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Welcome! I am an associate professor at the department of Information Engineering of the University of Padova. My research is focused on algorithms and data structures for sequence analysis, with application mainly to Bioinformatics and Computational Biology.
I am interested in both methodological and theoretical aspects related to the efficiency of the proposed algorithms and data structures, and software development for the application to real data analysis.
During my carrier I have worked on different problems in bioinformatics, starting with motif discovery, during my PhD, and then moving to phylogeny and metagenomics. Moreover, results on general aspects of pattern matching can be applied also in contexts other than bioinformatics such as, for example text processing and temporal data analysis on which I have collaborated too.
PRIN 2012: Compositional approches for the characterization and mining of omics data\
i>. Principal Investigator (Responsabile Scientifico Nazionale) 2014-2017
Project web site
Participation in Research Project
- Activity 3, spoke 2, NBFC - National Biodiversity Future Center, PNRR.
From 1/9/2022 - current; Role: participant, computational aspects;
- Department Project (SID): ''Algorithms for Networks Analysis and Bioinformatics Applications''; PI Prof. F.Vandin, dal 19/09/2017 to 19/09/2019;
- Project of National Interest (PRIN): ''Compositional approaches for the characterization and mining of omics data'', Role: Principal Investigator; from 17/03/2014 to 17/03/2017; 391929 euro Project web site
- University project: ''Pattern discovery and computational problems for whole genomes comparison'', Role: participant, 2012-2013
- University project: ''Computational Assessment of Protein–Protein Interaction Networks and Validation as a Guide for Modern System Biology'', Role:participant, 2008–2010
- CARIPARO projects of excellence: ''Systems Biology approaches to infer gene and protein time-series expression data'', Role: participant; from 01-07-2008 al 31-12-2011
- European project HuBi - Hungarian Bioinformatics MTKD-CT-2006-042794 with a Marie Curie Host Fellowships for Transfer of Knowledge, 2010
- FIRB Projects (Fundings on fundational research) Italy-Israel ''Pattern Discovery in Discrete Structures, with Applications to Bioinformatics'', Role: participant; from 01-07-2006 to 30-06-2010
- EU Project ''Regulatory Genomics'' 2004-2008, University of Helsinki, Finland. Role: participant;
from 15-09-2005 to 30-11-2006
- Project of National Interest (PRIN): ''Metodologie di data mining per le applicazioni di e-business'', Role; participant; from 01-01-2005 to 31-12-2006
- EU Marie Curie Early Stage Fellowship at European Bioinformatics Institute (EBI), 2005
I had my Ph.D. from the Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, Italy in 2005 under the supervision of Prof. Alberto Apostolico.
- Associate Professor at the Department of Information Engineering (DEI) of the University of Padova, since 2019
- Assistant Professor at the Department of Information Engineering (DEI) of the University of Padova, since 2011
- Senior Research Fellow, DEI, University of Padova, 2008-2011
- PostDoctoral Researcher, Baobab Team (with M.-F. Sagot), University of Lyon I (INRIA fellowship), France, 2007
- PostDoctoral Researcher, dept. Computer Science, University of Helsinki and From Data to Knowledge Center of Excellence (with E.Ukkonen), 2005-2006
- Marie-Curie Early Stage Fellowship at European Bionformatics Institute, Hinxton, Cambridge, UK, 2005
Visiting Scientist at:
- Renyi Institute of Mathematics of the Hungarian Academy of Science (2010)
- GeorgiaTech (2009)
- Purdue University (2004)
- "Avere Trent'anni" research award from the University of Padova, assigned by a commission with both academic and industrial representatives among young researchers of the whole University, 2008
- Outstanding Young Researcher, Department of Information Engineering, University of Padova, 2010
I am a member of the inter-departments Research Center HIT (Human Inspired Technology) of the University of Padova since its fundation in 2013. I was also a member of the Ethic Committee of the Center in 2014-2017.
Reviewer for International Journals:
- Nature - Scientific Reports
- Plos Computational Biology
- BMC Bioinformatics
- Bioinformatics
- Theoretical Computer Science
- BMC Algorithms for Molecular Biology
- IEEE Transaction in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
- Knowledge and Information Systems
- iScience
- International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications
- Journal of Discrete Algorithms
Organizing Committees
- RECOMB 2021: Member of the Organizing committee
- RECOMB 2021: Satellites Local Chair
- RECOMB 2020: Member of the Organizing committee
- RECOMB 2020: Satellites Local Chair
- BITS 2020: Conference of the Bioinformatics Italian Society. Expected role: co-chair. The conference did not take place due to the pandemic
- Workshop on algorithms and tools for the analysis of big omics data, co-located with BITS 2019. General Co-Chair together with Simona E. Rombo and Fabio
- Genome Compression Day, main organizer, Padova, 10th September 2018
- AxA Workshop: Advanced Algorithms on strings: Organizing Committee co-chair
- RECOMB 2006: Organizing Committee Member
- Dialogues 2004: joint event including: Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE), Discovery Science (DS), and Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT): Organizing committee member.
- ESSIR2000: European Summer School in Information Retrieval. Student volunteer.
Program Committees
Co-chair of RECOMB-Seq (co-chair) 2021
Participation to PC:
Current (2022/2023): RECOMB2022, SPIRE2023, CIBB2023, ICTCS2023, EPIA2023
Past PC memberships: RECOMB, CPM, SPIRE, WABI, ITBAM, Global Health, EPIA - Artificial Intelligence in Medicine track, CiE, BIGPMED
Research | Publications | ABCLab | Software | Teaching | Contacts |