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Keynotes & Tutorials & Panels & Talks
[Nov. 26, 2021] Seminar "Modern Sensing, Communication, and Learning technologies for advanced “smart” services" , @ Stavanger AI La, Norway [Slides]
[Sep. 07, 2021] Tutorial "Communications and Networking in Droplet-based Microfluidics" , @ International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS) 2021
[Jun. 07, 2020] Tutorial "Communications and Networking in Droplet-based Microfluidic Systems" , @ IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), 7-11 June 2020
[Apr. 25-26, 2021] Speaker @ "Digital Transformation Training" , SMACT Competence Center (online event)
Internet delle cose: tecnologie, applicazioni e potenzialità.
[Dec. 2, 2020] Speaker @ "CityVision: IL FUTURO DELL’INTELLIGENT CITY, OGGI" , (online)
Building the future: bonus & tech to build intelligent cities
Post-Covid facilities and housing technologies for an intelligent transformation of cities
[Apr. 25-26, 2020] Teacher @ "Applied Machine Learning: Examples in the ICT domain" , 5G Academy, University of Naple Federico II (Italy)
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning, and examples of applications of ML to ICT problems. [lecture 1] [lecture 2]
[Jun. 20, 2019] Invited Speaker @ Future Internet Security School , University of Padova, Padova (Italy)
A high level perspective on 5G technologies and applications [slides] [Abstract]
[Sep. 14, 2018] Keynote Speaker @ International Congress in Systems Engineering (CIIS) , University of Lima, Lima (Perù)
Smart Cities: potential and challenges [slides] [short paper]
[Sep. 13, 2018] Tutorial @ University of Lima, Lima (Perù)
Cognition-based networks: applying cognitive science to wireless networking
[Dec. 4, 2017] Panelist @ IEEE Globecom 2017: Workshop On Low Power Wide Area Networking Technologies For Emerging Internet Of Things (Lpwa4Iot) ,
Panel - Latest advances of Low Power Wide Area networking technologies towards IoT
[May 09-11, 2017] Invited Talk @ 2nd Workshop on Molecular Communications , A Microfluidic Communication Link: Definition, Analysis and Experimentation
[May 05, 2017] RWTH, Aachen (Germany),
Introduction to microfluidics networking
[May 14, 2016] Keynote speech @ IEEE MOCAST ,
Internet of Things for Smart Cities: vision and reality
[May 10, 2016] Mantova Smart City, Panel
Tecnologie e architetture per costruire servizi urbani intelligenti
[Sep. 7, 2015] The 2015 IEEE SPS Italy Chapter Summer School on Signal Processing (S3P ),
IoT for Smart Cities: requirements, challenges, and experimental results
[May 6, 2015]
PhD School in Brain Mind and Computer Science, Dep. of Mathematics (UniPD ),
IoT for Smart Cities
( Part A -
Part B -
Part C )
[Oct. 28, 2014]
Telenor Group, Oslo, Norway,
A research perspective on 5G access networks: issues, methodologies and ways forward
[Jul. 10, 2014]
PhD Summer School of Information Engineering, Brixen (BZ), Italy,
Signal processing: networking perspective
[Jan. 16, 2014]
Italian Networking Workshop 2014, Cortina, Italy,
When bits get wet: introduction to microfluidic networking
[Oct. 22, 2013]
European Regional Conference of the International Telecommunication Society (ITS 2013), Florence, Italy,
Panel session 2: Machine-to-machine communications
[Jul. 30, 2013]
Trinity College of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland,
When bits get wet: introduction to microfluidic networking
[Jan. 9-11, 2013]
Italian Networking Workshop 2013, Bormio, Italy,
Theoretical Analysis of the Capture Probability in Wireless Systems with Multiple Packet Reception Capabilities
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