids
with simulation test-bed.
Luce in Veneto (Italy)
Role: Collaborator
E-light project (2011-2012) on ICT for illumination. Funded by
Consorzio Luce in Veneto within Regione Veneto funded research
Fondazione Cariparo, Padova (Italy)
Role: Project Leader
Recipient (Jan. 2012-Dec. 2014) of a funding for a three-year Ph.D.
scholarship for a study on the optimization of smart micro grids.
Abilis Systems Sarl (Switzerland)
Role: Project Leader
Three research contracts (2006-2008) on signal processing for digital
video broadcasting. These contracts brought also to joint scienti c
publications and patents.
RAI Research Center (Italy)
Role: Collaborator
Research contracts for new standards on digital video broadcasting
(2007-2013), obtaining contribution to the standard activity, joint
scienti c publications and patents.