
Publications of Leonardo Badia

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Journal Papers
An economic model for the radio resource management
in multimedia wireless systems
L. Badia, M. Lindström, J. Zander, and M. Zorzi,
Elsevier's Computer Communications,
vol. 27, pp. 1056--1064, April 2004.
On the delay statistics of SR ARQ over Markov channels
with finite round-trip delay
M. Rossi, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, vol. 4, no. 4, July
Radio resource management with utility and pricing for wireless LAN
L. Badia and M. Zorzi,
Kluwer Wireless Personal Communication Journal, vol. 34, no. 1--2, pp.
127--142, July 2005.
An approach to wireless scheduling considering revenue and users'
L. Badia and M. Zorzi,
The Mediterranean Journal of Computers and Networks, January 2006.
Pricing VoWLAN services through a micro-economic framework
L. Badia, S. Merlin, A. Zanella, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, February 2006.
On the network utility optimal allocation of radio resources
in WCDMA systems
L. Badia, A. Telesca, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Communications Letters, May 2006.
SR ARQ delay statistics on N-state Markov channels
with finite round trip delay
M. Rossi, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, June 2006.
SR ARQ packet delay statistics on Markov channels
in the presence of variable arrival rate
L. Badia, M. Rossi, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, July 2006.
Routing schemes in heterogeneous wireless networks based on access
advertisement and backward utilities for QoS support
L. Badia, M. Miozzo, M. Rossi, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Communications Magazine, February 2007.
On the impact of physical layer awareness on scheduling and resource
allocation in broadband multi-cellular IEEE 802.16 systems
L. Badia, A. Baiocchi, S. Merlin, S. Pupolin, A. Todini, A. Zanella, and M.
IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, February 2007.
An optimization framework for joint sensor deployment, link scheduling and routing in underwater sensor networks
L. Badia, M. Mastrogiovanni, C. Petrioli, S. Stefanakos, and M. Zorzi,
ACM Mobile Computing and Communication Review (MC2R), October 2007.
A general interference-aware framework for joint routing and link scheduling in wireless mesh networks
L. Badia, A. Erta, L. Lenzini, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Network, January--February 2008.
Energy and connectivity performance of routing groups in multi-radio
multi-hop networks
M. Rossi, L. Badia, P. Giacon, and M. Zorzi,
Wiley's Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (WCMC) Journal,
special issue on Mobility Management and Wireless Access, March 2008.
Markov analysis of selective repeat type II hybrid ARQ using block codes
L. Badia, M. Levorato, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Transactions on Communications, September 2008.
Improved resource management
with user aggregation in heterogeneous multiple access wireless networks
L. Badia, N. Bui, M. Miozzo, M. Rossi, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, September 2008.
Dynamic utility and price based radio resource management for rate adaptive traffic
L. Badia and M. Zorzi,
ACM/Baltzer/Wiley Wireless Networks, October 2008.
Resource management in IEEE 802.11 multiple access networks with price-based service provisioning
L. Badia, S. Merlin, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, November 2008.
On the impact of correlated arrivals and errors on ARQ delay terms
L. Badia,
IEEE Transactions on Communications, February 2009.
A genetic approach to joint routing and link scheduling for wireless mesh networks
L. Badia, A. Botta, and L. Lenzini,
Elsevier Ad Hoc Network Journal, special issue on Bio-Inspired Computing, June 2009.
A channel representation method for the study of
hybrid retransmission-based error control
L. Badia, M. Levorato, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Transactions on Communications, July 2009.
A multimodal interface device for online board games
designed for sight-impaired people
N. Caporusso, L. Mkrtchyan, and L. Badia,
IEEE Transactions on Information Technologies applied to Biomedicine, March 2010.
A Markov framework for error control techniques based on selective
retransmission in video transmission over wireless channels
L. Badia, N. Baldo, M. Levorato, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications,
April 2010.
Cooperation techniques for wireless systems from a
networking perspective
L. Badia, M. Levorato, F. Librino, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, April 2010.
Online QoE computation for efficient video delivery over cellular networks
D. Munaretto, L. Badia, T. Melia, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE COMSOC MMTC E-Letter, March 2012.
A performance evaluation tool for spectrum sharing in multi-operator LTE networks
L. Anchora, M. Mezzavilla, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Elsevier Computer Communications, November 2012.
Promoting cooperation in wireless relay networks through Stackelberg dynamic scheduling
L. Canzian, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Transactions on Communications, February 2013.
Inter-network cooperation exploiting game theory and Bayesian networks
G. Quer, F. Librino, L. Canzian, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Transactions on Communications, October 2013.
A Markov analysis of selective repeat ARQ with variable round trip time
L. Badia,
IEEE Communications Letters, November 2013.
Energy management policies for harvesting-based wireless sensor devices with battery degradation
N. Michelusi, L. Badia, R. Carli, L. Corradini, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Transactions on Communications, December 2013.
Spectrum sharing improves the network efficiency for cellular operators
E. Jorswieck, L. Badia, T. Fahldieck, E. Karipidis, and J. Luo,
IEEE Communications Magazine, March 2014.
A distributed clustering algorithm for coordinated multipoint in LTE
F. Guidolin, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi
IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, October 2014.
Cross-layer analysis via Markov models of incremental redundancy hybrid ARQ over underwater acoustic channels
B. Tomasi, P. Casari, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi
Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 34, pp. 62-74, November 2014.
Optimal transmission policies for energy harvesting devices with limited state-of-charge knowledge
N. Michelusi, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Transactions on Communications, vol. 62, no. 11, pp. 3969-3982, November 2014.
A superprocess with upper confidence bounds for cooperative spectrum sharing
M. Lopez-Martinez, J. J. Alcaraz, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2016.
A game of one/two strategic friendly jammers versus a malicious strategic node
L. Badia and F. Gringoli,
IEEE Networking Letters, 2019.
Energy modeling and adaptive sampling algorithms for energy-harvesting powered nodes with sampling rate limitations
E. Gindullina, L. Badia, and X. Vilajosana,
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies, 2020.
Age-of-information with information source diversity in an energy harvesting system
E. Gindullina, L. Badia, and D. Gündüz,
IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2021.
Game-theoretic mode scheduling for dynamic TDD in 5G systems
C. K. Sheemar, L. Badia, and S. Tomasin,
IEEE Communications Letters, 2021.
Resource sharing in the Internet of Things and selfish behaviors of the agents
L. Prospero, R. Costa, and L. Badia,
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II, vol. 68, no. 12, pp. 3488-3492, 2021.
Impact of transmission cost on age of information at Nash equilibrium in slotted ALOHA
L. Badia,
IEEE Networking letters, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 30-33, 2022.
The rise of #climateaction in the time of the FridaysForFuture movement: A semantic network analysis
C. Suitner, L. Badia, D. Clementel, L. Iacovissi, M. Migliorini, B. G. Salvador Casara, D. Solimini, M. Formanowicz, and T. Erseghe,
Social Networks, 2022.
Modeling value of information in remote sensing from correlated sources,
A. Zancanaro, G. Cisotto, L. Badia,
Computer Communications, vol. 203, pp. 289--297, April 2023.
Tackling age of information in access policies for sensing ecosystems,
A. Zancanaro, G. Cisotto, L. Badia,
MDPI Sensors, vol. 23, no. 7, April 2023.
Analysis of age of information under SR ARQ,
L. Badia,
IEEE Comm. Letters, vol. 27, no. 9, pp. 2308-2312, September 2023.
Projection of socio-linguistic markers in a semantic context and its application to online social networks
T. Erseghe, L. Badia, L. Džanko, M. Formanowicz, J. Nikadon, and C. Suitner,
Online Social Networks and Media, vol. 37, 100271, October 2023.
Swarm of lightsail nanosatellites for Solar System exploration
G. Santi, A. Corso, D. Garoli, G. Lio, M. Manente, G. Favaro, M. Bazzan, G. Piotto, N. Andriolli, L. Strambini, D. Pavarin, L. Badia, R. Proietti Zaccaria, P. Lubin, R. Ragazzoni, and M. Pelizzo,
Scientific Reports, vol. 13, no. 19583, Nov. 2023.
Strategic age of information aware interaction over a relay channel
F. Chiariotti and L. Badia,
IEEE Trans. Commun., vol. 72, no. 1, pp. 101-116, January 2024.
Age of information is not just a number: Status updates against an eavesdropping node
L. Crosara, N. Laurenti, and L. Badia
Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 155, p. 103388, March 2024.
A game of ages for slotted ALOHA with capture
L. Badia, A. Zanella, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, vol. 23, no. 5, pp. 4878--4889, May 2024.
Correlation of multiple strategic sources decreases their age of information anarchy
L. Badia and L. Crosara,
IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems II, vol. 71, no. 7, pp. 3403-3407, July 2024.
Age of information for remote sensing with uncoordinated finite-horizon access
P. Hegde, L. Badia, and A. Munari,
ICT Express, vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 786--791, August 2024.
Effectiveness of distributed stateless network server selection under strict latency constraints
V. Mancuso, L. Badia, P. Castagno, M. Sereno, M. Ajmone Marsan,
Computer Networks, vol. 251, p. 110558, September 2024.
Status update scheduling in remote sensing under variable activation and propagation delays
L. Badia, A. Zancanaro, G. Cisotto, and A. Munari,
Ad Hoc Networks, vol. 163, p. 103583, October 2024.
Scheduling for downlink OFDMA with IRS reconfiguration constraints
A. Rech, L. Badia, and S. Tomasin,
IEEE Trans. Veh. Techn., vol. 73, no. 11, pp. 17859-17863, November 2024.
Clustering-based downlink scheduling of IRS-assisted communications with reconfiguration constraints
A. Rech, M. Pagin, L. Badia, S. Tomasin, M. Giordani, J. Gambini, and M. Zorzi,
IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun., vol. 23, no. 12, pp. 18487--18501, December 2024.
`Strategic interaction over age of incorrect information for false data injection in cyber-physical systems
V. Bonagura, S. Panzieri, F. Pascucci, and L. Badia,
IEEE Trans. Contr. Netw. Syst., March 2025. (to appear)
Strategic backoff of slotted ALOHA for minimal age of information
A. Buratto, A. Munari, and L. Badia,
IEEE Commun. Lett., 2025. (to appear)
Attack strategies among prosumers in smart grids: A game theoretic analysis
L. Badia, M. Borgo, B. Principe, L. Spina, L. Crosara, and E. Gindullina,
IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., 2025. (to appear)
Exogenous update scheduling in the industrial Internet of things for minimal age of information
L. Badia and A. Munari,
IEEE Trans. Ind. Informatics, 2025. (to appear)
Books or Book Chapters
MatES: esercizi di Matematica per l'Elaborazione dei Segnali
(in italian)
L. Badia and D. Mari,
Pitagora, Bologna, 2005.
Scheduling, routing, and related cross-layer management through link activation
procedures in wireless mesh networks
(38 pages)
L. Badia, A. Erta, L. Lenzini, and M. Zorzi,
in: E. Hossain, K. Leung (eds.),
Wireless Mesh Networks: Models, Architectures, Protocols.
Springer-Verlag, 2007.
Routing, interface assignment and related
cross-layer issues in multi-radio wireless mesh networks
(33 pages)
L. Badia, M. Conti, S. K. Das, L. Lenzini, and H. Skalli,
S. Misra, S. C. Misra, I. Woungang (eds.),
Guide to Wireless Mesh Networks.
Springer-Verlag, 2009.
Pervasive video-surveillance systems over TCP/IP networks
(22 pages)
L. Badia, A. Erta, and U. Malesci,
S. Lian, Y. Zhang (eds.),
Handbook of Research on Secure Multimedia Distribution.
IGI Global, 2009.
Game theory. A handbook of problems and exercises.
L. Badia and T. Marchioro
Esculapio, Bologna, 2022.
Conference Papers
On the impact of user mobility
on call admission control in WCDMA systems
L. Badia, M. Zorzi, and A. Gazzini,
Proceedings VTC 2002 Fall, Vancouver, BC, vol. 1, pp. 121--126, Sep.
On the construction of broadcast and multicast
trees in wireless networks: global vs. local energy efficiency
L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, vol. 1, pp. 122--127, Nov.
Accurate approximation of ARQ packet delay statistics over
Markov channels with finite round-trip delay
M. Rossi, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE WCNC 2003, New Orleans, LO, vol. 3, pp. 1767--1772, Mar.
On the delay statistics of an aggregate of SR-ARQ packets over
Markov channels with finite round-trip delay
M. Rossi, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE WCNC 2003, New Orleans, LO, vol. 3, pp. 1773--1778, Mar.
A framework for call admission control threshold setup
and evaluation of the performance in WCDMA systems
L. Badia and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE VTC Spring 2003, Seogwipo, Korea, vol. 2, pp. 1213--1217,
Apr. 2003.
On the estimation of user mobility for improved admission control
algorithms in WCDMA systems
L. Badia, M. Zorzi, and S. Fini,
Proceedings IEEE VTC Spring 2003, Seogwipo, Korea, vol. 2, pp. 1193--1197,
Apr. 2003.
A model for threshold comparison call admission control in third
generation cellular systems
L. Badia, M. Zorzi, and A. Gazzini,
Proceedings IEEE ICC'03, Anchorage, AL, vol. 3, pp. 1664--1668, May
Mobility and stability evaluation in wireless multi-hop networks
using multiplayer games
F. Fitzek, L. Badia, M. Zorzi, G. Schulte, P. Seeling, and T. Henderson,
Proceedings ACM NetGames 2003, San Francisco, CA, pp. 177-185, May 2003.
An economic model for the radio resource management
in multimedia wireless systems
L. Badia, M. Lindström, J. Zander, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE ASWN 2003, Bern, Swiss, July 2003.
A users' satisfaction driven scheduling strategy
for wireless multimedia QoS
L. Badia, M. Boaretto, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings QoFIS 2003, Stockholm, Sweden, Oct. 2003.
Security and authentication concepts for UMTS/WLAN convergence
F. Fitzek, M. Munari, V. Pastesini, S. Rossi, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE VTC Fall 2003, Orlando, FL, vol. 4 , pp. 2343--2347, Oct.
Exact statistics of ARQ packet delivery
delay over Markov channels with finite round-trip delay
M. Rossi, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom 2003, San Francisco, CA, vol. 6, pp. 3356--3360,
Dec. 2003.
Demand and pricing effects on the radio resource allocation of
multimedia communication systems
L. Badia, M. Lindström, J. Zander, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom 2003, San Francisco, CA, vol. 7, pp. 4116--4121,
Dec. 2003.
Neural self-organization for the packet scheduling in wireless networks
L. Badia, M. Boaretto, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE WCNC 2004, Atlanta, GE, vol. 3, pp. 1927--1932, Mar.
An analysis of multimedia services in next generation communication
systems with QoS and revenue management
L. Badia and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE VTC Spring 2004, Milan, Italy, vol. 4, pp. 2012--2016,
May 2004.
On the radio resource pricing for wireless LAN hot-spots
L. Badia and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings WPMC 2004, Abano Terme (PD), Italy, vol. 2,
pp. 600--604, Sept. 2004.
On utility-based radio resource management with and without service
L. Badia and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings MSWiM'04, Venezia, Italy, Oct. 2004.
SR-ARQ delay statistics on N-state Markov channels with finite round trip
M. Rossi, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom 2004, Dallas, TX,
vol. 5, pp. 3032--3036, Dec. 2004.
A technical and micro-economic analysis of wireless LANs
L. Badia and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE WCNC 2005, New Orleans, LO, Mar. 2005.
An optimization framework for radio resource management
based on utility vs. price tradeoff in WCDMA systems
L. Badia, C. Saturni, L. Brunetta, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE WiOpt'05, Riva del Garda(TN), pp. 404--412, April
A radio resource management scheme driven by users' preferences
under the CSMA/CA capacity constraint
L. Badia, C. Bellettini, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE VTC 2005 Spring, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005.
Speculative resource allocation for packet-switched
wireless networks
M. Lindström, L. Badia, J. Zander, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE VTC 2005 Spring, Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005.
On the effectiveness of
logical device aggregation in multi-radio multi-hop networks
M. Rossi, L. Badia, P. Giacon, and M. Zorzi,
Best Paper Award,
Proceedings IEEE MobiWac 2005, Maui (HW), June 2005.
Scheduling for wireless networks with users' satisfaction and revenue
L. Badia and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings ISAS CITSA 2005, Orlando (FL), July 2005 (invited
On the statistics of delay terms in SR ARQ on Markov channels
L. Badia, M. Rossi, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE ISWCS '05, Siena (Italy), September 2005
(corrected version).
Multi-radio resource management for Ambient Networks
F. Berggren, A. Bria, L. Badia, I. Karla, R. Litjens, P. Magnusson, F. Meago, H. Tang, and R. Veronesi,
Proceedings IEEE PIMRC 2005, Berlin (Germany), September 2005.
Multi-radio resource allocation strategies for heterogeneous wireless
L. Badia, C. Taddia, G. Mazzini, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings WPMC 2005, Aalborg (Denmark), September 2005.
Micro-economic strategies for the radio
resource management of heterogeneous access techniques
L. Badia, D. Guerra, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings WPMC 2005, Aalborg (Denmark), September 2005.
On group mobility patterns and their exploitation to logically
aggregate terminals in wireless networks
M. Rossi, L. Badia, N.Bui, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE VTC Fall 2005, Dallas (TX), September 2005.
Queueing and delay statistics of SR ARQ over Markov channels with
non-instantaneous feedback
L. Badia, M. Rossi, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom 2005, St.Louis (MO), December 2005 (to appear).
On the tradeoff
between blocking and dropping probabilities in CDMA networks supporting
elastic services
G. Fodor, M. Telek, and L. Badia,
Proceedings NETWORKING 2006, Coimbra (Portugal), May 2006 (to appear).
On the exploitation of user aggregation strategies in heterogeneous
wireless networks
L. Badia, N. Bui, M. Miozzo, M. Rossi, and M. Zorzi,
Best Paper Award, Proceedings IEEE CAMAD 2006, Trento, Italy, June
A joint technical and micro-economic investigation of pricing data
services over wireless LANs
L. Badia, F. Rodaro, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE IWCMC 2006, Vancouver (BC), Canada, July 2006.
Data aggregation algorithms for sensor networks with geographic
information awareness
L. Badia, E. Fasolo, A. Paganini, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings WPMC 2006, San Diego (CA), USA, September 2006.
QoS-aware distributed resource allocation for hybrid FDMA/TDMA
multicellular networks
S. Merlin, S. Begnini, A. Zanella, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings WPMC 2006, San Diego (CA), USA, September 2006.
An optimization framework for joint sensor deployment, link scheduling
and routing in underwater sensor networks
L. Badia, M. Mastrogiovanni, C. Petrioli, S. Stefanakos, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings ACM WUWNet 2006, Los Angeles (CA), USA, September 2006.
A group mobility model based on nodes' attraction for next generation
wireless networks
L. Badia and N. Bui,
Proceedings IEE Mobility 2006, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2006.
Routing groups in Ambient Networking
R. Agüero Calvo, M. Miozzo, D. Hollós, E. Hepworth, J. Eisl, and L.
Proceedings IEE Mobility 2006, Bangkok, Thailand, October 2006.
Analytical investigation with Markov models of selective repeat Type II
hybrid ARQ
L. Badia, M. Levorato, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom 2006, November 2006.
Joint routing and link scheduling for wireless mesh networks through genetic algorithms,
L. Badia, A. Botta, and L. Lenzini,
Proceedings IEEE WiOpt 2007, Limassol, Cyprus, April 2007.
Fuzzy agreement for network service contracts
D. Bacciu, L. Badia, and A. Botta,
Proceedings CIEF, Salt Lake City (UT), USA, July 2007.
An improved channel quantization method for performance evaluation
of incremental redundancy HARQ based on reliable channel regions
L. Badia, M. Levorato, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings Allerton Conference, Monticello (IL), USA, September 2007.
Mobility-aided routing in multi-hop heterogeneous networks with group mobility
L. Badia, N. Bui, M. Miozzo, M. Rossi, and M. Zorzi,
Best Paper Award,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom, Washington (DC), USA, November 2007.
Fuzzy Admission Control with Similarity Evaluation for VoWLAN with QoS Support
D. Bacciu, A. Botta, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE/IFIP WONS, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, January 2008.
Efficient quantization for feedback controlled networks with type II hybrid ARQ
M. Levorato, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE/ICST RAWNET, Berlin, Germany, March 2008.
A physical model scheduler for multi-hop wireless networks based on local information
L. Badia, A. Erta, L. Lenzini, F. Rossetto, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE MASS, Atlanta (GA), USA, September 2008.
A multimodal network board game system for blind people
N. Caporusso, L.Mkrtchyan, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE Isabel, Aalborg, Denmark, October 2008.
Evaluation of various interference models for joint routing and
scheduling in wireless mesh networks
L. Badia and A. Botta,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom, Broadband Wireless Access symposium, New Orleans (LO), USA, December 2008.
Analysis of an automatic repeat request scheme
addressing long delay channels
L. Badia, P. Casari, M. Levorato, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE WunderNet, Bradford, UK, May 2009.
Analysis of selective retransmission techniques for differentially encoded data
L. Badia, M. Levorato, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE ICC, Dresden, Germany, June 2009.
On the channel statistics in hybrid ARQ systems for correlated channels
M. Levorato, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE Information Theory
Workshop, Taormina (CT), Italy, October 2009.
Evaluation of a potential energy methodology for joint routing
and scheduling in wireless mesh networks
L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE MeshTech, Macau, P.R.C., October 2009.
On the effect of feedback errors in Markov models for SR ARQ packet delays
L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom, Honolulu (HI), USA, December 2009.
Wireless access architectures for video applications:
the approach proposed in the MEDIEVAL project
L. Badia, R. Aguiar, A. Banchs, T. Melia, M. Wetterwald, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE mediaWin symposium, Riccione (RN), May 2010.
Resource sharing in wireless networks: the SAPHYRE approach
E. Jorswieck, H. Mark, A. Kuzminskiy, F. Boccardi, L. Badia, et al.,
(project overview paper, with 21 authors)
Future Network and Mobile Summit 2010 (previously ICT Mobile Summit),
Florence, Italy, June 2010.
Video-enhancing functional architecture for the MEDIEVAL project
D. Corujo, A. Banchs, T. Melia, M. Wetterwald, L. Badia, and R. Aguiar,
Proceedings MONAMI, Santander, Spain, September 2010.
A study of incremental redundancy hybrid ARQ over Markov channel models derived from experimental data
B. Tomasi, P. Casari, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings ACM WUWNet, Woods Hole (MA), United States, October 2010.
Evaluation of deficit round robin queue discipline for real-time traffic management in an RTP/RTCP environment
I. Ahmed, L. Badia, and K. Hussain,
Proceedings IEEE EMS, Pisa, Italy, November 2010.
An analysis of cognitive networks for unslotted time and reactive users
M. Levorato, L. Badia, U. Mitra, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE MASS, San Francisco (CA), United States, November 2010.
A characterization of resource allocation in LTE systems aimed at game theoretical approaches
L. Anchora, L. Canzian, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE CAMAD, Fort Lauderdale, FL, United States, December 2010.
Joint scheduling and resource allocation for LTE
downlink using Nash bargaining theory
L. Anchora, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE ICC, Kyoto, Japan, June
Relaying in wireless networks modeled through
cooperative game theory
L. Canzian, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE CAMAD, Kyoto, Japan, June 2011.
Wireless access
mechanisms and architecture definition in the MEDIEVAL project
M. Mezzavilla, M.Wetterwald, L. Badia, D. Corujo, and A. de la Oliva,
Proceedings mediaWin, Corfu, Greece, June 2011.
Simulation models for the performance
evaluation of spectrum sharing techniques in OFDMA networks
L. Anchora, M. Mezzavilla, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
ACM MSWiM, Miami Beach, FL, United States, November 2011.
Design and evaluation of unified multimedia aware framework for LTE femtocells
I. Ahmed, L. Badia, N. Baldo, and M. Miozzo,
Proceedings ACM MOBIWAC, Miami Beach, FL, United States, November 2011.
A quantitative review of the state of the art in quality provisioning
for multimedia services over next generation networks
I. Ahmed and L. Badia,
Proceedings ACM MOBIWAC, Miami Beach, FL, United States, November 2011.
Using game theory and Bayesian networks to optimize cooperation in ad-hoc wireless networks
G. Quer, F. Librino, L. Canzian, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE ICC, Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 2012.
Operation policies for energy harvesting devices with imperfect state-of-charge knowledge
N. Michelusi, K. Stamatiou, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE ICC, Energy Harvesting for Communications (EHC) workshop, Ottawa, ON, Canada, June 2012.
Correlated energy generation and imperfect state-of-charge knowledge in energy harvesting devices
N. Michelusi, L. Badia, R. Carli, K. Stamatiou, and M. Zorzi,
Invited paper at IWCMC, Limassol, Cyprus, August 2012.
Capacity gains due to orthogonal spectrum sharing in multi-operator LTE cellular networks
L. Anchora, L. Badia, E. Karipidis, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings ISWCS, Paris, France, August 2012.
Resource allocation and management in multi-operator cellular networks with shared physical resources
L. Anchora, L. Badia, H. Zhang, T. Fahldieck, J. Zhang, M. Szydełko, M. Schubert, E. Karipidis, and M. Haardt,
Proceedings ISWCS, Paris, France, August 2012.
Implementation of 2×2 MIMO in an LTE module for the ns3 simulator
F. Guidolin, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE CAMAD, Barcelona, Spain, September 2012.
Impact of battery degradation on optimal management policies of harvesting-based wireless sensor devices
N. Michelusi, L. Badia, R. Carli, L. Corradini, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE Infocom, Turin, Italy, April 2013.
Soft capacity of OFDMA networks is suitable for soft QoS multimedia traffic
D. Chiarotto, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE ICC, Budapest, Hungary, June 2013.
A tunable framework for performance evaluation of spectrum sharing in LTE networks
L. Badia, R. Del Re, F. Guidolin, A. Orsino, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE WoWMoM, Madrid, Spain, June 2013.
Analysis of PHY/Application cross-layer optimization for scalable video transmission in cellular networks
I. Ahmed, L. Badia, D. Munaretto, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE WoWMoM, Madrid, Spain, June 2013.
A game theory framework for active power injection management with voltage boundary in smart grids
G. Cavraro and L. Badia,
Proceedings European Control Conference (ECC), Zurich, Switzerland, June 2013.
Statistical analysis of non orthogonal spectrum sharing and scheduling strategies in next generation mobile networks
F. Guidolin, A. Orsino, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE IWCMC, Cagliari, Italy, July 2013.
Analysis of management policies for multicast transmission of scalable video content in next generation networks
I. Ahmed and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE IWCMC, Cagliari, Italy, July 2013.
Markov analysis of delay statistics for intermittently connected vehicular networks
L. Badia and M. Scalabrin,
Proceedings European Wireless, Barcelona, Spain, May 2014.
A Markov analysis of automatic repeat request for video traffic transmission
L. Badia and A. V. Guglielmi,
Proceedings IEEE WoWMoM, Sydney, Australia, June 2014.
Cognition-based networks: applying cognitive science to wireless networking
L. Badia, A. Testolin, A. Zanella, Marco Zorzi, and Michele Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE WoWMoM workshop on Video Everywhere (VidEv), Sydney, Australia, June 2014.
Fairness evaluation of practical spectrum sharing techniques in LTE networks
F. Guidolin, M. Carpin, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE ISCC, Madeira, Portugal, June 2014.
Analysis of SR ARQ delays using data-bundling over Markov channels
I. Ahmed, L. Badia, A. Petlund, C. Griwodz, and P. Halvorsen,
Proceedings IEEE ISCC, Madeira, Portugal, June 2014.
Enhancing video delivery in the LTE wireless access using cross-layer mechanisms
M. Wetterwald, L. Badia, D. Munaretto, and C. Bonnet,
Proceedings MONAMI, Würzburg, Germany, September 2014.
A performance evaluation framework for LTE cellular networks with beamforming
F. Guidolin, L. Badia, E. Karipidis, J. Lindblom, and M. Zorzi
Proceedings IEEE CAMAD, Athens, Greece, December 2014.
Evaluation of operation policies for
energy harvesting sensor nodes with variable
data traffic
L. Badia and G. Mansutti,
Proceedings European Wireless, Budapest, Hungary, May 2015.
A zero-sum jamming game with incomplete position information in wireless scenarios
M. Scalabrin, V. Vadori, A.V. Guglielmi, and L. Badia
Proceedings European Wireless, Budapest, Hungary, May 2015.
Multi-armed bandits with dependent arms for cooperative spectrum sharing
M. Lopez-Martinez, J. J. Alcaraz, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE ICC, London, UK, June 2015.
A study on the coexistence of fixed satellite service and cellular networks in a mmWave scenario
F. Guidolin, M. Nekovee, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE ICC, London, UK, June 2015.
A cooperative scheduling algorithm for the coexistence of fixed satellite services and 5G cellular network
F. Guidolin, M. Nekovee, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE ICC, London, UK, June 2015.
Bayesian game analysis of a queueing system with multiple candidate servers
A.V. Guglielmi and L. Badia,
Best Paper Award,
Proceedings IEEE CAMAD, Guildford, UK, September 2015.
Markov models for electric vehicles: the role of battery parameters and charging point frequency
B. Da Lio, A.V. Guglielmi, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE CAMAD, Guildford, UK, September 2015.
Jamming in underwater sensor networks as a Bayesian zero-sum game with position uncertainty
V. Vadori, M. Scalabrin, A. V. Guglielmi, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom, San Diego, CA, December 2015.
A game theoretical framework for token-based adaptive video streaming
F. Chiariotti, G. Pilon, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom, San Diego, CA, December 2015.
Social communication to improve group recognition in mobile networks
A.V. Guglielmi and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom workshops, San Diego, CA, December 2015.
Impact of correlated primary transmissions on the design of a cognitive radio inference engine
M. Pesce, M. Centenaro, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE ICC, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 2016.
Cyber security of smart grids modeled through epidemic models in cellular automata
G. Cisotto and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE WoWMoM, Coimbra, June 2016.
Markov analysis of video transmission based on differential encoded HARQ
V. Vadori, A.V. Guglielmi, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE WoWMoM, Coimbra, June 2016.
Raising fairness issue of vehicle routing problem
S. Azad, L. Badia, A. Rahman, and J.M. Zain,
Proceedings IEEE ICITE, Singapore, August 2016.
A Markov model accounting for charge recovery in energy harvesting devices
L. Badia, E. Feltre, and E. Gindullina,
Proceedings IEEE WCNC, San Francisco (CA), United States, March 2017.
Towards self-control of service rate for battery management in energy harvesting devices
E. Gindullina and L. Badia,
Proceedings ICC Workshops, Paris, France, May 2017.
Analysis of strategic security through game theory for mobile social networks
A.V. Guglielmi and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE CAMAD, Lund, Sweden, June 2017.
Asymmetry in energy-harvesting wireless sensor network operation modeled via Bayesian games
E. Gindullina and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE WoWMoM, Macao, PRC, June 2017.
Energy cooperation for sustainable IoT services within smart cities
A.F. Gambin, E. Gindullina, L. Badia, and M. Rossi
Proceedings IEEE WCNC, Barcelona, Spain, April 2018.
An optimization framework for energy topologies in smart cities
E. Gindullina and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE WCNC, Barcelona, Spain, April 2018.
A Bayesian game theoretic approach to task offloading in edge and cloud computing
A.V. Guglielmi, M. Levorato, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE ICC, Kansas City, MO, June 2018.
Classification of grasping tasks based on EEG-EMG coherence
G. Cisotto, A.V. Guglielmi, L. Badia, and A. Zanella,
Proceedings IEEE Healthcom, Ostrava, Czech Republic, September 2018.
Game theoretic analysis of road user safety scenarios involving autonomous vehicles
U. Michieli and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE PIMRC, Bologna, Italy, September 2018.
Joint compression of EEG and EMG signals for wireless biometrics
G. Cisotto, A.V. Guglielmi, L. Badia, and A. Zanella,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom, Abu Dhabi, UAE, December 2018.
Average age-of-information with a backup information source
E. Gindullina, L. Badia, and D. Gündüz,
Proceedings IEEE Pimrc, İstanbul, Türkiye, September 2019.
Distributed sensing from energy harvesting wireless devices
E. Gindullina and L. Badia,
Proceedings Softcom, Split, Croatia, September 2019.
Comparison of Nash bargaining and myopic equilibrium for resources allocation in cloud computing
G. Perin, G. Fighera, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom, Hawaii Island, HI, December 2019.
Spreading factor allocation in LoRa networks through a game theoretic approach
A. Tolio, D. Boem, T. Marchioro, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE ICC, online conference, June 2020.
Structural and semantic impact of online collective action
L. Badia, D. Clementel, T. Erseghe, L. Iacovissi, M. Migliorini, B. G. Salvador Casara, and C. Suitner,
Proceedings IEEE NetSci, online conference, September 2020.
A Bayesian game framework for a semi-supervised allocation of the spreading factors in LoRa networks
A. Tolio, D. Boem, T. Marchioro, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE UEMCON, online conference, October 2020.
Crowdsensing strategies inspired by choir management analyzed via game theory,
L. Badia and N. Borra,
Proceedings IEEE UEMCON, online conference, October 2020.
Maximizing airtime efficiency for reliable broadcast streams in WMNs with multi-armed bandits,
G. Perin, D. Nophut, L. Badia, and F.H.P. Fitzek,
Proceedings IEEE UEMCON, online conference, October 2020.
Machine learning for breast cancer classification with ANN and decision tree,
R. Hazra, M. Banerjee, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE IEMCON, online conference, November 2020.
Multi-agent navigation of a multi-storey parking garage via game theory,
E. Gindullina, S. Mortag, M. Dudin, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE ISDS Workshop (co-located with IEEE WoWMoM), online, June 2021.
Reputation-based spectrum data fusion against falsification attacks in cognitive networks,
A. Galeazzi, L. Badia, S.-C. Chang, and F. Gringoli,
Proceedings IEEE MedComNet, online conference, June 2021.
Age of information from two strategic sources analyzed via game theory,
L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE CAMAD, online conference, October 2021.
Reinforcement learning for jamming games over AWGN channels with mobile players,
G. Perin and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE CAMAD, online conference, October 2021.
Game-theoretic economic models of duopolies applied to green ICT design,
M. Cappelletti, N. Cibin, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE EPEC, Montreal, Canada (online), October 2021.
Adversarial jamming and catching games over AWGN channels with mobile players,
G. Perin, A. Buratto, N. Anselmi, S. Wagle, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE WiMob, Bologna, Italy (online conference), October 2021.
Moving drones for wireless coverage in a three-dimensional grid analyzed via game theory,
E. Camuffo, L. Gorghetto, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE APCCAS, Penang, Malaysia, November 2021.
A game theory model for multi robot cooperation in industry 4.0 scenarios,
E. Gindullina, E. Peagno, G. Peron, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE APCCAS, Penang, Malaysia, November 2021.
A stochastic model for age-of-information efficiency in ARQ systems with energy harvesting,
L. Crosara and L. Badia,
Proceedings European Wireless, Verona, Italy, November 2021.
A game theoretic approach to age of information in modern random access systems,
L. Badia and A. Munari
Proceedings IEEE Globecom, Madrid, Spain, December 2021.
Game theoretic analysis of age of information for slotted ALOHA access with capture,
L. Badia, A. Zanella, and M. Zorzi
Proceedings IEEE Infocom, AoI workshop, online, May 2022.
Shapley value as an aid to biomedical machine learning: a heart disease dataset analysis,
D. Scapin, G. Cisotto, E. Gindullina, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE AI4Health workshop, Taormina (ME), Italy, May 2022.
Challenges of the age of information paradigm for metrology in cyberphysical ecosystems,
A. Zancanaro, G. Cisotto, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE MetroLivEnv, Cosenza, Italy, May 2022.
A game theoretic approach for cost-effective management of energy harvesting smart grids,
A. Blinovas, K. Urazaki jr, L. Badia, and E. Gindullina,
Proceedings IEEE IWCMC, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2022.
On the choice of utility functions for multi-agent area survey by unmanned explorers,
L. Pasini, A. Policante, D. Rusmini, G. Cisotto, E. Gindullina, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE IWCMC, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 2022.
Blockage-peeking game of mobile strategic nodes in millimeter wave communications,
L. Badia and A. Bedin,
Proceedings IEEE MedComNet, Paphos, Cyprus, June 2022.
Modeling value of information in remote sensing from correlated sources,
A. Zancanaro, G. Cisotto, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE MedComNet, Paphos, Cyprus, June 2022.
Discounted age of information for networks of constrained devices,
L. Badia and A. Munari,
Proceedings IEEE MedComNet, Paphos, Cyprus, June 2022.
Cost and correlation in strategic wireless sensing driven by age of information,
L. Crosara and L. Badia,
Proceedings European Wireless, Dresden, Germany, September 2022.
A Bayesian game of multisource energy harvesting for batteryless IoT devices,
M. Caligiuri, D. Galizio, F. Lincetto, E. Gindullina, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEIT, IEEE, virtual conference in Malang, Indonesia, September 2022.
PLMP: A method to map the linguistic markers of the social discourse onto its semantic network,
T. Erseghe, L. Badia, L. Dzanko, and C. Suitner,
Proceedings ASONAM, İstanbul, Türkiye, November 2022.
Quality control through game theory of a cascading multi-robot machine vision system,
S. Benfatti, I. Donadi, E. Gindullina, and L. Badia,
Best Paper Award,
Proceedings IEEE COMNETSAT, Solo, Indonesia, November 2022.
Decision making via game theory for autonomous vehicles in the presence of a moving obstacle,
M. Vicini, S. Albut, E. Gindullina, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE COMNETSAT, Solo, Indonesia, November 2022.
Analytical evaluation of age of information in networks of correlated sources
L. Crosara, A. Zancanaro, G. Cisotto, N. Laurenti, and L. Badia,
Proceedings MetroAgriFor, Perugia, November 2022.
Frequency-dependent functional connectivity of brain networks at resting-state,
A. V. Guglielmi, G. Cisotto, T. Erseghe, and L. Badia,
Proceedings BMEiCON, Songkhla-Koh Lipe, Thailand, November 2022.
The role of feedback in AoI optimization under limited transmission opportunities,
A. Munari and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 2022.
Decentralized intersection control using Bayesian game theory,
N. Bastianello and L. Badia,
Proceedings 2nd ISMODE, Jakarta, Indonesia, December 2022.
Selective data offloading in edge computing for two-tier classification with local domain partitions,
F. S. Abkenar, L. Badia, and M. Levorato,
Proceedings Cloud2Things, IEEE PerCom Wkshps, Atlanta, USA, March 2023.
Downlink TDMA scheduling for IRS-aided communications with block-static constraints,
A. Rech, M. Pagin, S. Tomasin, F. Moretto, L. Badia, M. Giordani, J. Gambini, and M. Zorzi,
Best Paper Award,
Proceedings IEEE WCNC Wkshps, Glasgow, United Kingdom, March 2023.
Age of information resilience with a strategic out-of-band relay,
L. Badia and F. Chiariotti,
Proceedings IEEE DRCN, Vilanova i la Gertú, Spain, April 2023.
A Markov game of age of information from strategic sources with full online information,
M. Pagin, L. Badia, and M. Zorzi,
Proceedings IEEE ICC, Rome, Italy, May 2023.
Game theoretic analysis of AoI efficiency for participatory and federated data ecosystems,
A. Buratto, A. Mora, A. Bujari, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE ICC Workshops, Roma, June 2023.
Status update scheduling in remote sensing under variable activation delay,
L. Badia and A. Munari,
Proceedings IEEE BalkanCom, İstanbul, Türkiye, June 2023.
It is rude to ask a sensor its age-of-information: Status updates against an eavesdropping node,
L. Crosara, N. Laurenti, and L. Badia,
Best Paper Award,
Proceedings IEEE BalkanCom, İstanbul, Türkiye, June 2023.
Attack strategies among prosumers in smart grids: A game-theoretic approach
M. Borgo, B. Principe, L. Spina, L. Crosara, L. Badia, and E. Gindullina,
Proceedings icSmartGrid, Paris, France, June 2023.
Strategic energy trading among prosumers in a smart grid
D. Roana, S. Boscolo, L. Crosara, L. Badia, and E. Gindullina,
Proceedings icSmartGrid, Paris, France, June 2023.
Adversarial obstruction of millimeter wave links,
L. Badia, V. Mancuso, and M. Ajmone Marsan,
Proceedings IEEE MedComNet, Ponza island, Italy, June 2023.
Efficiency of distributed selection of edge or cloud servers under latency constraints,
V. Mancuso, L. Badia, P. Castagno, M. Sereno, and M. Ajmone Marsan,
Proceedings IEEE MedComNet, Ponza island, Italy, June 2023.
Data injection in a vehicular network framed within a game theoretic analysis,
L. Crosara, M. Brocco, C. Cavalagli, X. Wu, E. Gindullina, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE MedComNet, Ponza island, Italy, June 2023.
Online domain adaptive classification for mobile-to-edge computing,
F. Shirin Abkenar, L. Badia, and M. Levorato,
Proceedings IEEE WoWMoM, Boston, USA, June 2023.
A game of age of incorrect information against an adversary injecting false data,
V. Bonagura, S. Panzieri, F. Pascucci, and L. Badia
Best Student Paper Award,
Proceedings IEEE CSR, Venice, Italy, July 2023.
A comparative analysis of sensor fusion algorithms for miniature IMU measurements
K. Çoçoli and L. Badia
Proceedings IEEE ISITIA, Surabaya, Indonesia, July 2023.
A comparison of status update optimization and microgrid management,
L. Badia and A. Gandelli
Proceedings IEEE CGEE, Ankara, Türkiye, August 2023.
Strategic status updates in an eavesdropping game,
L. Crosara, N. Laurenti, and L. Badia,
Proceedings European Wireless, Rome, Italy, October 2023.
Move away from me! User repulsion under proximity-induced interference in OWC systems,
O. Kundacina, M. Petkovic, A. Munari, D. Vukobratovic, and L. Badia,
Proceedings European Wireless, Rome, Italy, October 2023.
Strategic interaction over age of information on a quantum wiretap channel,
L. Badia, H. S. Duranoglu Tunc, A. C. Aka, R. Bassoli, F. H.P. Fitzek,
Proceedings European Wireless, Rome, Italy, October 2023.
Analysis of age of information in slotted ALOHA networks with different strategic backoff schemes
A. Buratto and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE CAMAD, Edinburgh, UK, November 2023.
Impact of transmission delays over age of information under finite horizon scheduling
A. Zancanaro, G. Cisotto, A. Munari, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE CAMAD, Edinburgh, UK, November 2023.
Optimizing sensor data transmission in collaborative multi-sensor environments
A. Buratto, H. Tuwei, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE COMNETSAT, Malang, Indonesia, November 2023.
Machine learning misclassification within status update optimization
A. Buratto, B. Yivli, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE COMNETSAT, Malang, Indonesia, November 2023.
Local or edge/cloud processing for data freshness
A. Munari, T. de Cola, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE Globecom, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, December 2023.
Optimizing real-time decision-making in sensor networks
Y. Yiğitbaşı, F. Stroppa, and L. Badia,
Proceedings IEEE DeSE, İstanbul, Türkiye, December 2023.
Energy minimization for participatory federated learning in IoT analyzed via game theory
A. Buratto, E. Guerra, M. Miozzo, P. Dini, and L. Badia,
Proc. IEEE ICAIIC, Osaka, Japan, February 2024.
Massive opportunistic sensing with limited collaboration for age of information
A. Buratto and L. Badia,
Proc. IEEE WCNC, Dubai, UAE, April 2024.
Cybersecurity analysis through Shapley values for a network traffic dataset of Android malware
D. Nikolaeva, A. Buratto, and L. Badia,
Proc. IEEE ICCSP, Melmaruvathur, India, April 2024.
Strategic cooperation in the metaverse: A game theory analysis with age of information
M. Favero, C. Schiavo, L. Verzotto,
A. Buratto, T. Marchioro, and L. Badia,
Proc. IEEE IWCMC, 6GMetaverse Wkshp, Agia Napa, Cyprus, May 2024.
Harsanyi's equilibrium selection for distributed sources minimizing age of information
E. Ðokanović, A. Munari, and L. Badia,
Proc. IEEE MedComNet, Nice, France, June 2024.
DCP: a TCP-inspired method for online domain adaptation under dynamic data drift
A. Buratto, M. Levorato, and L. Badia,
Proc. IEEE WoWMoM, Perth, Australia, June 2024.
Effective sensor selection for human activity recognition via Shapley value
E. Borrella, U. B. Çakmak, E. Gottardis, A. Buratto, T. Marchioro, and L. Badia,
Proc. IEEE MetroLivEnv, Chania - Crete, Greece, June 2024.
Optimal allocation of tasks to networked computing facilities
V. Mancuso, P. Castagno, L. Badia, M. Sereno, and M. Ajmone Marsan
Proc. ACM ASMTA, Venice, June 2024.
Strategic control against an intruder for timely and accurate updates to a reactive receiver
V. Bonagura, S. Panzieri, F. Pascucci, and L. Badia,
Proc. IEEE ECC, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2024.
Distributed access by multiple sources for age of information minimization over a finite horizon
E. Ðokanović, A. Munari, and L. Badia,
Proc. IEEE MetroAutomotive, Bologna, Italy, June 2024.
Medical self-reporting with adversarial data injection modeled via game theory
L. Badia, V. Bonagura, F. Pascucci, V. Vadori, and E. Grisan,
Proc. IEEE ICCSPA, İstanbul, Türkiye, July 2024.
Reinforcement learning for age of information aware transmission policies in slotted ALOHA channels
C. Cavalagli, L. Badia, and A. Munari,
Proc. IEEE ISWCS, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2024.
Distributed and timely smart microgrid management through Markov games
L. Badia and T. Marchioro
Proc. IEEE CGEE, İzmir, Türkiye, August 2024.
Eavesdropping fresh information: A game theoretical approach in dual sender networks
A. Buratto, A. C. Aka, S. Sadeghzadeh, and L. Badia,
Proc. European Wireless, Brno, Czechia, September 2024.
Strategic interaction over pump power for fidelity in spontaneous parametric down-conversion
H. S. Duranoglu Tunc, L. Badia, R. Bassoli, and F. H. P. Fitzek,
Proc. European Wireless, Brno, Czechia, September 2024.
A zero-sum game of age of information over a finite horizon between sensor and adversary
A. C. Aka and L. Badia,
Proc. IEEE IDAP, Malatya, Türkiye,, September 2024.
Timely processing and offloading of short term tasks in the Internet of things
U. Guloglu, L. Badia, and A. Munari,
Proc. IEEE CAMAD, Athens, Greece, October 2024.
Leveraging random access techniques for finite horizon uncoordinated status sensing
E. Ðokanović and L. Badia,
Proc. IEEE MetroAgriFor, Padova, Italy, October 2024.
Timely monitoring of events over a finite time horizon for smart agriculture
M. Lukashkou and L. Badia,
Proc. IEEE MetroAgriFor, Padova, Italy, October 2024.
Two-step interference cancellation for energy saving in irregular repetition slotted ALOHA
E. Recayte, L. Badia, and A. Munari,
Proc. IEEE Globecom, Cape Town, South Africa, December 2024.
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